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Sergey Lukyanenko: the best books

The best science fiction writer in Russia, according to millions of readers. Few can compare with him among his contemporaries, and if he can, as, for example, the same Viktor Pelevin or Vladimir Vasiliev, this does not in the least belittle his merits. Rather, we are talking about the fact that equals stand on one step, and do not compete with each other.

The author who writes in an adult way about children and with humor about adults. The creator of "Watches" and the cult "Dipetown." All this is Sergey Lukyanenko. The writer's books are swept from the shelves even today, when most people prefer electronic versions of their favorite works. And the fans keep track of the novelties from the author, just knowing that it will be a book worthy of attention.

short biography

It's good that in Russia there is less than one doctor-psychiatrist, and there is more for one writer. Sergey Lukyanenko studied at the medical school in Almaty on a therapist. Later he specialized as a psychiatrist. But fortunately, already a year after my studies, I began working as a deputy editor-in-chief in a local journal about fantasy. As the author Sergei Lukyanenko was in 1988, when the magazine appeared his story "Violation." Since 1997, all the writer's works have been printed, although there is information that some of the early works have never been published.

Sergey Lukyaneko is married, he lives permanently in Moscow with his wife and three children - Artem, Daniel and Nadezhda. Holds pets - a family of Yorkshire terriers.

The writer annually participates in festivals, congresses and conferences devoted to science fiction, and with an enviable regularity he becomes a laureate of various prizes.

Popular Series

What can Sergei Lukyanenko offer the reader? Books are now released in batches - this encourages to buy again and again new items with already fallen in love with the characters. But the writer, unlike many other authors, does not release large series - he, as a rule, has one to two books combined. The exception is "Watch", there are already 11 of them, but there are a lot of works in the co-authorship. The writer can forgive this small digression, since all his books are independent, finished works. Even if in the next book the events start exactly from the same place where they broke off in the previous one, there was still a logical ending with the seven threaded threads of the story, and not a rough stump of the dough in the middle of the epic battle.

Sergei Lukyanenko created many different series, but the best among them are the "Watch" and "Labyrinth of Reflections." But fans of good fiction are familiar with others: "Work on mistakes", "Tricks", "Genome", "Island Rus", "Sky seekers", "Stars are cold toys", "Lord from planet Earth", "Dream line" ".

The best works of Sergei Lukyanenko

Sergei Lukyanenko wrote several solo novels, as well as many short stories and short stories. Let's talk about those that were remembered by readers:

  1. "Spectrum" is an amazing book about traveling to different worlds. Seven colors, seven planets and seven versions of one girl, and each dies in front of the main character. But maybe he will have time ...
  2. "Not the time for dragons" - a masterpiece co-authored with Nick Perumov, classic fantasy. I want to show this book to all graphomaniacs, who are trying to write something about "hit men".
  3. "Behind the forest, where the mean enemy ..." - this story could be told as an anecdote, if it were not so sad.
  4. "L" means people "- just read it to everyone.

These are the most favorite books, but Lukyaneko can read absolutely everything.


Everyone knows about the adaptation of the Watchmen: in 2004, the Night Watch was released, and in 2006 - Day Watch. Both films were shot by Timur Bekmambetov, and both parts were successful. About another adaptation, few people heard, it is about the tape "Aziris Nuna" for the joint product of Julia Burkina and Sergei Lukyanenko "Today, Mom." This is a humorous children's fantasy about the adventures of two brothers in the distant future, which Oleg Compass tried to recreate on the screen. It turned out not that it was bad, 30-40 years ago such a film would become a hit of the hire. But for the modern viewer low-budget tape is not of interest, because they lack special effects and expensive decorations.

Sergei Lukyaneko also reports on other possible adaptations, but they are all at the stage of not even projects, but ideas. This is a common problem for all science fiction writers: in order to make the works in a new fashion play in the film format, serious finances are needed. This is not a woman's novel, which can all be removed in one kitchen and in the bedroom, and not a classic detective, for which you need an old mansion and good actors. In fantasy, the wider the scope, the better.

Lukyanenko Sergey: Readers' comments about the author's work

Sometimes it's hard to believe that all these books were written by one person. And the question is not to the extent, as in Daria Dontsova, but to the nature of the work itself. Style in all novels and stories is similar, it is written equally well, but books cause completely different feelings. For example, if you remember "Autumn Visits", then in memory slips of hopelessness and some disappointment in life.

But one of the last books - "The Underdog", awakens very different feelings. One gets the impression that she was written by a very well-read and cheerful young man, who with humor tried to present a very practical approach to life that would not hurt even the fairy-tale hero. From the story "The Train to the Warm Edge" I want to cry, hoping that it will never be taken as a basis for film adaptation.

Perhaps, this is the difference between a talented writer and a simple artisan - to evoke strong emotions with his creations.

But at the same time, there is a classic fantasy with heroes, space fantasy, and battles in virtual reality in the writer's piggy bank.

Someone, perhaps, will like not everything that the author offered to judge the readers. But, it seems, such assorted is much better than the exploitation of one single hero in an endless series, than many modern writers sin.

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