Homeliness, Gardening
Spurge protein-free - unpretentious plant
Euphorbia belopolzhkovy appearance looks like an exotic palm tree. Sometimes this plant is called even a cactus, as it has a fleshy crest. In the family of euphorbia there are more than 2000 plant species. This family is represented by shrubs, semi-shrubs, herbaceous plants, trees, succulents, which are very similar to cacti. Succulent milks are widespread in Ethiopia, Congo, Madagascar, South Africa (Namibia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique). Incidentally, spur bee-venomous poisonous , in principle, like all members of this family.
A characteristic feature of all the milkweed is that even with minor injuries, the plant secretes milky juice. The biochemical composition of this juice is represented by rubber, resins, amino acids, saponin, sugars, essential oils, fatty acids, as well as a toxic substance - euphorin. This biological compound can cause burns, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, nasal cavity, dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, those who are going to grow this plant, you should be extra careful.
It should be said that the most popular milking in indoor floriculture is spruce beef. The trunk of this plant is thickened at the top and consists of four or five ribs, on the edges of which the fringed stipules are localized. Leaves are dark green with characteristic white veins grow only on the top.
If you decide to start a spur beet, care for this plant will not give you much trouble. All kinds of milkweed prefer bright and diffuse light. It should be remembered that in the summer, the plant needs to be protected from exposure to direct sunlight. Spur beef is a fairly thermophilic plant. The optimum temperature for its content ranges from 22 to 25 ° C.
Some types of milkweed can withstand a short-term drop in temperature to five degrees. In winter, the plant needs to provide the brightest place.
Spurge bee-lowering water moderately, using soft and unstable water. Overdry the plant is not worth it, as it causes the fall of foliage. The overflow for molochae is also dangerous, and can provoke decay of the entire root system. Humidity of air for the development of plants does not play a special role. Florists recommend, from time to time, spur beetoplastic to spray or wipe the leaves with a moist tampon.
In the spring-autumn period (active vegetation), milkweed should be fed with mineral fertilizers once a week. To improve the branching of the bush, in bushy spleen, it is possible to prune the tips of the shoots. These manipulations can be carried out in any period of the year.
Transplantation of milkweed should be carried out in the spring, before the beginning of growth. Young specimens are best transplanted annually, whereas adult plants - every 3 years. The soil for transplantation should be slightly acidic or neutral (pH 5-7). At the bottom of the pot must be a good drainage of broken potsherds or expanded clay.
Euphorbia Fairly well multiplies by seeds, which intensively germinate in any soil. When working with these plant species, remember that all types of milkweed are poisonous. Therefore, use gloves. Some types of milkweed cause allergic reactions, which manifest themselves in the form of fever. This plant is very rarely damaged by pests. If excessive humidity and low temperature can manifest mycosis (fungal) diseases. Of pests on the plant attack: aphids, scutes, thrips and spider mite.
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