Health, Diseases and Conditions
Severe palpitations (causes and consequences)
Every year more and more people complain of a strong heartbeat, the reasons of which can only be determined by a comprehensive examination. What is this phenomenon and how to deal with it?
A strong heartbeat can be caused by a variety of factors. The most frequent causes of its occurrence are failures in the work of the nervous vegetative system, which is responsible for the work of the heart. Such heart rhythm disturbances like tachycardia and arrhythmia are the result of failures in the work of this system.
In addition, the cause of rapid heartbeat may be violations of the thyroid gland, anemia, myocarditis, heart defects. Often a strong sertsebienie caused by disorders of the nervous system, which are accompanied by a stressful condition, internal unrest, fear, turbulent joy, insomnia. Even a joyful state of love adversely affects the work of the heart. If a person often experiences a strong heartbeat, the reasons for which he can not understand, he must get a consultation from a cardiologist. Like any other malfunctions in the work of the heart, the increase in its rhythm requires careful examination.
A very unpleasant phenomenon is a strong heartbeat at night, arising after a sharp awakening. This condition can be caused by a significant increase in diastolic and systolic pressure against a background of pronounced tachycardia. In this phenomenon, the cardiovascular system is "to blame", or the patient has had a vegetative crisis. Such cases of heart palpitations require consultation of a cardiologist and carrying out EchoCG and ECG.
A strong palpitation is observed after physical exertion, but if within a short time it comes back to normal, there is no cause for concern. If the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle for a long time exceeds a hundred beats per minute, doctors use the term "tachycardia". In this case, the expert establishes two necessary facts:
1. Whether the patient's heart rhythm is uneven or even.
2. How does tachycardia develop: abruptly or gradually.
The gradual appearance of tachycardia most often occurs as a result of the action of physiological regulators that manifest themselves in strong emotions and physical exercises. Sometimes they can manifest themselves in the event that the patient has a strong fever, anemia or overactive thyroid. Tachycardia, which occurs unevenly, may indicate that the patient develops an abnormal rhythm coming from the atria (upper chambers of the heart). This condition is called atrial fibrillation.
Tachycardia, which starts abruptly, most often occurs due to the occurrence of a short circuit in the systems of internal connections of the heart muscle. During the onset of an attack of this tachycardia, an electric record (ECG) of the heart should be performed, since this record gives the doctor the opportunity to pinpoint the causes that cause a short circuit and to prescribe the necessary treatment methods.
In many clinical cases, a strong palpitation, identified on the basis of understanding the patient's causes and indicating that a person has a normal increase in heart rate, will not require therapeutic treatment. In such situations, you need a simple calm and the belief that there is nothing terrible in this.
At the same time, signs of rapid heartbeat, manifested as a result of atrial fibrillation and electrical closure, require a whole course of treatment, because to control these symptoms, you need to reduce the existing risk of adverse complications. There are a number of available therapies that begin with educating a person in elementary methods of stopping a pathological episode, and ends with the appointment of certain medications that help prevent and stop these episodes.
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