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Stones in the pancreas: symptoms, treatment

Stones in the pancreas - pathology, which in medicine is known as "pancreatitis". It is worth noting that this disease is rare. Nevertheless, no one is immune to its development. That is why today many people are interested in additional information about what the causes of this disease are, what symptoms it manifests.

More about the issue

Stones in the pancreas can have different sizes and shapes. In most cases, such formations are oval, but calcifications of irregular shape are also often found. Most often, such stones are formed in additional ducts or in their branches. On the other hand, the formation of solid structures can be observed in the parenchyma of the pancreas itself.

As for the chemical composition, the main such stones are phosphate or carbonic calcium salts. In addition, aluminum and magnesium compounds, as well as some substances of organic origin, can be present in such formations.

The main causes of deposition

To date, scientists have not yet been able to detect all possible causes of the development of such a disease. Nevertheless, some of the risk factors have already been identified:

  • Stones in the pancreas are often formed against a background of inflammatory diseases, including duodenitis and cholecystitis. In addition, this pathology is often associated with cholelithiasis.
  • Risk factors can also include any pathological processes in the abdominal cavity, which can complicate the outflow of pancreatic juice, including the presence of cysts, tumors, swelling, inflammation, etc.
  • An important role in the development of this disease is played by hormonal disorders. In particular, the formation of stones is often associated with disorders from the parathyroid glands, which lead to a violation of calcium metabolism in the body.
  • Change in the chemical properties of the secretion of the pancreas, caused by some infectious diseases. For example, pancreolithiasis often occurs against the background of syphilis.
  • Harmful habits, including the abuse of alcoholic beverages, smoking, etc.
  • Incorrect food.

How are the stones formed?

Today, many patients are interested in questions about how the stone in the pancreatic duct is formed. In fact, this process is quite lengthy. First, under the influence of certain factors, the juice released by the pancreas becomes more concentrated and gradually thickens. Over time, an insoluble protein mass forms in the lumen of the duct.

In the future, such a protein clot becomes the place of deposition of various inorganic components, in particular, calcium salts. As the disease develops, the chemical composition and, consequently, the physical properties of the clot change. The stone clogs the duct, which leads to the accumulation and stagnation of pancreatic juice - this increases the risk of infectious inflammation.

Stones in the pancreas: symptoms

Immediately it is worth noting that the clinical picture in this case directly depends on the size of such neoplasms and their location. So what kind of disorders cause stones in the pancreas? Symptoms in this case are paroxysmal pains of a different nature. In fact, pain syndrome can occur under the influence of various factors, for example, against a background of stress or with errors in nutrition.

The pain can be both blunt and sharp, colic. By the way, that's why often pancreolithiasis is confused with cholelithiasis. Quite often during a painful attack, the patient feels severe nausea, which often results in vomiting. Some complain of pain in the epigastric region, although it can give in the lower back or in the area of the scapula.

Sometimes calcifications clog the bile ducts, which leads to the development of mechanical jaundice - in patients you can observe the icterus of the skin and mucous membranes. And bile impurities can be present in the vomit.

Stones in the pancreas often lead to disruption of the whole body, which is accompanied by sharp changes in the level of sugar in the blood. Such disorders, as a rule, disappear together with an attack. However, the lack of treatment can lead to the gradual development of diabetes. The complications of pancreatitis include inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis). In any case, this disease requires careful diagnosis and proper treatment.

Basic diagnostic methods

Unfortunately, to date the process of identifying such a disease is often associated with some difficulties, as the clinical picture of pancreatitis resembles some other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

To begin with, the physician must collect an anamnesis, get acquainted with the main complaints of the patient, and also conduct a primary examination. Based on the existing violations, the specialist appoints further studies. Naturally, the patient must submit blood and urine samples. In addition, laboratory examination of feces is extremely important - often there are droplets of fat in the samples, as well as small stones containing calcium salts. The ultrasound of the abdominal cavity is performed.

Nevertheless, the most informative is the radiography of the abdominal cavity, which allows not only to determine the presence of stones, but also to find out their size, number and location of localization. In the most severe cases, a computed tomography or endoscopic examination of the affected organ is performed.

Stone in the pancreas: treatment with conservative methods

After establishing an accurate diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate drugs. What therapy requires a stone in the pancreas? Treatment depends primarily on the number and size of the stones, as well as on the condition of the patient. In some cases it is appropriate to use special drugs that dissolve such formations. But such means can cope only with stones of small sizes.

When the body is depleted, patients are prescribed vitamins and glucose. The pain syndrome is stopped with the help of painkillers, and inflammation, respectively, uses non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Is it possible to eliminate stones in the pancreas with proper nutrition? Diet, of course, is an integral part of the treatment. In particular, from the diet it is necessary to exclude spices, spicy food, fatty and fried dishes, simple carbohydrates (sweets), and also alcohol.

Surgical methods of therapy

Unfortunately, in many cases it is not possible to solve the problem in conservative ways. For example, the presence of large stones, depletion of the body, developing pancreatic insufficiency or chronic inflammation are indications for surgical intervention.

How are stones removed in the pancreas? The operation can be classical - the formations are removed through an incision of the abdominal wall or they are pushed into the lumen of the small intestine. But to date, more and more popular are endoscopic procedures, in which stones are dissolved using a special apparatus equipped with fiber. Such an operation does not require a large incision and is much less often accompanied by complications (eg, infection).

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