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Baby carriage "Aprica Karun plus" - for city walks, tourist trips, long trips

The new creation of the Japanese company "Aprica", the carriage "Karun plus", has an older sister - the model "Aprica Karun". Only having appeared on the market of children's goods, Karoon confidently took a firm position among light strollers. Not surprisingly, because it weighs only 3.6 kg, while it has many advantages of a comfortable walk, including an almost horizontal sleeper. but Designers "Aprica" had to give up some details: "Karun" has weak shock absorbers, not too reliable small wheels, a shallow hood. Of course, despite some shortcomings, this model has become a valuable acquisition in many families, where it was used as a light transport during the travel. Unlike the basic model, the stroller "Aprica Karun Plus" has the advantages of a full-length stroller. All these improvements required adding a kilogram of weight (to the indicators of the predecessor).

"Aprica karun plus" - comfort and safety

Immediately strikes a huge hood, descending to the bumper and creating inside a cozy cocoon, which has a rest and sleep. This hood protects the baby not only from the curious eyes of passers-by, but also from Wind, sunlight, moderate rain. But even with a tightly closed hood the baby will not be in total darkness - enough light will penetrate it, softened by two side windows. Sleeping baby will not only be convenient, but also safe. The ergonomic shape of the seat covered with a breathable double-sided mattress takes care of the comfort, and the safety is provided by an innovative headrest with neck protection, a five-point belt system and a soft bumper. An important role is played by fabrics made of special synthetic fibers, which do not allow overheating and hypothermia, breathing, pleasant to the touch.

"Aprica caroon plus" on the road

For any transport one of the most important indicators is the running gear. The Aprica Karoon plus wheels are dual, with unique fasteners and a reliable brake. The front rotate 360 degrees. The diameter of all wheels is 11 cm, and they are made of rubberized plastic. The main advantage of the wheel system is the innovative 3D depreciation. The frame of the wheelchair is made of aluminum, which is distinguished not only by the minimum possible weight, but also by the highest strength. Parental convenience is supplemented with the possibility of a pen overturn. The complex of these characteristics ensures high maneuverability on the road, stability and Simplicity of management. And delivering a small passenger to the destination, the stroller is easily assembled (as a "book"), maintaining vertical stability.

Design of the stroller "Aprica karun plus"

Absolutely laconic carriage does not look simple at all. Her elegant and noble appearance is emphasized by the absence of unnecessary details and the smoothness of the lines. All this creates a sense of functionality and aristocracy. Textile design is not so conservative: color blocks are supplemented with inserts with provocative peas, tender vegetable prints, stripes.

The choice in favor of quality

On the one hand, Aprica Karoon plus has the full functionality of a comfortable "walk", and on the other - to this day remains one of the smallest mass-produced strollers in the world. Thanks to these qualities, "Karun Plus" is becoming more popular and in demand.

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