Sports and FitnessAthletics

How to develop endurance: practical recommendations, exercises and feedback from professionals

About what role endurance plays in a person's life, not only professional athletes know. Working in the garden, walking, moving and even your favorite shopping require a lot of energy. In such seemingly simple daily situations, a good physical form not only does not hurt, but also makes the process more useful and effective. Therefore, for each person the question of how to develop endurance always comes first.

Types of endurance

How does a hardy person look like? He is taut and slender and a settler. His movements are precise, deft and confident. The internal processes of the body also benefit under the favorable influence: the number of red bodies in the blood increases, it actively circulates through the body and saturates all tissues with oxygen. For a person who has firmly decided to embark on the path of healthy self-improvement, one must know that endurance is a volume concept. In professional sports specialists have long divided it into several levels. Classical classification is presented in the table.

A type

For what answers?

Aerobic endurance

Muscle work, motion provides oxygen nutrition

Anaerobic Stamina

The work of muscles without the participation of oxygen, due to internal resources

Fast endurance

Allows a long time to withstand the high-speed load

There is also a division into special and general endurance. The first, of course, is typical for the implementation of specific professional activities. Its components vary in the type of work (load) being produced. So, one person needs a long time to stay in a certain position, the other - to act in conditions of oxygen deficiency. General endurance is necessary for holistic development without an emphasis on physical abilities.

A reliable way

Professional athletes, faced with the question of how to develop endurance, unequivocally solve it by running. After all, anthropologists have proved that the most powerful in physical terms were the ancient people. They had a particularly developed strength, agility, endurance. This allowed them to run not only very quickly and maneuverably (so that the Olympic athletes would seem awkward juniors), but also for a long time.

Of course, we can assume that they have achieved such unique abilities because of the need to often catch prey, and sometimes even to avoid hunting for themselves. But ordinary modern people do not need these "super-indicators". So do not be lazy. For motivation it is enough to take a good appearance and good health. For athletes the same run can be useful in swimming, rowing, skiing and many other types of activity. Importantly, remember a few rules:

  • General endurance develops regular running and active performance of exercises.
  • To develop aerobic endurance, the body needs a large amount of oxygen, so the intensity of training can not be high. Training usually includes long-term exercise and overcoming long distances at an average pace (jogging).
  • Repetition of intensive training with short restorative intervals is suitable for the development of anaerobic endurance.

Ragged rhythm

Many professional athletes in the process of long training have developed a unique formula for how to develop endurance. Today it is used by ordinary people. So, Craig Beesley, the Canadian marathon runner, recommended to people who run a run such a system: first to run at maximum speed for 30 seconds, then make the transition to calm walking for 5 seconds. It is necessary to repeat such cycles eight times per training session (taking into account if the classes are held three times a week). According to the athlete, after a month of systematic exercises you can feel the strengthening of the body and increasing endurance. With time, you can increase the number of repetitions and the time interval of maximum load.

Interval running

Unique techniques belong not only to professional athletes. Once a simple manager, Bart Jasso, also faced the challenge of developing a "breath" and endurance. And he offered his way to a wellness run. Its essence lies in the fact that it is necessary initially to divide the target distance into intervals of 800 meters. Time of passage of the whole path should be divided by the number of intervals obtained.

Do not limit yourself to distances, since they will be passed gradually. Once a week, you have to run in several intervals, overcoming them for a measured time. Then every week to the previous distance should be added on the interval, until the entire distance is overcome. Such a classic principle of increasing the load is used by athletes who have developed strength and endurance. The results do not make you wait long.

Home Workouts

Of course, running for today is the most effective and affordable way to increase physical activity. But there are other methods, how to develop a "breath" and endurance. And always stay in great shape. These include cycling, swimming, roller skating, which can be practiced in the warm seasons. In the winter it can be ski walks, skates.

You can also use the treadmill and other exercise machines or do the exercises yourself: squats, push-ups, jumping rope, bar, lunges. All these measures temper the body, increase muscle tone, develop the respiratory system and maintain a good mood. The main thing is that the lessons are systematic, and the load is comfortable and with the prospect of increasing time and pace.

Advice from professionals

How to develop endurance? Professionals advise that you need to systematically engage in, increase the load, perform all actions in a certain physical and respiratory rhythm. You can even make a plan for training, record indicators and new records. The main thing is that the decision to become healthy, slim and successful was not suddenly canceled. Only a few weeks of downtime can lead to serious losses: old records will fade, and the conquest of the old form and endurance will have to start again.

Apparently, there can not be a universal answer to the question of how to develop endurance, since for each person there is a way. And even if the classes are focused on athletics, it is important to remember that running can be different, respectively, and the development of stamina, too, is different.

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