Health, Medicine
Fukortsin colorless, or how to wash fukortsin?
Do you know what Fucorcin is colorless? First of all, it should be said that Fukortzin is a combination drug. It contains many components. This case is about phenol, boric acid, fuchsine, resorcinol, ethyl alcohol, acetone and distilled water.
On sale there is a solution of Fukortsin. He and prsuto Fukortsin are in fact the same thing. The solution is an antifungal and antimicrobial agent. In addition, it dries and even blows the skin of a person. If we talk about the solution of Fukorcin, then it can be purchased in almost any pharmacy. It has a crimson color and is available only in bottles of ten and twenty five milliliters.
So what is the use of a drug called Fukorcin? Chickenpox, stomatitis, many fungal and pustular ailments of skin, erosion, scratches, wounds and cracks - all this is not the whole list of cases in which this remedy is used. It is worth noting that Fukortzin is applied up to four times a day on damaged areas. After the solution dries, the affected area should be lubricated with a special ointment or paste.
As already mentioned, the drug is used in chicken pox. In this case, many people are wondering what in this situation is best helped: the described Fukortzin or ordinary greens? Well, we answer this question in the following way. Fukortzin, in contrast to all known zelenok, is the most effective means of possessing rather powerful antimicrobial properties. It is much quicker to dry out any inflammation, including in the case of chicken pox. As for the shortcomings of Fukorcin, it is, above all, a persistent coloring of the skin of a person and things, clothes, for example. However, anyone can cope with this minus if he follows our advice.
Than to wash Fukortsin? Some people advise using medical alcohol for this purpose. However, this advice rarely helps. The color of Fucocin provides one of its components - magenta. It in turn discolored in the case of its treatment with sodium sulfite. That's why it's enough to buy a solution of sodium sulfite, and then use it to wash Fukorcin. In addition, you can prepare a mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Remember the ratio of one to two. The solution is kept on the stains for fifteen minutes, and then it is washed off. A solution of bleach will remove such spots from any white surface.
To date, you can buy Fukortsin colorless. This product differs in composition from the ordinary solution of Fukortzin. The fact is that Fucorcin colorless does not contain fuchsin. However, this component provides the antifungal effect of the drug. That is why fukortsin colorless will be less effective in treating any ailments.
If you use an agent to treat a child, be careful. Phenol, which is part of the drug, is quickly absorbed into the blood. For this reason, it is recommended to apply Fukorcin only to the affected areas of the skin. With this use, the product is safe for both children and adults. It should be noted that at the moment there are no exact data on the age at which the drug can be used. Doctors try not to prescribe it for the treatment of newborn babies. If necessary, it is best to replace Fukorcin with something else. In this you will help a children's doctor.
Fukortsin is a fairly effective remedy for stomatitis, although it is considered a drug for external use. However, they need to lubricate only the sores. The price of 10 ml of Fukortsin's vial fluctuates around fifty to seventy rubles.
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