
The drug that eliminates the symptoms of a hangover - 'Zorex'. Reviews of people.

As in all times, today people drink various alcoholic drinks. Both earlier and today, alcohol is used as a way to improve mood and facilitate communication between people. However, it is worth noting that each person is inclined to drink different drinks in different quantities. So in Italy it is normal to drink a glass of red wine for food, enjoying its noble taste. We have a different mentality. More and more often Russian people drink to forget themselves. As a result, alcohol is consumed in large quantities.

Proceeding from this, the pharmaceutical market is in demand for drugs to remove the hangover, for example, the drug "Zorex". Reviews of this and similar medications are not always unambiguous. First of all, it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics, and secondly - the quantity and quality of the drink also plays an important role.

Many people who used the drug, note that often on the medication "Zorex" allergy develops completely unexpectedly. And indeed, even the manufacturers themselves in the instructions to the medication indicate the possibility of developing side reactions, among which allergies are frequent.

The main active substance of the drug is unitiol. Being a powerful detoxicant, unitiol provides neutralization of both alcohol itself and the products of its decay. Among the latter, the most detrimental effect on the body is acetaldehyde, which is, in fact, poison.

As mentioned above, the drug "Zorex" reviews are not always good. However, most people who use the drug to alleviate the effects of alcohol abuse still achieve the desired effect, and the headache, like other manifestations, recedes.

Due to the preparation, the processes of alcohol oxidation by the liver occur, as well as the binding and acceleration of excretion of the products of its destruction from the body.

Currently, there is a special drug "Zorex morning", reviews about its use are often positive. A feature of this drug is its use in the morning, the day after drinking alcohol. As manufacturers of a unique medicinal preparation assure, elimination of symptoms of a hang-over occurs literally on eyes. And all thanks to the "morning" drug Zorex. The opinions of people speak about the full achievement of the desired effect (relieving the ailment and headache) in half an hour after the application of the pharmaceutical drug.

The preparation itself is represented by two capsules in a package. The first of them should be drunk immediately after drinking alcohol (if you plan to develop a malaise later) or in the morning (when symptoms of alcohol intoxication worsen the state of health), the second pill should be consumed after 4-5 hours if residual effects of malaise are observed.

Among the analogues are the following: Korda, Alka-Seltzer, Antipohmelin, Alka-prim, Alkostop and others.

The main active substance for all these drugs is the same - unitiol. Various individual additives in each of the preparations create an additional effect, speeding up the removal of toxins from the body. In addition, some of them include aspirin as an additional substance to relieve headaches.

Thus, the pharmaceutical "Zorex" (reviews about which are often very controversial) are widely known today among medications that fight with hangover syndrome. Summing up, I want to say about the need to consult a doctor before using this drug. This circumstance will help you to protect yourself from undesirable consequences, including from allergies to it.

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