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Spring phenomena of nature. Seasonal phenomena in nature

The phenomena of nature are associated with weather changes of the climate at certain intervals, called the seasons of the year. Each such period is characterized by its meteorological anomalies.

The phenomena of nature in the spring

For 3 months of this season, the climate and living conditions of all fauna and flora change beyond recognition.

With the onset of March, nature is just beginning to come to life and wake up from the winter period of "hibernation." By this time, the heat of the sun's rays is still insufficient to completely melt the snow, but the air is already noticeably warming up. In March, the first spring phenomena of nature (examples: ice drift, thawed patches, southern wind) make themselves felt. At this time, the clouds rise noticeably and acquire a cumulus character. From the first days of April, the time for the "gray" meteorological anomalies is coming. The names of the phenomena of nature of this time are known to everyone: fog, drizzling rain, less often thunderstorms. By the middle of the month the snow has completely disappeared, but the rivers can still be dangerous by a strong ice. Fortunately, the air temperature gets warmer every day, so the effects of winter frosts will soon cease to be known. Also in April dangerous spring phenomena of nature are possible (examples: high water, squall wind caused by the connection of the southern stream with the northern one).

As for the fauna, it begins to fully revive by the first days of May.

Spring phenomena: rain

With warming, precipitation comes in liquid form. Such phenomena of nature (see pictures below) are called rains or showers. It is a continuous stream of water, directed vertically from heaven to earth. The clouds gradually accumulate moisture, and when pressure and gravity over them begin to predominate, precipitation falls out. Since the air temperature is above 0 degrees, it means that the water molecules do not crystallize into snowflakes. On the other hand, in rare cases closer to May is possible hail. Rain enters into 5 phenomena of the nature of spring, which carry a possible danger to the economy and agriculture. Long-term precipitation can flood not only the streets and private houses, but also fields with seedlings and sprouts that will subsequently rot, hence the yield will fall several times.

At the current time, it is customary to allocate the following types of rain:

  • Ordinary (precipitation without such pronounced signs as power, duration);
  • Stormy (short-term rain, characterized by suddenness and force of loss);
  • Prolonged (characterized by a long duration, up to several days, and a decrease in air temperature);
  • Short-term (characterized by rapidity and a sharp end to precipitation);
  • Snow (characterized by a decrease in air temperature and partial crystallization of water molecules);
  • Mushroom (during this rain on the ground continues to receive sunlight);
  • Hail-like (short-term and dangerous rainfall, dropping partially in the form of ice floes).

Spring phenomena: thunderstorm

This meteorological anomaly is a separate type of rain, not included in the traditional classification. Thunderstorm is precipitation, which occurs simultaneously with thunder and lightning.

For several days, clouds accumulate particles of moisture, picked up by a strong wind. Gradually, they form dark cumulus clouds. During precipitation with high power and heavy wind between the surface of the earth and clouds, there is an electrical tension, during which lightning forms. This effect is always accompanied by a strong thunder. Such phenomena of nature (pictures you can see below) most often come at the end of spring. For the occurrence of a thunderstorm, the following conditions are necessary: uneven heating of the lowest layers of air, atmospheric convection or a sharp intensity of cloud formation in the mountainous terrain.

Spring phenomena: wind

This climatic phenomenon is a stream of air that is directed along the horizontal axis. Such spring phenomena of nature as wind and storm (in rare cases) are characterized by high speed, force of impact, area of propagation and noise level.

From the point of view of meteorology, this climatic anomaly consists of indicators of direction, power and duration. The strongest flows of air with medium gusts are called squalls. Relative to the duration of winds are as follows: a hurricane, a storm, a breeze, a typhoon, etc.

At some points of the earth, because of frequent changes in temperature, monsoons arise. Such global winds are characterized by a long duration (up to 3 months). If such air flows are caused by a difference in temperature with respect to latitudes, then they are called trade winds. Their duration can go up to a year. The boundary between monsoons and trade winds is called the atmospheric front. In spring and autumn it is especially noticeable in countries with a temperate climate. In the tropical regions of the planet, due to the wind, weather and air temperature change so often.

Spring phenomena: clouds

Closer to the middle of March, the sky gradually begins to thin out. Now the clouds have clear boundaries. In themselves, they are a product of the condensation of particles of water vapor in the upper layers of the atmosphere. Clouds form above the earth's surface. The main condition for their formation is warm moist air. It begins to rise in the upper atmosphere, where, with a noticeable drop in temperature, it stops at a certain altitude. In fact, the clouds consist of water vapor and ice crystals. A large cluster at high concentrations forms cumulus clouds.

All spring phenomena of nature have their own forms of uniqueness, called in science meteorological identifiers. At high temperature, clouds are filled with droplets, and at low temperatures - with crystal elements. Concerning this criterion, there is a separate classification of the phenomenon. Thus, clouds are subdivided into rain, thunder, pinnate, stratified, cumulus, pearlescent, etc.

Spring phenomena: melting snow

As the temperature of the air increases, the frozen crystals of water begin to gradually turn into water. This process is called melting snow. All frozen kinds of precipitation are subject to such dissolution if the air temperature rises to 0 degrees. These seasonal phenomena occur in nature only in the spring. The exact time up to a month is set depending on the current climate.

The process of melting snow is markedly accelerated with the precipitation of rain. After that, small temporary ponds are formed. The fastest snow melts on a flat terrain, where there are no barriers to wind or a shed from precipitation. In the forest, this process can drag on for a month. In this case, there is a high probability of raising the water table. Often the snow begins to evaporate and in frosty weather. Such a natural phenomenon is called sublimation. Under the influence of sunlight, water particles pass from a solid state to a gaseous state.

Spring phenomena: ice drift

This anomaly is considered the most dangerous of natural phenomena at this time of year. This phenomenon is the movement of half-grown ice floes on lakes and rivers under the influence of strong wind or current. The greatest displacement is observed in the middle of the reservoir. Such spring phenomena of nature are typical for March, when the sun's rays are able to sufficiently warm the temperature of air and soil.

On rivers, ice drifts are often accompanied by congestion. In large reservoirs, this phenomenon is determined by the drift of fragments under the influence of wind. The intensity of the movement of ice, like its character, directly depends on the current climatic conditions, the time of opening, the structure of the river bed and the hydraulic properties of the water flow.

The duration of this process in the spring season varies within 3-4 weeks. Here an important role is played by the landscape and climate.

Spring phenomena: thawed patches

Usually this process begins in early March, but depending on the climatic conditions, the time can move to the middle of April. Protalina is the place where snow was in frosty weather, and with warming a peculiar funnel appeared on it. Such spring phenomena of nature are very interesting in the study. The first thing thaw patches are formed around the trunks of trees, since heat originates from the root system of plants, reinforced by solar synthesis. Next, the process affects fields and marshes. The thawed patches can be of different colors, depending on how the surface looks (earth, grass, leaves). A similar situation is with their form. In the fields thawed patches are elongated, like beds, in orchards - rounded (the projection of tree trunks).

This process begins to take effect at an average daily temperature of -5 degrees and above.

Spring phenomena: the awakening of flora

The appearance of thawed patches around the trees indicates that the plants began active sap movement. These seasonal phenomena in nature mean only one - the awakening of the flora after a long winter passive life.

It can be checked very simply. To do this, just pierce the bark of the tree with a needle or a thin knife. If at this place a transparent sweet liquid of a pale reddish color appears, hence, the sap flow is in full swing. This indicates that nature is preparing for gardening.

Soon, buds will appear on the branches and spread. In the second half of spring, thanks to wind and insects, the flora will receive pollination. Therefore, in the near future one can expect a harvest.

Spring phenomena in wildlife

As you know, this time of year is marked by the return of birds to their native penates from warm countries. First of all, this concerns rooks. They are considered the first messengers of spring. Mass migration of birds occurs near the end of March, when the night air temperature rises to +10 degrees. Also, one of the demonstrative processes in the wildlife that characterize the onset of spring is the molting of animals and the awakening from the hibernation of wild animals. The change in wool takes place in March, although in some fauna it may be in autumn.

It is very important to know all these spring phenomena of nature. Natural science is included in the main program of school subjects. Know the fundamental processes of climate and nature - the duty of every person on the planet.

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