
Verona (tablets): reviews, prices and analogies

Most men find it difficult to admit the existing problems of an intimate nature, and they try to cope with the disease on their own, thereby causing even greater harm to the body. A specialist should find the cause of the pathological condition and choose the means for restoring the sexual function. One of the most effective and safe drugs is Verona (tablets). The patients' comments about the medicine can be heard very different, and not only from men.

Verona: description of the medicine

To the appearance of violations from the male reproductive function lead various reasons. To solve intimate problems, many medicines have been created, one of which is the herbal preparation Verona.

Instructions for use, the price of a complex medication, which is completely available, indications and contraindications to its use - all this will be discussed in our article. To obtain a positive result of therapy, the manufacturer recommends that you take a complete course of taking the tablets. Phytopreparation is not hormonal, but at the same time contributes to the improvement of sexual function, increasing fertility and enhancing sexual desire. The medication should be taken only after the appointment of a specialist after a preliminary examination and clearly follow the recommendations for use.

When appoint?

Experts say that sexual problems are beginning to embrace an increasing number of young people, reducing the age of occurrence of such ailments. Herbal medicine is prescribed for violations in the genital area - erectile dysfunction.

The medical instruction for the use of tablets determines direct sexual indications for the appointment of the following sexual deviations:

  • Premature ejaculation.
  • Decreased level of libido.
  • Neurasthenia of a sexual nature.
  • Weakening of an erection.
  • Hypotrophy of testicles.
  • Reducing the amount of sperm.
  • Reduced activity of male sex cells.
  • Violation of spermatogenesis.

Before appointing a patient for treatment, the andrologist must determine the true cause of the development of the pathological condition. Diagnosis will consist of a detailed survey and medical examination (tests, ultrasound diagnosis).

Erectile dysfunction - what is it?

A weakened erection can occur in men of different age groups. Insufficient firmness of the penis (for making full sexual contact) in 25-30% of contacts indicates the development of a pathological condition, like erectile dysfunction. The disease is quite common among the male half of the population and can manifest at any time. Special preparations for men will help restore the function of the sexual organ.


Factors contributing to the development of erectile dysfunction are:

  • Hormonal changes - a violation of the production of testosterone (hypogonadism).
  • Some medications - depressing effect on the sexual function of tranquilizers, antidepressants, corticosteroids, antifungal drugs, thiazide diuretics, histamine blockers.
  • Vascular diseases - cholesterol plaques, thrombosis, varicose veins (varicocele) interfere with normal blood circulation, which negatively affects the hardness of the penis.
  • Injuries to the genital organ - bruises, burns, wounds - can cause erectile dysfunction.
  • Harmful habits - alcohol, tobacco, the use of harmful food.
  • Diseases of the nervous system - epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, trauma and spinal surgery are related to neurological causes of sexual disorders.

To eliminate erectile dysfunction in modern medicine, there are two options - surgical intervention and conservative effect. In most cases, you can cope with the problem with the help of medications, procedures, exercises. Enhances sexual desire, improves the erection, increases the duration of sexual intercourse nonhormonal drug "Verona". The manufacturer of the drug is the Pakistani pharmaceutical company Herbion Pakistan.

Structure of the preparation

Biostimulating effect of Verona is due to components of plant origin. Phyto-therapeutists of the properties of these herbs are known for a long time and are used to improve the state of male health. The composition of the drug includes the following extracts:

  1. Tribulus crooks . One capsule contains 300 mg of this substance, which is used in the treatment of many sexual diseases in both men and women. Seeds of herbaceous plants contribute to the formation of cells Leydig and Sertoli, responsible for the reproduction of the male hormone - testosterone, and its strengthening, respectively (directly affect the hardness of the penis).
  2. Winter cherry. Another name for the substance is nightshade pepper-like. It is the second main active substance of the drug "Verona" (100 mg in one capsule). Has a positive effect on the prostate gland, strengthens the protective functions of the body.
  3. Arguirea is beautiful. Dry plant extract in one capsule - 60 mg. Grass is considered a powerful aphrodisiac for men. It has a tonic effect. Uses in the treatment of various sexual disorders.
  4. Mucin itching (velvet beans). The plant has been known for a long time and is used to strengthen sexual desire. It is also used as an aphrodisiac in various tinctures, tablets used for erectile dysfunction.

Verona for conception

Couples sometimes face problems with conception of the baby. About 40% of cases are associated with impaired spermatogenesis. To preserve and reproduce healthy full-fledged male sex gametes, doctors recommend that they take a course of treatment with special medications. These drugs include "Verona".

Instructions for use (the price of tablets ranges from 280 to 850 rubles.) Indicates that the herbal preparation successfully establishes the process of formation of sexual gametes in men, improves their activity (directly affects the possibility of conception of the child). The need for such therapy can only be determined by a doctor. Previously, a man must undergo a survey.

How to take the drug "Verona" (pills)?

The doctors' comments about the phytopreparation suggest that obtaining a positive result is possible only if the admission rules are observed. Assign pills as part of complex therapy or as a separate drug. According to the annotation, take the medicine 2 capsules twice a day. The minimum course of treatment is 2 months, after which it is necessary to re-take tests (spermogram) to determine the improvements.

Take the pill in the morning is better before eating, in the evening - a few hours before bedtime. Experts recommend that you take the tablets with lactic fluid in order to enhance the therapeutic effect. In some cases, treatment can last 12-18 weeks (oligospermia, impotence). The scheme of therapy is selected by the doctor individually.

Do women prescribe drugs?

There is a practice of using a herbal preparation to treat neuropsychiatric manifestations in women during menopause. With menopausal syndrome, the female body experiences many hormonal changes, which can not but affect the emotional state. Characteristic signs are a decrease in libido, a depressed state, a change in the hormonal background. In most cases, the "Verona" (tablets) helps to cope with unpleasant symptoms. The reviews confirm the effectiveness, but you can take the medicine only after a preliminary consultation with the attending physician-gynecologist.

Take the drug should be 2 capsules in the morning and in the evening, also with milk. After a few weeks of treatment, the remedy shows a significant improvement in the condition, the symptoms of menopause significantly decrease, and sexual desire intensifies. To start therapy, you should buy a small package of "Verona" (price for 20 tablets - 250-300 rubles.).

Contraindications and side effects

Phytopreparation "Verona" in most cases is well tolerated by the body, does not cause addiction and side effects. Allergic reactions may occur in case of individual intolerance of herbal extracts in the preparation. There is increased sensitivity in the form of skin rashes, redness, itching.

In case of similar symptoms, you should contact a doctor who will correct the treatment and select other drugs for men (analogs).

Contraindications to the use of the drug is the intolerance of components, age to 18 years. In the elderly, pills are taken only as prescribed by the doctor and under his strict control.

Reviews about the drug

Doctors recommend that patients pay special attention to the phyto-medicine "Verona" (pills). Reviews of the pharmaceutical product has earned more positive. Many men were able to return and improve the erection, which positively affected the quality of sexual contacts. For normalization of spermatogenesis, tablets are also successfully used.

Among the shortcomings of the means "Verona" - the price and the emergence of allergies. Cases when the medicine did not have the proper therapeutic effect are extremely rare. If there is no improvement, the doctor should be consulted within 8 weeks of taking the drug. Independently discontinue treatment or change the daily dosage is not recommended.

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