Education, History
The Astrakhan uprising is a symbol of the Russian spirit
The history of the Russian Empire is full of various interesting facts that every self-respecting citizen of the federation must know. Astrakhan uprising (causes and its consequences), abolition of serfdom, the Battle of Poltava with the Swedes - all this is an integral part of history, and from it, as they say, words can not be thrown out. Despite the fact that for a very long time thanks to the Soviet authorities, in particular, to Lenin and Stalin, the whole history has been distorted, to this day a lot of facts have come down, which are the basis of the modern interpretation of the events that have left the year.
Revolt in Astrakhan
This uprising began in 1705 and was raised thanks to the marksmen, soldiers and workers of the city called Astrakhan, where the insurrection itself took place. It left a bloody trace on the modern history of the Russian Federation. More than 300 people fell victim to this bloody mash, which did not bring any dividends to people who were trying to change something in this way. Violence never had anything good to do with itself, but did these people have any other choice in the struggle against the imperial power of the Russian Empire.
General information about Astrakhan at that time
In the distant 1705, Astrakhan was a major trading center not only of the imperial part, but of all Europe. The difference between the strata of society was very noticeable, because the various merchants stood at the head and, it can be said, run everything in this city. A huge number of jobs provided by the trading port city of Astrakhan, attracted a considerable amount of cheap labor. In addition, due to its geographical location, Astrakhan was a city-center of trade with the East, therefore, besides Russians, there were always a lot of Armenian, Persian and other Asian merchants. The city was equipped with strong defense facilities, but the tsarist authorities feared far from raiding, sending there a garrison of 3650 riflemen. They were called upon to repulse any rebellion that would befall this large trade center, because he brought a lot of money to the treasury.
The Astrakhan Uprising of 1705. Causes
Historians have not come to an exact thesis of the causes of the uprising, but the main version is the toughening of the rules and norms that prevailed at that time in Astrakhan. As it was noted in the writings of the inhabitants of that time: "The administration is simply brutalized". The introduction of new taxes for residents also adversely affected the overall situation and heated it to the limit, in principle, even then it was clear that without violence there would not be enough. The cruelty of the Astrakhan governor Timofei Rzhevsky was precisely the drop of gasoline on a smoldering fire. All the trade in the city, from petty to large, was taxed, and often the amount of these wages exceeded the sum of the value of the goods. From the ships arriving in the city, a considerable amount of private and dumping was regularly levied, and the townspeople were taxed absolutely for everything: ovens, beer, houses, baths, etc. The city governor gave up the sale of bread and himself demanded a share from the tax farmers, which sharply raised Prices for this product.
The Astrakhan Uprising of 1705-1706. Start
Considering the living conditions in Astrakhan at that time, in the soldier-streltsy society, thoughts of a possible uprising against the voivod and tsar often began to slip through. And if they understood that it was useless to go to the Tsar, then to topple Timofey Rzhevsky was quite feasible task.
On the night of 29 to 30 July 1705, mass pogroms and destruction of property began, including houses and high officials of the city. The insurrection tried to do everything very quickly and therefore a fairly short period of time in the city had already created a new administrative and management body, as well as the first popular assemblies, which were called the Cossack Circle. One of these meetings was also awarded to voivod Timothy Rzhevsky, who for a long time wandered around the kuratniki and sheds, trying not to fall into the hands of the insurgents. At the same meeting, it was decided to execute him.
In addition, the meetings actively discussed the issue of a campaign against Moscow, in order to overthrow the tsar from his throne. But further Tsaritsyn did not get it - there the rebels were defeated and returned to Astrakhan, where they were already met by the troops of the opponents.
What did the insurrection bring?
Fearing that the Astrakhan uprising would go further to the west of the country, Tsar Peter I ordered his field marshal to suppress him as soon as possible and allocated an army of 3000 people for this. On March 11, Sheremetiev came to the walls of an impregnable city and bombed him, after which all the rebels surrendered, leaving the city of royal power. At the gates of the Kremlin, the Field Marshal received the keys to the city and, in general, was greeted with great gratitude. It was arrested 365 instigators, all sent to Moscow, where most of them were executed, and the rest were subjected to colossally heavy and exhausting tortures, after which, according to official data, also died. As a conclusion, everything remained in its place, there were not only some people.
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