HealthDiseases and Conditions

Spondylosis - what is it? Causes and symptoms of the disease

Chronic degenerative changes in the spine are a fairly common problem. Therefore, many are interested in why spondylosis arises, what it is, what its symptoms are and whether there are really effective methods of treating such a disease. After all, the sooner it is diagnosed and the corresponding therapy is started, the more likely it is to stop the processes of deformation of the vertebrae.

Spondylosis - what is it?

As is known, spondylosis is a chronic disease in which lesions and gradual degeneration of connective tissue elements of the spine occur, as well as deformation of the vertebrae themselves.

Depending on the cause of the development of the disease, as a rule, affects only one part of the spinal column - most often this is the cervical, lumbar or thoracic region. And if at the initial stages there is a weakening of the cartilaginous ligaments and changes in the intervertebral discs, then as the disease progresses, on the vertebral bodies a very characteristic bony growth appears. Such neoplasms compress the blood vessels, worsening trophism of tissues, and often damage the nerve roots, which affects the work of certain muscle groups. In any case, it is necessary to understand that such a disease simply needs to be treated, since otherwise dangerous and unpleasant consequences are possible.

Spondylosis: what is it and what are the causes of its occurrence?

In fact, modern medicine knows many causes of deforming spondylosis. In the first place, it is worth mentioning the injuries and permanent physical exertion on this or that part of the spine.

On the other hand, degeneration of connective tissues can be the result of disruption of normal blood circulation or metabolism. Therefore, the risk factors include diseases that are accompanied by a change in metabolism. By the way, elderly people are more prone to such a disease precisely because of a violation of normal trophism.

But young people are no less likely to suffer from this disease. In such cases, degeneration is usually associated with the lack of necessary physical activity and sedentary work. After all, static static loads on the spinal column worsen blood circulation. Sometimes spondylosis occurs against the background of other deforming diseases of the musculoskeletal system, in particular, flat feet.

Spondylosis: what is it and what are its symptoms?

The first stages of the development of the disease most often occur without significant symptoms. Patients only occasionally complain of a feeling of tension and discomfort in one or another part of the spine. In the future, the clinical picture depends on which parts of the spinal column were affected.

  • With the deformation of the cervical region, pain in the neck, a feeling of stiffness in the movements. In the case of compression of the nerve roots, short-term numbness of the hands, tingling and loss of sensitivity in the fingers are observed.
  • Spondylosis of the lumbar region is accompanied by discomfort in the lower back, tension of the back muscles, numbness of the lower limbs. In some cases, there is a false lameness.
  • Spondylosis of the thoracic spine, respectively, causes pain and stiffness in the chest.

In any case, the disease requires medical attention. During an exacerbation patients are prescribed anesthetics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It will be extremely useful massage, which will help relieve the tension of the muscles of the back. And regular exercises of therapeutic gymnastics will help stop the process of degeneration and make muscles stronger.

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