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Evolution of the biosphere

The biosphere is not a static, immutable object. On the contrary, it evolves over the years. Living organisms are one of the fundamental factors of its development. Since their appearance, they have changed the composition of the biosphere, expanding its boundaries. Due to their continuous activity, various minerals and rocks appeared on the planet, the terrain was constantly changing, and the atmosphere of the Earth was completely transformed .

Consider the stages of the evolution of the biosphere:

- the emergence of the primary biosphere (approximately 4.6-3.5 billion years ago);

- complication of biocenosis (3.5 billion years ago);

- Noosphere - the result of the formation of the human race.

Since the appearance of man, the evolution of the biosphere has started to flow mainly under his influence. Only in a few centuries the rapid development of science, industry and technology contributed to a significant acceleration of migration of atoms. People created several thousand new varieties and breeds, exterminated many species of plants and animals, extracted a huge amount of minerals from the bark of the globe. Humanity, of course, is insignificant in its biomass, but the evolution of the biosphere was a consequence of the factor of controlling it with immeasurable energy.

Usually people unreasonably use the natural resources at their disposal. Some ancient states have disappeared due to the reckless attitude to nature. Due to deforestation the soil was dried up, which affected the local and global climate.

In today's world, the environment is also polluted by industrial enterprises. Factories and factories often discharge sewage without proper cleaning, thereby polluting the reservoirs with toxins. Hydroelectric power stations prevent the standard migration of river fish. In connection with the emergence of new cities, the area of meadows and forests has declined, which support the concentration of oxygen at the level necessary for life. Careless utilization of atomic energy has led to the pollution of nature by radiation causing cancer.

The evolution of the biosphere directly depends on the increase in the population of our planet (today it already has seven billion people). In the near future, the aggravation of food problems is not ruled out , therefore, various studies are already underway to develop new plant species and breeds of animals, which will certainly affect the environment.

Today, there is a need for a reasonable use of natural resources. We need protection of the atmosphere, soil, water resources, as well as wildlife. In this regard, many states have already adopted a number of laws on environmental protection. Created so-called. "Red Books" - annotated lists of rare and endangered species of fungi, plants and animals. There were environmental communities involved in environmental protection. The most popular among them is Greenpeace.

Not the least role in protecting the environment is played by reserves. Foreigners are not allowed to enter their territory, and any economic activity is not permitted. To date, there are about one hundred reserves in Russia alone.

The evolution of the biosphere implies serious climate changes in it. For example, the chemical "freon", emitted into the atmosphere, leads to depletion of the ozone layer. At the moment, there are invariably zones over Antarctica and several neighboring regions in which the gas layer is either very thin or nonexistent.

The evolution of the Earth's biosphere also depends on a certain proportion of solar radiation reaching the surface of our planet.

The release of particulate matter and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere causes a greenhouse effect, resulting in a constantly rising air temperature. Its increase by only a couple of degrees can cause flooding of oceanic coasts, including densely populated regions of Eastern and Western Europe, South America, and Hindustan.

From all of the above, it can be concluded that the global changes in climate caused by human activities - this is today's "world headache."

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