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Flying Chinese Lanterns - When The Stars Light Up!

Celestial spheres of desires, otherwise called by Chinese lanterns, brought their traditions to the Western countries from the East, where they are unusually in demand. At us the data made of a paper flying luminous products only start to type popularity in the people.

Chronicles speak, because the first appeared Chinese lanterns in 180-234, during the armed campaigns of General Zhuge Liang, who used them to cause fear to the enemy.

How did it come about in ancient times? Through a lamp with oil and a large size made of paper bag. Such a system soared all the way and the enemy forces were desperately afraid of it, as the divine beings on the side of the general imagined.
However, the emergence of the desire ball diverge First used to signal the command of the Chinese army, Chinese lanterns after a while began to have a certain religious significance in the Eastern countries.

A significant reason for the general popularity of sky lanterns in the last few years of desire balls, not only in the Asian continent, but also in the European part since 2006, was the beginning of the incident at the Thai corner of the world on the coast of Khao Lak. The event was held in 2005 reminiscent of the victims of the terrible earthquake a year earlier. At that moment, journalist Zhou Xin or Ganjou Daly photographed this beauty from five thousand balls of desires launched in memory of the victims. And in this way, the photographer suddenly rose to a high position in the famous World Press.

The frame of Chinese lanterns is usually made of the lightest type of wood - for example a bamboo tree trunk. As a propulsor is usually used cotton fabric, which is impregnated with a good combustible wax. A similar impregnated scrap of cloth is attached to the frame. In addition to the above method, another of the existing methods from which the burning substance is made is combustible polymers. The dome attached to the frame is made technologically from non-varnishing paper from rice with the addition of mulberry tree, which in turn is impregnated with funds. The shape of the carcass and dome can be made as you like - as a simple version of cylindrical, spherical, and all sorts of other.

The principle by which the desire ball rises up is very simple. The fuel element heats the air mass in the dome to a temperature exceeding one hundred ° Celsius. There is an increase in the free path of air molecules due to heating, so some part of it is forced out, the air density of the inner part begins to decrease, this is the principle of the action of the Chinese lantern.

Finding the parameters of the desire balls is simple. After all, it's easy to determine the temperature inside, after that we find the mass and then the density. So, you can measure and the speed with which our desire ball will rise.

At its usual size about a meter in height, the sky lamp has a relatively small weight - about 140 g, which allows it to rapidly gain altitude. He flies about 15-20 minutes in time, while overcoming the distance to 1000 m.
Measures that must be taken to ensure safety at start-up: there should be no fire-hazardous facilities nearby, as well as airports (no closer than 5 kilometers from them), so it will be easier and safer for you to run flashlights in a weak wind.

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