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Home ice cream "Fruit ice": recipe

Ice cream "Fruit ice" is loved by both children and adults. This product is not only refreshing and tasty, but also useful. After all, this ice cream is prepared from the juice and pulp of ripe fruit. All the charm of this dessert is felt in the summer, when it gets hot and stuffy on the street.

Is the store "Fruit Ice" good or bad?

Unfortunately, manufacturers are increasingly abandoning technology with the use of natural raw materials. Therefore, strange as it may sound, the ice cream bought in the store often turns out to be a mixture of synthesized syrup with taste of fruits, artificial colors and chemical flavors. So it turns out that the acquired frozen juice brings people not only harm, but also unnecessary calories.

So why pay for a useless product? Many mistresses successfully come out of the situation. Because, knowing how to make homemade ice cream (fruit ice), you can please the household even every day. Moreover, such a delicacy is prepared quite quickly, and absolutely any juices, fruits and berries are suitable as initial ingredients.

Homemade ice cream with your own hands: some useful tips

A lot has been said about the benefits of fruits and their value for our body. Means, and the prepared dish from the frozen pulp of curative fruits will not only help to freshen up in hot weather, but also will present all useful micro- and macronutrients contained in them. Low caloric content of such ice cream will be another positive point. Time to prepare such a useful and refreshing treat will need very little. Just a few minutes - and a delicious dessert is almost ready. Now it remains only to freeze it.

Today, there are many ways to prepare this dessert. They can differ in the composition of the ingredients and the level of complexity. However, preparing a homemade delicacy, even for the most complicated recipe, will not cause much trouble if you follow several recommendations and do not deviate from the proposed recipes. Although some improvisation, if it concerns the choice of fruits or their mixtures, is quite acceptable, because there are many options for preparing homemade ice cream, but there is no standard recipe for such a dessert.

There are several rules that should be followed:

  • Before preparation, the fruit should be thoroughly washed and dried.
  • All used utensils should be clean.
  • Some fruits and berries, for example: cherry, sea buckthorn, lemons, oranges apples, etc. - can have a sour taste. Before you put the fruit in the mold to freeze, you need to try it. If the cooked mashed potatoes or juice turns out to be sour, you need to add a little sugar or sweet syrup.
  • To improve the taste characteristics of fruits, as well as to speed up the time of frost, sugar syrup is added to juice or fruit weight, which is prepared from the ratio of 100 grams of sugar per 500 grams of fruit raw materials.
  • To prepare the syrup, you need to put a small amount of sugar in a small saucepan, add a little water and bring to a boil. Stirring the sweet solution, it is brought to a boil and boiled until the sugar dissolves completely. The cooled syrup is mixed with natural juice, poured into molds and placed in the freezer for 20-30 minutes. After the mixture has hardened a little, wooden sticks can be placed in it and left to completely freeze.

Delicious dessert from juice

The use of natural juices is one of the simplest recipes for home-made ice cream. Fruit ice, prepared by this method, preserves all the useful and nutritious properties of the fruit. To prepare a tasty, refreshing and low-calorie product, you will need any natural juice and suitable forms. If desired, you can make a multicolored rainbow, filling and freezing containers of different natural drinks from ripe berries and fruits. The only drawback is an increase in the cooking time, because Before pouring the next juice, you must wait for the previous liquid to freeze.

If you involve children in a "production" process and share very little imagination together, you can get ice cream of the most unusual forms: in the form of multi-colored animals, stars or all kinds of compositions.

Frozen berry mix

For the preparation of this dessert any garden berries will suit: raspberry, strawberry, currant, cherry and other fruits. Before preparing them you need to knead a little to make juice appear. If the berries appear acidic, then you can add a little sugar syrup, prepared in advance. The resulting mass is filled into molds and placed in a freezer. The freezing time can be from 4 to 6 hours.

Very often a sugar-lemon syrup is added to the fruit sauce. For this, some of the berries are grinded through a sieve, twisted through a meat grinder or ground in a blender, add a few drops of lemon juice, water and sugar. Fruit-sugar slurry is brought to a boil, boil until the sugar is completely dissolved and cooled. The resulting syrup is added to the berry puree and mixed thoroughly. Then they spread out the forms and freeze, not forgetting to stuck the wooden sticks 20 minutes after the start of the freezing. With this ice cream recipe, fruit ice is very tasty and aromatic. The dessert freezes quickly, which is especially important when there are impatient children in the house.

Fruit ice cream with yogurt

To prepare a delicious dessert, you need to stock up a jar of natural yogurt, preferably without additives, and any kind of fruit juice - it can be apple, peach, orange, grape, etc. First of all, yogurt must be thoroughly beaten. Then the juice is poured into the airy yogurt mass. The resulting mixture is laid out in molds and left in the freezer for about an hour, so that the mass hardens. After that, the frozen juice is poured over the frozen yogurt mass and placed again in the freezer until the ice cream is completely frozen. Fruit ice at home can be decorated with grated chocolate or coconut chips.

A delicacy made from fruit puree

As the main ingredients for frozen desserts, you can use any fresh fruit. Washed and peeled apples, peaches, apricots, pears or plums are ground to a homogeneous mass with a blender. If necessary, you can add a little sugar syrup or a few drops of lemon juice to the resulting fruit slurry. The mixture is spread over the molds and placed in the freezer until it is completely solidified. By the way, homemade ice cream - fruit ice made from mashed potatoes - is prepared and frozen no more and no more complicated than other cooling desserts from various ripe fruits. Its amazing taste will please all household members.

Pieces of fruit added to ice cream

Fruit ice with pieces of fruit - the dish is unusual and very tasty. To make it, you need sugar syrup, which will accelerate the process of hardening of the fruit. For this, in 1 cup of boiling water add 4 tablespoons of sugar and boil the syrup for 5 minutes. The hot solution is poured with fruits and allowed to cool. Then the mass is laid out on the molds and placed in the freezing for 2-3 hours.

Forms for ice cream at home

There are plenty of fruit ice recipes, but how to prepare this wonderful dessert? Here, special molds bought in the store, various vases and kremanki will come to the rescue. They can be found in almost all retail outlets that specialize in selling household goods or dishes. However, when you go to these stores, we do not always remember about such a trifle, as an ice cream mold. Therefore, instead of them, they often use different plastic cups and baths from yogurt and curd. Many have adapted instead of special forms to use clean children's pasochki for playing in the sandbox. It's even funny - to make colorful desserts in such forms. And for children this process is a real holiday!

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