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Sequoia is the tree, the tallest in the world

Everyone has heard of this tree, but few are able to see it. Despite the huge popularity, for a number of reasons, its distribution is limited. Sequoia is a tree that belongs to the genus of conifers, the cypress family, the subfamily sequoioideae. It consists of two types: a giant and evergreen sequoia. Both these species grow in North America on the Pacific coast.

Scientists are sure that in the distant past this amazing plant inhabited the entire northern hemisphere of our planet. Its modern name of the tree was not immediately: the British and Americans tried to perpetuate their heroes in it. Then a compromise was reached: the tree was decided to be named after the leader of the Cherokee tribe, Sequoyah, ironically urging his people to fight both against the British and against the Americans.

Evergreen and tallest

Today, this plant grows only in a small area in Northern California and Southern Oregon, on a narrow coastal strip. Evergreen sequoia is a tree that is the tallest existing in our time on Earth. Usually its height varies from 60 to 90 meters, but there were also specimens taller than 100 m, and one of them reached even 113 meters. Most of them grow in the Redwood National Park, on the slopes of the mountains facing the ocean, and the foothill valleys.

The trunk of the sequoia has a very thick and fibrous bark. While the plant is young, it branches along the entire length of the trunk, but with age, the lower branches are lost, and only at the top a dense crown is formed. The undergrowth in this forest develops poorly due to lack of lighting. Despite the fact that an adult seed tree gives a lot, only a small part of them grow, and even this part is very difficult - there is not enough sunlight. Because of this slow reproduction of the sequoia (the tree used to be extensively cut down), it was on the verge of extinction. Today the main places of growth of this amazing plant are taken under protection, and their barbarous cutting is stopped.

Sequoia National Park

The territory of this huge North American reserve is the main repository of the giant sequoia. This tree is rightfully considered to be the greatest living organism. In terms of dimensions and life expectancy equal to it in nature there. The existence of a giant sequoia is calculated not by tens or even hundreds of years, but by millennia - it can live up to 4000 years. The trunk of a tree for such a long period grows to a height of 95 meters, and in diameter grows to 10 meters or more. General Sherman - the so-called sequoia - is a tree (the photo was taken by the whole world), which already lived 4000 years and continues to grow, today its weight is 2995796 kg.

Some interesting facts

The tallest tree that grows today is the Stratospheric Giant. It is located in the Redwood National Park. In 2002, its height was 112.56 m.

The tallest tree on Earth was the Giant Daierville. When it collapsed, it was possible to determine that its height was 113.4 m., He lived about 1600 years.

Currently, 15 seasons have a height of more than 110 meters, and 47 trees have already approached the mark of 105 m. So, perhaps, the record of Giant Daierville will be beaten. It is said that in 1912 a redwood with a height of 115.8 m was cut down. But this fact is not proved.

The most voluminous sequoia is a tree named General Sherman. Its volume has already exceeded 1487 cubic meters. M. They say that in 1926 they cut down a tree with a volume of 1,794 cubic meters. M. But to check this is not possible.

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