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The cat scratches the ear: causes and treatment. Drops from ear mite for cats

If you notice that your cat scratches your ear more often than usual, you should carefully watch it for a day. The reasons for this behavior of the animal can be many. It is quite difficult to find out the cause yourself, as often ear infections have many common symptoms.

To determine the cause, it is necessary to consult an experienced specialist. Therefore, noticing that the cat scratches the ears, bends the head to the side, behaves restlessly, do not engage in self-treatment and postpone the visit to the veterinarian.

Causes of ailment

Sometimes the owners of animals notice that the cat shakes the ear and scratches it very zealously. In this case, even a layman is clear that it is very worried about this site. Such symptoms are very dangerous to ignore, because your pet can scratch very hard (up to the blood) the inner surface of the auricle. As a result, non-healing inflammation appears, which often leads to infection of the blood.

The main factors that cause an earache are:

  • An ear mite (otodectosis);
  • Hematoma after trauma;
  • fungus;
  • abscess;
  • otitis;
  • Eczema and dermatitis;
  • Foreign body;
  • Accumulation of sulfur;
  • allergy.

Let us consider in more detail the most common reasons to understand why a cat scratches its ears, than to treat an animal for various diseases.

Ear mite

The most common disease, which is most common in young cats and in small kittens, is ear scabies. Detecting this disease will help clean the ears. If during this procedure you find a lot of brown color, which also moves poorly, it means that the cat is tortured by ear mites (this mass is a cluster of microscopic organisms). They are the cause of your pet's strongest itch.

In some cases, as a result of scratching, blood infection develops, which often leads to the death of the animal. But despite such terrible consequences, a cat after consultation with a veterinarian can be successfully treated at home.


First of all, the tick mass is removed from the auricles, which is usually collected in crusts. To do this, use a cotton swab dipped in any vegetable oil. When the ears are completely cleaned, they are processed from the inside with such preparations as "Amitraz", "Hexachloran", "Zipam", "Amitrazine". The procedure is carried out five times in three days.

At the same time, drops from the ear mite (for cats) "Aurikan" every day for seven days. The treatment continues for a month, but the ears are buried twice a week. Coat around the affected ear is moistened with Neostomazan solution. For preventive purposes, Stronghold, Bars, Front Line are used. For the period of treatment, the animal is isolated from contact with other domestic pets.

Today, there are many drugs for the treatment of this disease, so a veterinarian or an employee of the zooptake will help you choose the right drops from the ear mite for cats. In addition, in the clinic you can also recommend natural remedies that are no less effective than chemical drugs that are contraindicated to kittens, pregnant cats and a weakened elderly animal. In this case, the ears are processed from the inside with vegetable oil, and then 2-3 drops of camphor oil are added to each (and healthy including) eyelet.


Quite often, pet owners turn to veterinarians, complaining that the cat constantly scratches ears. What to do in this case? A common cause of earaches in cats is otitis - an inflammation of the ear. This ailment causes such reasons:

  • Foreign body;
  • Hypothermia.

This disease is manifested by the following symptoms, which are difficult to overlook:

  • The cat scratches the ear;
  • Shakes his head;
  • There are discharge from one or both of the auricles.

But even if you found yourself, in your opinion, obvious signs of otitis, the final diagnosis should be put by a veterinarian on the basis of research and test results. He will prescribe the necessary treatment.

Treatment procedures start with ear washing with 70% medical alcohol. Treatment of the disease depends on the localization of inflammation. The cat is cut off the wool inside the auricle, processes the ear canal with alcohol solution (boric acid solution, iodose, hydrogen peroxide). The dried surface is applied with "Prednisolone". Then usually the veterinarian prescribes antibiotics, as well as antihistamines. If necessary, a novocaine blockade with an antibiotic is carried out, fungicidal agents are used.

Yeast fungus

When the cat scratches the ear, one can not exclude this serious disease, which is dangerous because a pathogenic environment is created around the localization of the lesion, which is favorable for infection with other infections. May cause hearing loss in the animal. It is difficult to diagnose independently, but it is possible that very dark sulfur accumulates inside the shell, which has an unpleasant smell.

Once a day, the sink is thoroughly cleaned with hydrogen peroxide until there is a white cotton swab. In the treatment, the antibiotic "Kabaktan" (intramuscularly) is used once a day for seven days. Immunomodulator "Maxidin" is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly twice a day for five days. In addition, otophoronol Gold drops are used. For prevention is recommended "Otibiovin".

Dermatitis or eczema

Having diagnosed an animal with dermatitis or eczema, the veterinarian appoints the following procedures:

  • Syringing with soda, soapy water or hydrogen peroxide;
  • Removal of dead tissue;
  • Treatment of affected areas with astringents ("Pioctanine", picric acid, silver nitrate solution, "Albucid");
  • Use of ointment from zinc oxide;
  • General restorative therapy.

In especially severe cases, surgical treatment may be required - opening the foci and removing the affected areas.

A few words in conclusion

If the cat scratches the ear, it is not always the case that there is a serious illness. Quite often the source of pruritus is banal - a large accumulation of sulfur. Sulfur mass, which has its natural color, is easily eliminated with a cotton swab dipped in warm water, at home.

But if you notice that it has changed color or consistency, do not hesitate. The correct diagnosis of the animal will put a veterinarian. And remember: the earlier you start treating your pet, the more likely it is that you will prevent possible complications.

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