HealthAlternative Medicine

How to Save Health To Old Age

My mother is 65 years old. Hungry, cold childhood, and in the adult life not everything was smooth. So I got a lot of sores. But he does not go to doctors for 15 years. He does not want to hear: "Well, what do you want, how not to get sick at that age." So he treats his sores using his health prescriptions. She is a dacha, and there are many different herbs in the country. All summer and autumn he prepares and drinks kvass from celandine and banana crusts according to Bolotov's method . Kvass from banana crusts contains a lot of microelements that people need. Therefore, it has a very strong immune-strengthening effect. In addition, it positively affects the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

The recipe for banana kvass

3 liters of boiled water, 2-3 cups finely chopped banana crusts (fruits should be thoroughly rinsed), 1 tbsp. Sugar and two teaspoons of sour cream.

Kvass should be allowed to infuse for 10-15 days at a temperature of 20-25 degrees. The neck of the jar should be tied with gauze, folded into three layers. When the time is right, you need to drain one liter from the resulting drink. The liquid will need to be filtered. Do not frighten if you see a white coating, it's not mold fungi, it's from sour cream. In the jar with which kvass was drained, one liter of boiled water and one third of a glass of sugar must be added. The 1 st liter of kvass is sung and then cast. The procedure can be repeated 2-3 times. Drink one 1/2 cup each 30 minutes before eating.

Kvass, which you poured for consumption should be cleaned in the refrigerator. By the same principle as banana, you can make kvass from celandine.

Banana crusts are replaced with half a glass. The grass should be put in a gauze pouch. Put it in a three-liter jar of water and add 2 more teaspoons of sour cream. To prevent the bag from popping up, you can press it down with a wooden stick. Every two, three days, the contents should be stirred. After 10-15 days you need to drain one liter, and then do the same thing as in the recipe for banana kvass. Drink 1 tablespoon three times a day for half an hour before meals.

Mom alternated them. 14 days drink from celandine, 14 days from bananas.

After kvass from the celandine, she felt an improvement in the work of the whole organism, the condition of the veins improved. She has varicose veins.

In the autumn he prepares 3 liters of such composition:

Juice of carrots, red beets, black winter radishes, lemon juice, honey, Cahors wine - all for 1 glass. 200 g cloves of garlic must be passed through garlic crock, put into a glass, pour boiled water to the brim, drain. All components are connected in a glass jar. Keep refrigerated. Drink after eating 1 tbsp. L. For one month. Month break it.d. She drinks 30-50 g per night. It is pleasant to taste, you can give even to children.

It strengthens immunity, helps with many diseases and strengthens health.

And for joint massage uses office bills.

With bleeding, the gum cleans teeth for the night with tooth powder with fine iodized salt: I add 1 tbsp to the jar with tooth powder . L. Salt. With a cold, it digs into the nose at night 3-5 drops of a golden mustache.

Tea all winter drinks from different herbs. I even taught my granddaughter. Herbs picks up so that it is tasty and useful. The harvest is about 12-14 types of herbs and berries.

That's how it keeps afloat, tries to move more. And friends say to her: "It's good for you, nothing hurts you." But she believes that health is in our hands. It is less necessary to protect your illnesses, do not be lazy, do yourself.

From many diseases helps gymnastics, but we are lazy to deal with.

As if she was watching the program "On the Most Important" with Dr. Agapkin. True, I could not fully see it, I had to watch it online afterwards. She liked the transfer section, where the presenter told how to prepare vitamin tea. Now he also cooks for himself and for us all. So, try mother's health recipes, but beforehand, go to the doctor to consult.

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