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Musical development: how do the children sing?
Almost all children love to sing. Singing helps to feel the joy of life. Do you know that singing is not only interesting, but useful?
Each parent dreams of the child growing up and actively developing. An important role is played by creative development, because it is so important for a child to feel able and talented, to show imagination, to apply logical and spatial thinking. One of the creative directions is the musical development of the child. All parents love to listen to how the children sing.
Research scientists have repeatedly argued that music has a positive effect on mental development. Children who are engaged in music learn faster to read and logically express their thoughts. Musicality can be developed by teaching the child to play the instruments, with the help of dancing or singing. The article tells about the benefits of vocal development.
Vocals: lessons for all ages
A conscious statement of the voice, control of one's own performance, work on sound production is possible from five years. Reaching this age, the children sing, realizing that they are required, begin to work meaningfully on the diction, articulation and methods of sound formation. But this does not mean at all that up to five years of singing to learn early. On the contrary, the sooner the baby begins to sing, the faster his musical abilities develop: hearing, musical memory, a sense of rhythm, responsiveness to music. Therefore, if you notice how the children sing, along with everything that sounds, it's time to turn to a vocal studio, where under the guidance of the teacher there will be their further musical development.
Vocals: creative and physical development
Some parents think that vocal exercises only train the voice, the musical ear and teach to sing, but in fact singing has a much greater impact on the development of the child. Children are actively improving their speech, memory improves. It is known that the lines of songs are absorbed more quickly than just poetry, the learning of texts trains the process of memorizing.
In the vocal lessons children gain confidence in their abilities and abilities, get rid of complexes, become more artistic. Notice how the children sing. They do it with inspiration, from the heart, while experiencing positive emotions, get rid of fatigue, stress, relax. All this is necessary for a modern child with a large educational load.
There are modern methods of music therapy, for example, with the help of vocals it is possible to cure stuttering.
The basis of singing is breathing
When teaching singing, the larynx, trachea, lungs develop, the habit of economical breathing is formed. Continuous ventilation reduces the risk of respiratory system diseases. When children sing, different muscle groups work, and thanks to this, the vocal cords are developed , the fatigue of the voice apparatus is reduced, pronunciation and diction become more clear.
Repertoire matters
Many parents are touched when adult pop songs are sung by children. Maybe it looks funny, but the repertoire of the "stars" is not the music that the child needs. The voice range of children is still too small and weak, so they need songs with a corresponding melodic line, without complex jumps and transitions. The choice of songs must be approached with all responsibility - except that it must approach the voice of the child, it must have content accessible to its understanding. Children's repertoire is characterized by what surrounds them. Songs about toys, animals, about the daddy and mum, about holidays should make a basis of musical predilections.
The musical rhythm has a strong impact on the children's organism and especially on the work of the brain. Shamans, for example, are introduced by means of the rhythm of man into trance. Modern music with its frequencies can act destructively. A special children's repertoire can cause joy. Expressing the fulfillment of their feelings, the children sing and dance with inspiration, dissolving in music.
The role of a vocal studio in the musical development of a child
The teacher of the vocal studio knows the features of the child's voice, selects the appropriate repertoire, teaches the main vocal rules, voice and intonation. In addition, the child will learn the skills of the stage movement, learn to convey feelings and emotions in the song.
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