HealthAlternative Medicine

What is adnexitis (inflammation of the appendages)? Treatment with folk remedies

Unfortunately, many women are diagnosed with adnexitis (inflammation of the appendages). Treatment with folk remedies can often lead to complete healing if the therapy is started on time. The culprits of the disease are most often various ascending infections that enter the body along with the blood flow. As a result of hypothermia, an inflammatory process begins, involving the appendages with the tubes, as well as the nearby internal organs.

Non-compliance with hygiene, colds, douches with cool water, sexually transmitted diseases, hormonal failure, nervous overexertion - often all of these factors lead to adnexitis. The acute stage of the disease is characterized by severe pain in the abdominal region, which is given to the hips and sacrum. The temperature rises to 38 о С, nausea and weakness are possible. In the absence of therapeutic assistance, the disease spills over into a chronic stage.

In this form, the symptomatology is characterized by a violation of the menstrual cycle, the work of the genitourinary sphere and systematic pain. Dangerous complications cause inflammation of the appendages. Treatment with folk remedies begin after confirmation of the diagnosis. Remember: adnexitis ruthlessly affects the ovaries. As a result, this leads to infertility and adhesions.

Practitioners advise mud baths for patients who have inflammation of the appendages. Treatment with folk remedies in combination with medications gives positive results. Mud baths can be done at home from blue clay. Good syringing with a warm solution of chamomile.

Remember: in the treatment of intimate life, especially if the disease is in the acute phase, otherwise it will only aggravate the situation and provoke a number of complications. If there are vaginal secretions and unbearable pain, juniper will help . Berries are thoroughly chewed, starting with 4 pieces. Recommended decoction of the fruits of this medicinal plant-longevity with adnexitis (inflammation of the appendages).

Folk treatment sometimes gives an excellent result. In a chronic stage, healers are advised to take infusion from the field's field. Prepare it is simple: buy raw materials in the pharmacy chain, take two large spoons of grass and a half-liter of boiling water. The solution is infused for an hour, then filtered and drunk three times a day for one hundred grams.

There are hundreds of recipes from medicinal herbs that help prevent inflammation of the appendages. Treatment of folk remedies has always been very popular. Here is an ancient and effective recipe for this ailment: 20 grams of gold-thousandaire, mother-and-stepmother and sweet clover should be insisted in two glasses of boiling water for an hour. The broth is taken at least five times a day for one hundred grams. The duration of therapy is a month.

Take three large spoons of flowers of plantain, yarrow, chamomile and root ayr. The herbal mixture is poured with three glasses of steep boiling water and cooked for 5 minutes. The resulting solution is infused for half an hour. Dosed syringes are done twice a day.

Here's how to cure inflammation of the appendages with affordable medicinal herbs. You can make tampons from the juice of grass vinca, rose oil and milk (in equal amounts). The mass is boiled for a minute, cooled and moistened in it with a gauze swab, which is introduced at night. It can be impregnated with tea tree oil - then it is kept inside for half an hour (morning and evening). With adnexitis, baths with the addition of myrtle fruit are very helpful.

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