HealthAlternative Medicine

Galega (herb): medicinal properties, contraindications, recipes

Glega officinalis is a perennial plant that belongs to the genus of legumes. In the people it is often called a goat. And all because of the fact that this grass is grown as food. This is a valuable agricultural crop.


Galega - the herb, the medicinal properties of which will be described below, is a tall and powerful plant. In height, it can reach more than one meter. Galleries are characterized by odd-leafed foliage. The flowers of this plant have a violet or bluish tinge. In form they resemble bells. As a result of flowering, a fruit is formed in the form of a bean, in which seeds are found. On each side of it longitudinal depressions are noted. Flowering begins in June and ends in September. Galega - a herb, the medicinal properties of which have been proven for a long time. As for the localization of the plant, it occurs throughout the whole of Russia. It grows on the banks of lakes and rivers, as well as between high bushes.

Properties of the plant

Galega is an herb, the medicinal properties of which are widely used in non-traditional medicine. This plant has many properties. However, refers gazlega to poisonous herbs. It is important to know the exact dosage of the drug. Therefore, self-medication with the help of this plant is not recommended.

What are the qualities of gazga? The herb, the medicinal properties of which allow it to be used against many ailments, is used to make preparations entirely. For therapeutic purposes, you can use both roots, and leaves, and stems, and plant flowers. The infusion, prepared from this herb, has antibacterial, antihistamine and diuretic effect. At many illnesses useful галега. The herb, the therapeutic properties of which are obvious in diabetes mellitus, is widely used to reduce the sugar level in the patient's blood.

Chemical composition and benefits

In the leaves and stems there is a large amount of vitamin C, carbohydrates, tannin and carotene. In addition, glega contains bitter and tannic substances. A high content of alkaloid makes the plant simply invaluable. With topical application, this substance can cause a narrowing of the pupils. If the intravenous pressure is greatly reduced, then the alkaloid will increase it to the desired level. This leads to narrowing of the vessels. It should be noted that the alkaloid of this plant is able to improve the secretion of milk. However, the component inhibits the motor work of the intestine.

Where is the gazga used?

The herb, medicinal properties and contraindications to which are almost completely studied, is used in non-traditional medicine for the therapy of many diseases. The best effect can be achieved if you use drugs from this plant in the very early stages of the disease. Apply galley usually as a lactagon drug in the period of breastfeeding. This is due to the fact that the plant is able to significantly improve the movement of the body fluids. As a result, more milk is produced.

It should be noted that the use of drugs based on herbs leads to an increase in the production of glycogen by the human liver. This substance is responsible for storing glucose "in reserve". Therapy with the use of galleys should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor and after professional consultation. Do not forget that the plant is poisonous and has contraindications. It is not recommended to use it for people who are allergic to the plant.

Glega grass: useful properties and contraindications

Useful properties of this plant are unique. However, doctors indicate a list of contraindications. First of all, preparations based on galleys can not be taken by pregnant women. Also, such agents are contraindicated for those with hypotension and hypertension. Do not take drugs from the gale, if there are any violations in the work of the intestine. In other cases, the plant has a positive effect on the body. The main thing is to accurately observe the dosage and not engage in self-medication.

Medicine for diabetes mellitus

As already mentioned, the plant is very effective in treating the disease. To prepare the collection, you will need 25 grams of bean gadrid pods, nettle leaves and dandelion roots. All herbs should be crushed, and then mixed. A tablespoon of the resulting composition should be brewed with 200 milliliters of boiling water. Infuse the drug for half an hour, and then drain. Take this medication is recommended before meals twice a day for 100 milliliters.

Decoction from the galleys

How is the gazga prepared? Grass, the properties of which, undoubtedly, facilitate the patient's condition with certain ailments, is used to make infusions and broths. Such drugs can get rid of a certain number of diseases. To prepare the broth from the grass, you need two tablespoons of chopped gallee and a half-liter of boiling water. Raw materials should be filled with water, and then placed on a water bath. Capacity for this is to use only enameled.

The product should be topped up under the lid for 15 minutes. After this, the broth should be filtered and brought to the volume, which was originally. To do this, pour boiling water into the formulation. You can take a decoction before eating every day. In this case, the dosage should not exceed 70 milliliters. Increase or decrease the amount of the drug can be depending on the patient's condition and only after consulting a specialist.

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