Homeliness, Gardening
Juniper of the room: description, features of cultivation, photo
Juniper is an unusually spectacular evergreen plant, distinguished by a plastic form and having a diverse palette of colors. Cultivate this original culture usually in gardens and in yards. But if desired, you can decorate the juniper and the city apartment. эта декоративная культура образует небольшое привлекательное деревце. Being planted in a tub in the room, this decorative culture forms a small attractive tree.
Juniper: description total
This plant belongs to the Cypress family. In the wild, some of its varieties can reach a height of 8-10 meters. However, in the conditions of Russia juniper usually forms small spreading, quite beautiful bushes. Its high forms in nature in our country are quite rare.
Crohn in a juniper may have a conical or ovoid shape. The plant is dioecious. That is, there are two types of cones on it. Men have the appearance of yellow spikelets and are located in the sinuses of the needles. Female cones are composed of scales and have a light green color. . When they mature, they turn into bright blue fruits .
The trunk of the juniper is straight, branched, covered with a bark of a grayish hue. The wood of this plant is very beautiful - it has an interesting texture and a pinkish tinge. Grow juniper in nature can up to 600 years.
What are the varieties
This plant is valued by fans of ornamental crops, including for a variety of forms. можжевельники. But, of course, not all junipers can be grown in indoor conditions . , наиболее подходящие для квартир, будут рассмотрены нами ниже. Species and varieties (with photo) , most suitable for apartments, will be considered by us below.
It is believed that junipers are suitable for growing in indoor conditions. Blue Star. For example, in a pot you can plant a variety of Blue Star. с голубой хвоей и горизонтальными побегам можжевельник. It is very beautiful with blue needles and horizontal shoots of juniper. The soil he prefers is slightly sour. Below is a photo of this particular plant.
edia. Also often, fans of ornamental crops grow a variety of m edia in an apartment . This hybrid was bred by crossing the common wild juniper and Cossack. Its main advantage is unpretentiousness with regard to care. How it looks can be seen in the photo.
Chinese Blaauw variegata - a low shrub juniper room with branches growing strictly upward. This is another popular variety for lovers of ornamental plants. In a tub it looks very nice. His photo is presented below.
от такие вот чаще всего и выращиваются в квартирах можжевельники. In such here, most often, and raised in apartments junipers. любителям декоративных растений будет проще определиться с наиболее подходящим можжевельником) эти на самом деле очень красивы. Species and varieties (with a photo of fans of ornamental plants will be easier to determine the most suitable juniper) these are actually very beautiful. But if you want you can grow houses, of course, and other varieties of this culture. Very attractive varieties are, for example, Squamata, Sabina, etc.
Reproduction by cuttings
декоративный можжевельник можно приобрести в специализированном магазине. Of course, decorative juniper can be purchased at a specialized store. However, there are such plants on sale is not always. Therefore, many fans of indoor cultures simply grow juniper from a cuttings taken from a bush in the country or in the forest. It is not difficult to get an adult plant using such a planting material.
Cuttings for cultivation should be taken only from a young bush (aged 4-5 years). Cut the twig for a landing with a knife. Otherwise, the plant will not take. The stalk should be broken off along with the "heel." The latter in the future must be cleaned from the bark. Before planting from the cut, you should also cut the lower needles with scissors.
The sprig prepared in this way should be placed in a pot with a nutrient substrate. обычный увлажненный садовый грунт, смешанный с речным песком. As a last, the usual moistened garden primer mixed with river sand is perfect . Put the stalk in the substrate at an angle of about 35 degrees. устроив таким образом «тепличку» . To twig the roots and begin to develop, a plastic bag must be put on top of the pot, making a "greenhouse" in this way . To water the shank in the future is not recommended. Before rooting (30-45 days), it should only be sprayed.
Sometimes the branches so planted are not accepted. Therefore, to be faithful, you can take several cuttings at once. In this case, instead of the pot, you should use a box or simple plastic cups.
Another way to plant
, используют обычно только с середины мая по начало июля. Cuttings, in order to get an adult juniper room , are usually used only from mid-May to early July. At a later time, as a planting stock, it is necessary to use branches rooted directly in the garden.
If you wish, it will be very easy to get a juniper pick-up. To do this, the lower branch of the young plant should be simply pressed to the ground horizontally and pinned in this position. The end should be bent vertically and attached to some peg. The place where the roots of the branch should be formed later should be kept moist.
Where to put in the apartment
растение можжевельник н е слишком требовательное. To the environment, the juniper plant is not too demanding. оно неплохо себя чувствует как в тени больших деревьев, так и на сильно прогреваемых «голых» склонах гор и холмов. In the wild, it does not feel bad either in the shade of large trees, or on the heavily warmed "bare" slopes of mountains and hills. However, with sufficient lighting, the decorative qualities of this culture are greatly improved. Therefore, to put a pot of juniper in the room is best on the windowsill of the east or west window. This plant is not afraid of direct sunlight. However, too long to affect its branches and needles, they still should not. Otherwise, the bush will dry up.
To improve the decorative qualities of juniper in the conditions of the apartment can also be by increasing the humidity of the air. Dryness does not like this plant. If the air humidity in the room is insufficient, the juniper will not die. But some of the pine needles, unfortunately, will turn yellow. To avoid this, juniper should be periodically sprayed.
In the summer, a pot with a plant should preferably be taken out on a balcony or taken to a dacha. Staying in the street, as well as spraying, will positively affect the decorative properties of juniper.
In winter, pots with plants should be placed in the coolest place in the room. Install next to the batteries they can not in any case. Otherwise, juniper may die.
How to water
Stagnation of moisture, this decorative culture absolutely can not stand. Therefore, watering the juniper room should be moderate. Mires in a pot with this plant can not be arranged. The juniper does not fear drying out of the soil. Without water, it can grow quite a long time. In the gardens, this decorative plant is often not watered all summer. However, in a pot without periodic moisturizing, juniper will still not have enough nutrients. Therefore, at least once a week to water it is still worth it.
How to fertilize
можжевельник домашний т акже относительно неприхотлив . With regard to the feeding, the juniper is also relatively unpretentious . Adult saplings when grown in room conditions fertilize a maximum of one or two times in the warm season. Young people are fed mainly with mineral compounds. Most often, special mixtures are used for juniper, intended for coniferous ornamental crops. They put them in pots with young plants about once a month. Fertilize juniper organic (manure or humus) is strictly prohibited. The use of such fertilizing can lead to deformation of the tree crown.
How to trim
не нуждается. In most cases, juniper does not need a room in the formation of the crown . All that is needed to make the plant look attractive is to remove dried and growing branches from the bush. If the juniper looks too asymmetrical, you can also slightly trim the crown from the desired side.
When pruning juniper should be guided by the principle - better less than more. If too many branches are removed from the plant, it can slow growth.
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