Sports and FitnessAthletics

Running technique. How to properly run to lose weight?

Doctors unanimously assert that the most healthy and reliable way to lose weight is the combination of a reasonable balanced diet with adequate physical loads. According to specialists in exercise therapy, the most effective of sports in terms of calorie consumption is running. Of course, any physical exertion leads to some degree of weight loss. But still running is beyond competition.

Why is running so effective?

The reason is that by engaging in it, we use practically all types of muscles, strengthen the cardiovascular system, promote better ventilation of the lungs and the fastest saturation of blood with oxygen. The metabolic processes during the running run much faster, fat burning occurs at an accelerated pace.

So, we have to find out how to lose weight faster and more efficiently. Proper running for this purpose implies the observance of a specific technique based on a number of fairly strict rules. As you know, each of us is individual. That is why you should plan your training so that they fit you. After all, in addition to healing and getting rid of excess weight, our goal - to enjoy and "muscle" joy.

Competent running technique - how to run properly?

Let's consider the basic rules, according to which it is necessary to organize classes. First of all, remember: before a run is required, warm-up. To compose it follows from a small complex of exercises, which includes slopes, turns and squats. The purpose of such gymnastics is to stretch the muscles and prepare for more intense loads.

One of the key points here, which can not be taken into account, is the physical state of the organism of a beginner athlete. It depends on him how to run properly. The technique of running for someone who used to know practically no training should be especially gentle.

Suffer excess weight should start with a quick walk or light jogging. Otherwise, the load on the knee joints may be excessively high. This is a sore point for most fat people who are forced to constantly "drag" on themselves extra pounds.

How can it be

Running can be monotonous or interval - the names speak for themselves. Monotonous running is quite monotonous, doing it, you can burn fat is not too much. Interval jogging has a more pronounced effect in terms of weight loss.

During training, pulse control is mandatory, otherwise there is a risk of causing great harm to health. Keep its values within predetermined limits. The lower of them is set at a level determined by the formula: (220 - age) x 0.6. To calculate the upper limit, multiply the same difference by 0.8.

Helpful Tips

Not only is the technique of running important. How to run properly so as not to cause harm to health? Go for a run should be when the body is in the phase of natural activity. It happens early in the morning, around noon or in the evening, but not too late. Stock up with water in a bottle, which you can drink in small sips or just wet your mouth. Dehydration should not be tolerated.

But overload the stomach with food before running was strictly not recommended. If you have breakfast or had supper, postpone the run for two or three hours.

How to equip for running? The main thing here is to choose high-quality footwear. Sneakers or running shoes should be comfortable, excluding the possibility of muscle stretching and injury.

Running in the morning for beginners (for weight loss). Technique and its basic varieties

And now we will take a closer look at the technique of interval running. Already from the name it is easy to draw a conclusion about its main features. First you run at maximum speed, then the rate of movement decreases. You go jogging or just a quick step. When breathing recovers, you make a fresh start, using your physical abilities to the maximum.

Training in interval technology can be of three types. Under interval sprint is meant the technique of running with the alternation of fast and slow gaps. In addition to intensive fat burning, this style contributes to the development of endurance and increases the level of physical fitness. It's easy to understand how to run properly. The technique of running, the photo of which is given below, corresponds to the one named - the runner alternates the distance segments at different rates.

Tempo running is called the one at which it is supposed to run as fast as possible for quite long distances. Very often with a speedy run on a new lap, the speed increases. Quickly strengthened muscles, fat melts just before your eyes, stamina increases - you learn how to run properly. The technique of running at 1 km or more is quite difficult.

Repeated run is called one where the runner on medium or long runs runs until full fatigue. Having started to experience shortness of breath and oxygen starvation, the athlete reduces the tempo and moves for a while in a gentle mode. After the breath is restored, the speed again increases to the maximum possible.

What exactly do you prefer? How to run properly? The technique of running to lose weight, is chosen by everyone independently by trial and error.

We and our body

The number of repeated runs for any of these species is strictly individual. To determine it, you should focus only on your own health. At each training it will be useful to slightly increase either the length of the distance, or the speed of the run (or both). Little by little, the technique of running will improve - how to run properly, you will understand yourself.

What happens in the body during the interval run? Our body perceives a state of rapid movement as a signal to an intense cleavage of glycogen. A high level of energy consumption with such intensive training makes the body instantly burn the available carbohydrate stock. After that, the fats begin to be actively split.

When we run, the pressure and body temperature increase, breathing and pulse are quickened. That is, it is clear evidence that the metabolism is accelerated and there is a fairly active destruction of adipose tissue. Due to the inertia of the human body, an increased level of metabolism persists even in the transition from intense running at maximum speed to a more peaceful one at a slow interval.

How best to organize classes

A few practical tips on how to run properly. Running technique in the morning for fifteen to twenty minutes daily in interval mode is more effective in burning excess calories than a two-hour run at a slow pace. The result will be even higher if training three times a day for 15 minutes.

This is explained by the same effect of inertia. After each of these runs, the body continues to work for a couple of hours at an accelerated pace and burn fat stores. Thus, three small jogs give about 7 hours of his active work.

As already mentioned, the process of losing weight requires an integrated approach. Loads carried out to burn excess fat and strengthen muscles must be competently combined with a balanced diet. It is very important to eat fat, protein and carbohydrates in a certain percentage. It will be optimal to eat small portions several times a day.

Be patient

A few words not only about how to run properly. The technique of running for weight loss, even the most "advanced", will be ineffective without a proper rest, the most important component of which is a prolonged night's sleep. If you fulfill all the above conditions, the approach to the process of getting rid of excess weight will become physiologically justified, competent and guarantee a reliable result.

It should not be forgotten that instantly drop a large number of kilograms - it's not only difficult to achieve, but also risky enough. It will be correct to lose weight every month for 2 or 3 kg, while strengthening muscles and acquiring a good sport figure. In this case, you will not get flabby folds on the skin as a result of its sagging.

Running on the spot

Well, what about those who, because of obesity or simply because of their character, are embarrassed to show up in a stadium or park tracks in a sports suit? Well, for them there is a way out. This is the same "generally reconciling" (as in Vysotsky) running on the spot. They should not neglect not only beginners, but also quite advanced fighters with excess weight. This is an ideal run in the mornings for beginners, the technique of running on the spot is simple and accessible to everyone.

For complexed fatties it is a wonderful way of loading. After all, to run on the spot, you do not need to wake up a little light or look for a suitable place for training. You do not depend on the weather conditions or oblique glances of casual fellow travelers. It is enough to open a window or even a window and begin the studies.

How to run properly? The technique of running on the spot often involves the presence of a special simulator - a treadmill. But if you do not have it, it's okay. Of course, the simulator is more convenient, but it is possible to run and just on the floor.

Running on the spot, you should control your own posture. The back should be straight, the stomach tightened, arms bent and slightly tucked into the body. Legs do not rise too high, knees are located directly above the feet. Breathing should be uniform.

It is possible and even necessary to run on the spot in the same interval mode. It is especially convenient to do this on the simulator. In this case, you can set the speed.

We remove the stomach

Everyone losing weight knows perfectly well that hated kilograms do not want to be accurately distributed throughout the body and, as a rule, are collected by ugly folds on the abdomen and sides. Both men and women are often bothered by too much bulging belly. Can you make it become flat and tight, thanks to running, in which, as you know, intensive work is done by the gluteus and leg muscles?

Just running does not make your stomach perfectly flat. The task of this type of physical activity is to reduce the body fat layer as a whole. Due to the intensive metabolism, fat will melt proportionally everywhere, including in the abdomen. To achieve the desired effect, you need to add exercise to the press and proper nutrition.

When to wait for results

How long will it take to achieve a more or less noticeable effect? We will clarify once again - classes are supposed to be regular! Producing them from case to case, you will not achieve anything. If you allow laziness, bad mood or permanent employment to nullify the initial heroic efforts, there will be no effect at all.

Training should be conducted at least a couple of times a week. This is the minimum allowable amount for those who want to see the result with their own eyes. But it will be better if you start running daily, of course, sometimes it's difficult to organize it.

All in our hands!

You have chosen the best running technique. How to run properly to intelligently distribute effort and not suffer from overload? You can start the day with a 15-minute morning "session," at lunchtime, try to work out on the simulator (if there is such an opportunity), and an evening run before going to bed for a quarter of an hour is not so difficult - it would be a wish.

All this will require no more effort and time than attending a sports hall with the expense of time on the way back and forth. And the achievements will be no less. Let you support the idea that any serious occupation requires perseverance and patience. Tune in for the long term, and the result will definitely come.

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