
ENT is ... An otorhinolaryngologist that heals?

Medicine is divided into many specialties. Some doctors stand at the surgical table and save lives for their patients. Others predominantly sit in the offices and receive people with various complaints. In this article, we will talk about the doctor of the specialty of ENT. This is a physician who combines surgical experience and working with patients. It is worth mentioning for what bodies this specialist is responsible. Below you can read about what are ENT diseases. You also need to mention where this specialist takes.

ENT is ...

The doctor, who deals with the division of the science of otorhylyngology, is called the ENT. This reduction comes from the full name of the specialty. ENT is a doctor who studies the condition of the nose, throat, ear and accessory parts of these systems. The specialist can practice children's or adults receptions.

It is worth noting that ENT is a doctor who, if a problem is found in the listed areas, does not send you to another specialist. If necessary, the doctor will provide you with surgical help.

Where does the otorhinolaryngologist?

Currently, there is a unit for public and private medical institutions. And in those, and in others there is a children's ENT and an adult doctor. When choosing a state clinic, the reception of a specialist will cost you absolutely free of charge. However, for this you need to have some documents: passport or birth certificate, insurance policy, snails. When applying to a private medical organization, you may be examined by a paid ENT.

It is worth saying that comparing these two doctors does not make sense. All specialists were trained in the same program and have a medical education. Paid ENT-hospital has the advantage only in that reception can be carried out out of turn. Most often in these clinics are pre-recording for a certain time. This is done for the convenience of patients.

When does a person need an ENT?

The given expert conducts consultations of the population on illnesses of respiratory ways and ear canals. If you have problems with these departments, it is worth to visit the otorhinolaryngologist. Also, the doctor deals with the treatment of areas closely related to the above systems: the vestibular apparatus, the neck and bronchi.

Quite often the conclusion of an otorhinolaryngologist is required for admission to work or admission to an educational institution. Also, all children should undergo annual medical check-ups and visit the ENT.

What happens at the doctor's appointment?

If you have come to an otorhinolaryngologist, then be prepared for a survey and examination. First, the doctor collects an anamnesis and listens to the patient's complaints. If these are not found, then the medic passes to the examination. Children's ENT or an adult doctor using a special lighting device, which is put on the head, examines the nasal sinuses, throat and ears. Special devices, called otoscopes, can be used.

If necessary, treatment is prescribed and a conclusion is issued. In some cases, the doctor is not adequately examined, and he can send a person for additional diagnosis. This can include a snapshot of the sinuses, X-rays, magnetic resonance or computed tomography and so on.

What is the treatment of the otorhinolaryngologist?

As you already know, this specialist practices to eliminate defects in the nose, throat and ear. Treatment can be carried out in conservative or surgical ways. At the same time, the specialist in the forces independently carries out both those and other manipulations. Let's consider in detail the areas of practice of the otorhinolaryngologist and find out which pathologies he is treating.

Diseases of the nose

Often in young children, a disease called adenoiditis is found. This pathology is caused by inflammation and the subsequent proliferation of nasal tonsils. The treatment of this disease is always engaged in ENT. Therapy may be conservative or surgical. Everything depends on the degree of neglect of the pathology.

Also, an otorhinolaryngologist treat inflammation of the nasal passages of the mucosa. Here it is possible to carry a rhinitis, a sinusitis, a genyantritis and so on. In this case, the correction can be complex. In this case, drops or sprays of local effects are prescribed, as well as anti-inflammatory and antiviral drugs. In some cases, antibacterial treatment may be necessary.

Curvature of the nasal septum is also a problem for this specialist. Otorhinolaryngologists are often practiced in plastic medical centers. It can be a special ENT clinic, which has a single direction. If you have any new growth in your nose, then this pathology should also be referred to the otorhinolaryngologist. This includes treatment of polyps, cysts and papillomas.

In some cases, ENT is needed for young children who have put a foreign object into their noses. Thus the doctor can independently remove an extraneous body, provided that it has not passed deeply in respiratory ways.

Diseases of throat

The most common reason for turning to an otorhinolaryngologist is pathology in the throat. It can be an inflammation of the okolothril ring, an increase in the tonsils, irritation in the throat and so on. Diseases can be identified as follows: laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, acute respiratory infections, ARVI and so on. All these pathologies can be cured by an otorhinolaryngologist.

Most often the medic prescribes topical preparations. These can be sprays, lozenges, ointments and oily solutions. In more severe cases, it is recommended to use tablets, syrups and powders. Also the doctor can recommend antibacterial therapy if necessary. Most often this treatment requires tonsillitis and tonsillitis.

Diseases of the ear

Unlike previous pathologies, which the therapist or the pediatrician can in some way correct, the otolaryngologist deals exclusively with the treatment of ear diseases. If there is no timely and appropriate care, the ailment can go into a more serious form and cause complications.

Most often, the otorhinolaryngologist is treated with otitis media. This disease is caused by an inflammatory process in the area of the auditory canal. Otitis can be external, internal, acute, purulent, chronic and so on. All these ailments are treated by the otorhinolaryngologist.

Most often, the medic prescribes antimicrobials for oral administration, drops and compresses for local effects. In some cases, surgery may be required, which most often requires a puncture of the tympanic membrane.

Also, the specialist removes foreign objects that fall into the ear canal. Usually with such a pathology you have to face a child's doctor. In addition, the doctor eliminates sulfur plugs and performs operations to restore the hearing.

Additional areas of work of ENT

In some cases, the otorhinolaryngologist deals with the treatment of an allergic reaction if the pathology is caused by the following symptoms: nasal congestion, runny nose, cough and itching in the throat.

Bronchial asthma and epilepsy also sometimes become pathologies that are dealt with by this specialist. On the violation of the vestibular apparatus is also to inform the otorhinolaryngologist. Sometimes the diseases of the throat, ear and nose can go to the neck area. This treatment should also be carried out by this specialist.

Summarizing, or a short conclusion of the article

So, you now know which doctor is called an ENT or an otorhinolaryngologist. Also you have found out, what exactly this expert treats. In some cities, there is a separate ENT clinic, in which physicians specialize in the above pathologies.

If you have any symptoms of the disease, it is worthwhile to see a doctor as soon as possible. First, consult a therapist. The doctor will examine you and listen to complaints. After this, a referral to the otorhinolaryngologist can be prescribed. Pass the survey on time and stay healthy!

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