
Can I bury sodium sulfacyl in the nose?

The assortment of eye drops, now offered in pharmacies, is truly huge. Here, and various anti-inflammatory drugs, and relieve fatigue, tension, and stronger antiseptics, which are sold solely on prescription of the treating doctor. When buying it can be very difficult to navigate among complex names. But if you ask any seller, he will say that in a wide range of eye drops, the means that remove and prevent inflammatory processes are in high demand.

In the home medicine cabinet you need to have some kind of universal remedy to prevent eye diseases. In this case, it is not necessary to go on about the new-fangled trends, buying an advertised drug "Vizin". It is enough to have a time-proven and generations-old solution of "Albucid" (also sodium sulfacil). For a long time these drops were considered an indispensable element of any not only home, but also a car kit. Strong anti-inflammatory action and high efficiency also allow the instillation of sodium sulfacyl in the nose and ears.

Sulfacil sodium: the formula and the principle of action

This drug has an international name, which differs from commercial one, "Sulfacetamide". The peculiarity of the drug is that it does not suppress the immune system and does not cause habituation with prolonged use. The action of the medicine is based on the bacteriostatic properties of sulfacyl, which allow it to stop the multiplication of bacteria in the inflamed area. It is important that a person has strong enough immunity, because this tool increases it. Thus, the body can cope with the infection itself.

Microbes, which cause most of the local infections, are vitally important paraaminobenzoic acid. The whole trick of the described drug is that by its formula it strongly resembles a given substance. Bacteria mistakenly enter into a reaction with sulfacyl, as a result of which they lose the ability to function normally and multiply. Especially effective is sodium sulfacil against E. coli, toxoplasma, cholera vibrio, shigella, gram-negative and gram-positive cocci.

Can I bury sodium sulfacyl in the nose?

Drops of "Albucid" have a wide list of indications for use. This is already called conjunctivitis, and in addition, blennorea, blepharitis, purulent formations on the cornea, chlamydial infections of the eyes. The medicine is used to prevent inflammation of various origin. Its last property is especially actual in those cases when sand, dust or other foreign bodies enter the eyes. Having been preoccupied with the presence of this universal remedy in the house, you will save yourself from many problems in the future.

In some cases, physicians may recommend the administration of sulfacyl sodium in the nose to the baby. Usually this is due to a protracted runny nose in the baby caused by a bacterial infection. As with burying in the eye, this procedure causes an unpleasant burning sensation in the mucosa, which is unlikely to please a small patient. Therefore, to reduce the concentration of the active substance, it is sometimes permissible to dilute the drops with boiled water. Similarly, they are treated in the treatment of otitis media.

Bury sulfacyl sodium in the nose and eyes can not only people, but also animals. Only in this case it will have to be diluted with pure water in the calculation of fifty to fifty. Most often, the pharmaceutical solution "Albucid" is used to treat eye infections in small kittens and puppies. A characteristic sign of such diseases will be poorly opening, watery eyes with yellowish discharge.

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