HealthDiseases and Conditions

Stomatitis: treatment and general information

About stomatitis, young parents know firsthand. Small children all pull in their mouths, and to keep track of the purity of everything that a small child will want to try for a tooth is almost impossible. Therefore, stomatitis (inflammation of the oral mucosa) is usually perceived as a disease of unwashed hands.

Stomatitis in the mouth appears as a consequence of a weakening of immunity, the intake of antibiotics or non-compliance with the rules of oral hygiene. Normally, a healthy mouth "sleeps" a lot of microorganisms, if for the above reasons, this microbe has a chance to "be active", they gladly use it, resulting in inflammation of the mucosa.

In what it is manifested: in the redness of the mucosa and the appearance of sores, which can be either single or multiple. They make it difficult to swallow, cause discomfort when eating or during a conversation. The temperature rises, there is weakness and apathy.

Stomatitis, whose treatment in most cases takes 5 to 10 days, can appear in both the child and the adult, and men, according to statistics, are more prone to this disease than women. In adults, stomatitis can be caused by poor oral hygiene (destroyed caries, untreated teeth), as well as violations of dental manipulation techniques (micro-trauma, poor quality of the seal, etc.). At the same time, the mucous membranes become swollen, reddened, covered with a white coating, the gums bleed, and an unpleasant odor from the mouth appears .

In addition, there are cases when stomatitis appears as a consequence of violations of the gastrointestinal tract. In such cases, the disease is more severe, and more time is required for treatment.

If you suspect that you or your baby has a stomatitis, the doctor should prescribe the treatment, having analyzed the disease picture. Do not engage in self-medication, since what you take for stomatitis can be another disease, and self-medication is at best ineffective.

Stomatitis: treatment

  Treatment procedures include a gentle diet, treatment of the oral cavity with special preparations and thorough oral hygiene. During the period of treatment it is recommended to use neutral in terms of acidity foods that are rich in vitamins and will not irritate the mucous membrane. The temperature of food will have to be adjusted to a new threshold of sensitivity (about hot coffee or ice-cold ice cream and there can be no talk).

At home, you can use drugs such as "Stomafit", "Geksoral", spray "Orasept", tablets "Imudon", antiseptic drugs. Sores in the mouth can be treated with hydrogen peroxide, green solution, streptocid powder with sodium tetraborate (20%).

In addition, when treating stomatitis, you can use "Vinilin" ointment, rinse mouth with herbal infusions, green tea and even honey.

You can talk about two ways to treat stomatitis: medical and folk.

Stomatitis: medical treatment

The complex of treatment measures depends on the severity of the disease. If the child's condition is severe, he has a high temperature, then, in addition to treating the oral cavity with a disinfectant solution, antibiotics are prescribed. Treatment may include taking medications inside, taking anesthetic medications (if the pain interferes with eating, talking), B vitamins.

Stomatitis: treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine recommends taking infusions of chamomile, millennia, black elder, St. John's wort, horsetail field. They can also be used as a chewing agent.

You can rinse your mouth with a solution (2%) of calendula tincture, mildew oil or concentrated honey, soda solution. For the same purpose, you can use vegetable oil, decoction of the bark of oak (it also fights with bad breath), thyme broth, nettle broth, cabbage brine, weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Traditional healers are advised to chew several times a day the rhizome of ayr reed.

Blueberries can be used in any form (fresh berries, blueberry tea, decoction of leaves and flowers).

Walnut leaves are used to make tincture for throat rinsing.

The pharmacy and camphor basil, calendula officinalis are very popular . Chamomile (a tablespoon) is poured a glass of boiling water, insisted for an hour, filtered and used for rinsing.

A teaspoon of crushed basil leaves is poured into a glass of boiling water and insisted for about 20 minutes, used for rinsing.

Two teaspoons of marigold is poured with two glasses of boiling water, it is insisted for an hour, it is filtered and the mouth and throat are rinsed up to 6 times a day.

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