Health, Diseases and Conditions
How long does the temperature of influenza in children: the features, norms and recommendations of specialists
One of the main manifestations of influenza is high fever. Many parents try to knock her off with the child. However, this is not always correct. After all, scientists have proved that the appearance of temperature means the activation of immune processes in the body. How much does the temperature of influenza in children?
SARS, acute respiratory infections or influenza?
In ARVI there are several types of diseases that cause viruses. The diagnosis of acute respiratory viral infection is not equivalent to ARI. The second abbreviation is a wide group of diseases in which besides bacterial infections are included also bacterial. Influenza refers to the diseases of ARVI.
Dry and cold air, lack of sun, lowering of atmospheric pressure are negative factors for the child's organism. Initially, babies suffer from unformed immunity, and the weakened organism is quickly exposed to the virus and infected.
Influenza can persist in the air of the room until 9 o'clock, so if a baby enters there, then, probably, infection will occur. In low-temperature conditions, the virus can live a long time.
Diseases of acute respiratory infections and ARVI are similar, but there are certain differences in symptoms. Some children may develop a severe cough, while others may have rhinitis. The common thing that unites them is the appearance of high temperature. When a child gets sick and a fever arises, mom is interested in the question of how many days the temperature keeps with the flu.
Symptoms of influenza and SARS in children
The disease develops rapidly, so the symptoms are particularly pronounced.
The main manifestations that the virus causes:
- Redness of the throat, the appearance of a plaque on the tongue;
- Nasal congestion, which disturbs the child not only at night, but also during the day;
- Chills, a feeling of pain in the muscles;
- Tearfulness and drowsiness of the child;
- There is an increase in body temperature to 38 degrees and above.
Mom at a pediatrician's reception is interested, if it's a flu, how many days the temperature in children keeps. Recognize the occurrence of the disease beforehand is difficult, it can be done only after the appearance of high body temperature. In infants, infection with the virus occurs asymptomatically before the appearance of fever. For such children, the pediatrician is always called, and if the condition worsens, the ambulance is called.
Influenza temperature
If there is a flu, how much heat does the children have? With this disease, the occurrence of high temperature is considered a reaction of the body to the invasion of viruses. There are several reasons why the temperature rises:
- Because of the heat, the body of the child goes into a mode when there is an increase in the activity of leukocytes. They begin to absorb bacteria and viruses.
- High temperature is dangerous for many species of microorganisms, which in this case cease to multiply and die.
What and how many days does the temperature with the flu keep? The baby's body knows what temperature it needs. If parents start to knock down the temperature, then they help to multiply viruses and bacteria. Changing the temperature, they negatively affect the immunity of the child, which in some cases leads to complication of the disease.
How much temperature does the flu have in a child?
With the flu, the temperature can stay within 5 days, but often for 2-3 days, it decreases. If a couple of days later, the fever again, we can say that there was a complication in the form of a bacterial infection.
In what cases is it necessary to bring down the temperature?
High temperature should be brought down if it is poorly tolerated by the child. In this case, it must be reduced, and not to achieve indicators - 36.6 degrees.
Children should be given antipyretic drugs in such cases:
- Healthy children at a temperature of 39 degrees, with headache and pain in the muscles;
- Children who suffer from the occurrence of febrile seizures in the case of temperatures above 38-38.5 degrees;
- Small patients with pathologies of the heart and lungs when the temperature is over 38.5 degrees;
- Infants at the age of 3 months at a temperature of 38 degrees.
Parents should know the following:
- Do not bring down the temperature to normal performance, it is enough to reduce it by 1-1.5 degrees. The child will feel better and at such values.
- How many days does the temperature stay with the flu? Complications can occur if the heat is observed for 3-4 days. In this case, treatment should be continued with antibiotics. When a child is given antipyretic drugs, this makes it difficult to correctly diagnose the disease. It is better to consult a pediatrician.
- If the child is taking antibiotics, then taking antipyretics is contraindicated. The doctor will not be able to assess the effectiveness of the treatment. An exception is the probability of febrile seizures and other contraindications.
How to properly reduce the heat?
How much temperature does the flu have in a child? The child's body needs to help properly reduce the temperature. There are several tips:
- If the child has a high temperature, he needs a lot of fluid. It is best to give the baby: tea with raspberries or honey, herbal infusion with linden or crimson leaves. The child can also drink ordinary water or mineral water without gas.
- Feed your baby better if he asks. From food completely protein and fatty foods are excluded. It is worth giving preference to vegetables, fruit, porridge on the water. At this time, the child's organism is struggling with an infection. All the forces he needs to give to the development of immunity, and not to digest food.
- You can try to bring down the temperature by rubbing. The water in this case should not be below 35-35.5 degrees. Wipe should be: face, forehead, hands and feet.
- The child can put on the forehead, neck and wrists compresses from a cloth soaked in warm water.
In case the methods used did not help, it is necessary to give the child an antipyretic medicine. It is more preferable to propose a preparation in the form of a suspension or syrup. Take the medicine that the pediatrician prescribed.
If the temperature does not decrease or the condition worsens, parents should immediately call an ambulance.
Doctor Komarovsky's advice
How much does the temperature of influenza in children? Dr. Komarovsky advises, to alleviate the condition of the child with this disease:
- You can not force to eat with malaise.
- It is imperative that the child drinks a lot of fluids. It's good if the temperature of the drinks is equal to body temperature. You can use a solution of "Regidron" and water your baby according to the instructions.
- It is inadmissible to give children aspirin. To bring down the temperature more than 38.5 degrees, you can "Ibuprofen" or "Paracetamol".
- Dress the baby warmly, constantly moisturize and ventilate the room.
- Expectorants do not apply to not strengthen cough. Such drugs are used only if complications occur in the form of bronchitis or pneumonia. It is better to give the child a lot of fluid, so that the proper formation of sputum.
- Antibiotics can weaken the body, but not cure it.
- Do not give children drugs with artificial interferon, the effectiveness of such drugs is not fully proven.
When Dr. Komarovsky is asked how much the temperature keeps on influenza in children, he explains that it depends on the characteristics of the child's body and the proper treatment. To do this, the doctor necessarily advises to carry out treatment of the baby only under the supervision of a doctor. After all, only in this case the help provided to him will be effective.
How not to harm the child?
Parents, seeing the state of the baby, and feeling sorry for him, begin to knock down the temperature. This they cause irreparable harm to the child's body. After all, the presence of temperature indicates the production of interferon, which began to fight with bacteria and viruses. After all, if you lower the temperature, then there will be nothing to resist.
Often parents begin to treat it with their "proven" methods. Gorchichniki, inhalation, rubbing have no proven effectiveness.
Parents need to know exactly how much the temperature keeps with flu in children. And during treatment, they must use a set of tools designed to provide fast and effective care for the child.
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