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Love in the life of Oblomov (after Goncharov's novel IA)

Among the works of IA. Goncharova "Cliff", "Frigate Pallas", "Ordinary story" and "Oblomov" the last novel takes a special place and is the most famous.

Briefly about the novel

The idea of a new work was formed in Goncharov in 1847, but the reader had another 10 years to wait for the emergence of this novel, which was entirely published in 1859 and brought the author a huge success. A feature of this work is that Ivan Andreevich for the first time in Russian literature examined the life of a person from birth to death. The hero himself, his life - the main theme of the work, so it is named after his name - "Oblomov." It belongs to the category of "speakers", since its bearer, the "childbearing fragment", reminds us of the famous hero of the epic Il'ya Muromets, who until the age of 33 lay on the stove (when we get to know Oblomov, he was also about 32-33 years old). However, the epic hero, after he got up from the stove, did many great things, while Ilya Ilyich remained lying on the couch. Goncharov uses the repetition of the name and patronymic, as if emphasizing that life goes on the established circle, the son repeats the fate of his father.

Love in the novel "Oblomov", as in many other domestic novels, is one of the main themes. Here, as in many works, it is the driving force behind the spiritual development of the heroes. Let's analyze in detail the love of Oblomov in the novel "Oblomov."

Love for Olga

Let's begin our discussion with the relationship between Ilya Ilyich and Olga. Love in Oblomov's life, a brief description of the relationship between the heroes, which we present to you in this article, can be divided into two parts: Ilya Ilyich's feelings for Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Matveyevna.

Olga was the first lover of the protagonist. Feelings to Olga bring him happiness, revive, while at the same time forcing him to suffer, since with the passing of love from Oblomov, the desire to live disappears.

A bright feeling for Olga comes to the hero suddenly and completely absorbs him. It inflames his passive soul, for which such strong upheavals were new. Oblomov used to bury all his feelings somewhere deep in the subconscious, and love awakens them, revives him to a new life.

Never thinking of the fact that he can love a girl like Olga, the hero with his romantic and bright soul falls passionately in love with her.

Is this true love?

Olga manages to change the character of Ilya Ilyich - to get rid of him boredom and laziness. For the sake of his beloved, he is ready to change: to give up an afternoon nap, from dinner, to read books. However, this does not mean that Ilya Ilyich really wanted this. The hero is characteristic of Oblomovism, its integral part.

In a dream, as it is known, the desires and motives hidden in the subconscious are revealed. Turning to the chapter "Sleep Oblomov," we see what is really needed for this hero. His companion should be a quiet domestic girl, but not Olga, striving for self-development and active life. And Oblomov writes to her that her "love" is not real, but future love. And really, Olga loves not the one who is in front of her, but the one who he will become, defeating his apathy and laziness. Noting this, the hero warns Olga, writes that they need to part and never meet again. However, as Ilya Ilyich predicted in his letter ("you will be vexed and ashamed of your mistake"), the heroine changed Oblomov, having grown fond of Andrei Stolts. Does this mean that her love was only an introduction to the future novel, the expectation of real happiness? After all, it is unselfish, pure, selfless. Olga believes in what Oblomov really likes.

Love of Olga

At first, this heroine, who does not enjoy much attention among the cavaliers, seems to us an adult child. However, it was she who was able to pull Oblomov out of the pool of his inaction, at least temporarily returning to life. Stolz noticed her first. He joked, laughed, entertained the girl, advised the right books, in general, did not let him get bored. She was really interesting to him, but Andrei remained only a teacher and mentor. Oblomov also attracted a voice and a fold in her forehead, in which, according to his expression, "perseverance nests." Olga loves Ilya Ilyich's mind, though she is crushed by "all rubbish" and has fallen asleep in idleness, and also a clean, faithful heart. Presumptuous and bright, she dreamed of making the hero read newspapers, books, telling the news, discovering the real life and not letting her doze off again. Oblomov fell in love when Olga at the first reception at the Ilinsky sang Casta Diva. A peculiar symbol of their love was the lilac branch mentioned several times on the pages of the novel, then on Olga's embroidery during a meeting in the park, then abandoned by the heroine and picked up by Ilya Ilyich.

End of the novel

But this love in the novel Oblomov was frightening for him, Oblomovism is stronger than such high and sincere feelings. It absorbs the desire to create and act - so unsuitable for Oblomov, and beloved are forced to complete the relationship, never ceasing to love each other. The love of Olga and Oblomov was doomed from the very beginning. Olga Ilyinskaya and Ilya Ilyich family happiness, love, meaning of life understood differently. If for a hero the relationship between a man and a woman is a passion, a disease, then for Olga - a duty. Oblomov loved her sincerely and deeply, gave her everything, worshiped her. In the heroine's feelings, a consecutive calculation was noticeable. She took Oblomov's life into her own hands, having agreed with Stolz. Despite her youth, she managed to discern in him a good soul, an open heart, "dovish tenderness." At the same time, Olga liked the realization that she, an inexperienced young girl, would revive a man like Oblomov. The gap between them is inevitable and natural: they are too dissimilar. This love story of Oblomov was thus completed. The thirst for a sleepy, serene state was more expensive than romantic happiness. The ideal of Oblomov's existence is seen in the following: "Man is sleeping peacefully".

New beloved

With her departure, the protagonist does not find what can take up the emptiness formed in the soul, and again he lies idle all day and sleeps on his favorite couch in St. Petersburg, in the house of the hostess Agafia Pshenitsyna. She attracted the hero with her bare elbows, neck and economy. The new lover was hardworking, but her mind was not different ("she looked at him stupidly and was silent"), but she cooked and kept order.

New Oblomovka

Having got used to the measured and unhurried rhythm of this mistress's life, over time, Ilya Ilyich will humble his heart's impulses and begin to settle for a little again. All his wishes, as well as before the meeting with Olga, will be limited to food, sleep, empty, rare conversations with businesslike Agafia Matveyevna. It is opposed to the writer Olga: a faithful kind wife, an excellent mistress, but she does not have the height of her soul. Ilya Ilyich, plunging into the unpretentious half-village life in the house of this mistress, seemed to have fallen into the former Oblomovka. Slowly and lazily dying in the shower, he falls in love with Pshenitsyn.

Love Pshenitsyna

And what about Agafya Matveyevna herself? Is that her love? No, she is devoted, selfless. In her feelings, the heroine is ready to drown, give all the fruits of her labors, all her strength to Oblomov. For her sake, she sold some of her jewelry, gold chains and ornaments, when Tarantyev tricked Ilya Ilyich into paying him a large sum of ten thousand dollars a month. One gets the impression that Agafia Matveyevna's entire previous life passed in anticipation of the appearance of a person who can be looked after as a son, who can be faithfully and selflessly loved. The protagonist of the work is this: he is soft, kind - it touches a woman's heart, accustomed to the ignorance and rudeness of men; He is lazy - it allows you to take care of him and take care of him, like a child.

Prior to Oblomov, Pshenitsyn did not live, but existed without thinking about anything. She was uneducated, even stupid. She was not interested in anything other than housekeeping. However, in this she achieved true perfection. Agafia was constantly on the move, realizing that there was always work. It was the meaning and content of the entire life of the heroine. It was this activity of her that Pshenitsyna owed to the fact that she captivated Ilya Ilyich. Gradually, after the beloved has settled in her house, in the nature of this woman there are significant changes. Lyubov Oblomova in the novel "Oblomov" contributes to the spiritual rise of the heroine. In it, glimpses of reflection, anxiety and, finally, love are awakened. She expresses it in her own way, caring for Ilya during illness, taking care of the table and clothes, praying for his health.

New feelings

This love in Oblomov's life did not have the passion and sensuality that was present in the relationship with Olga. However, it was precisely these feelings that fully corresponded to Oblomovism. It was this heroine who repaired the beloved "oriental robe" from which Oblomov refused, having fallen in love with Olga.

If Ilinskaya contributed to the spiritual development of Ilya Ilyich, then Pshenitsyna made his life more calm and carefree without telling him about the problems with money. From it, he received care, Olga also wanted his development, she wanted him to communicate with people, appear in the light, understand politics and discuss the news. The hero could not, and did not want to, do everything that Olga wanted, and therefore surrendered. And Agafya Matveyevna created a new Oblomovka in Petersburg, taking care of him and protecting him. Such love in Oblomov's novel to Pshenitsyn fully satisfied his needs. Just as in Ilya Ilyich's home, on the Vyborg side, knocks were heard all the time.

Opinion of Andrew Stolz

Andrei Stolts, a friend of Oblomov, this love in Oblomov's life is incomprehensible. He was an active man, he was alien to Oblomovka's orders, her lazy home comfort, and all the more rougher in her environment woman. Olga Ilyinskaya is Stolz's ideal, romantic, subtle, wise. There is no shadow of coquetry in it. Andrey offers Olga a hand and a heart - and she agrees. His feelings were unselfish and pure, he does not seek any benefit, despite the fact that he is an unruly "businessman."

Ilya Ilyich on the life of Stolz

In turn, Ilya Ilyich does not understand the life of Andrei Stolz. The title character of the work continues the gallery of "superfluous people", discovered by M.Yu. Lermontov and A.S. Pushkin. He avoids secular society, does not serve, leads an aimless life. Ilya Ilyich does not see any sense in the tumultuous activity, since he does not consider it to be a true manifestation of the essence of man. He did not want a bureaucratic career steeped in papers, he denied the higher world, where everything is false, hardened by heart, hypocritical, there is no free thought, no sincere feelings.

Marriage of Stolz and Olga

While the relationship between Oblomov and Pshenitsyn is close to life, it is natural, it should be noted that the marriage of Stolz and Olga is utopian. In this sense, Oblomov turns out, strangely enough, closer to reality than such a seemingly obvious realist Stolz. Andrew, along with his beloved, lives in the Crimea, in their house they find a place as necessary for work things, and romantic trinkets. Even in love they are surrounded by an ideal balance: the passion subsided after the marriage, but did not fade.

Inner world of Olga

However, Stolz does not suspect at all what wealth is hidden in Olga's sublime soul. She overgrew him spiritually, because she did not strive for one particular goal, but saw different ways and chose on her own which way to go. Choosing Stolz, she wanted to find an equal husband or even a partner in life, trying to subjugate her with her own strength. At first Ilyinskaya really finds happiness in his face, however, as they get to know each other better, he begins to realize that in this life there is nothing special, that she is exactly the same as everyone else. Stolz lives solely by reason, not interested in anything other than deeds.

A trail in Olga's soul

The love of Olga and Oblomov left a huge mark in the heart of the heroine. She wanted to love and understand Oblomov's life, because for her life is love, and love is a duty, but she could not do it. After the marriage, Ilinskaya feels in her life some features of Oblomov's former idyll, and this observation alarms the heroine, she does not want to live like this. However, the love of Stolz and Olga is the feelings of two developing people who help each other in every way, and they must certainly find a way out to continue their search for their own way.

The inner world of Ilya Ilyich

In order to characterize the protagonist in general, as well as love in Oblomov's life, quotes from the text can be given different. Particularly interesting is the following: "What a fuss! And outside everything is so quiet, calm!". Andrew and Olga believe that if you lie quietly on the couch, and do not run, like a madman, in life, then you certainly lazy and do not think about anything. However, in the soul of Oblomov, there were such battles that Ilyinskaya could not have imagined. He thought about such complex issues, his thoughts went so far that Stolz would have gone mad. Ilya did not need a wife who suits hysteria, she does not know what she wants. In the depths of his soul, he was looking for a companion, which not only Ilya Ilyich himself would have loved, but which, on his part, accepted him as he is, without trying to alter it. This is the ideal love in Oblomov's life.

So it turns out that the hero loved Olga sincerely, as no one else loved and loved can not, and she wanted to heal, after which, when he will be on the same "level" with her, fall in love. And Ilinskaya brutally paid for it, when Oblomov died, realized that she loved him exactly as he is, with all the obvious flaws.

The role of love in the life of the hero

The role of love in Oblomov's life, therefore, was very great. It, according to the author, is the most important driving force, without which neither the spiritual development of people, nor their happiness is possible. As I.A. Goncharov, love in the life of Oblomov was an important stage of his inner becoming, so she was given so much room in the development of the novel.

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