Food and drink, Recipes
Shish kebab from turkey: tasty and low-calorie
Shish kebab from turkey is not quite an ordinary dish for Russian cooking, as pork, chicken and lamb are most often used. But with proper preparation, this dish turns out to be especially tasty and fragrant.
To begin with, much attention should be paid to the choice of meat. It is best to choose a loin and cut it into large pieces. Only in this case, guests will wait for a fragrant, and, most importantly, succulent shish kebab from a turkey. Marinade can be chosen any. As a side dish, the best option is fresh vegetables, salad and greens.
Shish kebab from turkey "In-home". It is necessary to prepare marinade. A glass of kefir is used for 1 kilogram of meat; 3 onions, sliced with mugs; A little hops-suneli, a large spoon of tomato paste and wine vinegar, ground black pepper and salt. Stir all the ingredients, put the meat and leave in the refrigerator for the night. Cooking, stringing alternately with mugs of tomatoes.
Shish kebab "Citrus". Cut the meat (1.5 kg) into large pieces and place it in a marinade, which requires 4 crushed garlic cloves, half a glass of orange jam, 2 large spoons of olive oil, ground pepper, a little ketchup and salt. Leave the turkey for 6 hours and serve on a table with mugs of baked bell pepper.
Shish kebab from turkey "Juicy" can be cooked for several hours. Cubes of meat (1 kg.) Pour half a glass of olive oil, juice of one lemon, salt and mix with onion rings. Leave for a couple of hours, and then string on bamboo skewers and bake in aerogrill in accordance with the existing program.
Shish kebab from turkey "Italian" is prepared very quickly. You need a half kilogram of meat to make a mixture of 2 chopped bulbs, circles of one lemon; Fresh and shredded basil; A mixture of peppers, dill and salt. In the mixture leave the meat for 8 hours. Bake as usual.
You can cook a "Spicy" shish kebab from a turkey. Marinade is recommended to make from 3 large spoons of olive oil, lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of honey and Italian herbs (rosemary, thyme). This ratio is half a kilo of meat. The turkey should "rest" in the mixture for about three hours.
Shish kebab from mushrooms and turkey. It is recommended to make a simple marinade from crushed green onions, juice of one juice, salt, crushed 5 cloves of garlic and chopped dill. In this mixture, "hold" the meat for six hours, string the pieces interspersed with fresh large mushrooms.
Shish kebab from turkey with bacon. To prepare the marinade, you need to mix half a pack of butter, a grated onion, lemon zest, a bunch of chopped cilantro and 2 large spoons of soy sauce. Meat cut into large cubes, fat in thin strips, put them in a marinade and leave for a few hours. Cooking shish kebabs, as usual. It is recommended to offer a very tasty and original sauce from a mixture of six large spoons of peanuts, passed through a meat grinder; Chopped dry chili peppers; Finely chopped bulbs; Half a glass of peanut butter, coconut chips (to taste), curry, cinnamon, 3 large spoons of honey.
To save a slender figure, you can offer a low-calorie shish kebab. Preparation should start with pickling a kilogram of meat. It will take a mixture of juices of two lemons, salt, 2 large spoons of dry sage and ground pepper. Leave for a few hours, and at this time cut into a large cube of Bulgarian peppers, tomatoes, zucchini, and the onion - mugs. The more such ingredients will be, the more useful and dietary this dish becomes. Then we begin to string the shish kebab, alternating the meat with the vegetable component. This approach will allow you to enjoy your favorite dish, but do not overeat.
Bon Appetit!
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