
Potatoes, Lubava variety: variety description and reviews

One of the main features of such a common culture, like potatoes, is the need for periodic seed changes. With too long use on a site of the same variety, this garden plant, unfortunately, greatly reduces yield. Meanwhile, replacing the old potatoes with a new summer resident in our time is not at all difficult. A good number of breeders have produced good varieties of this culture. At the same time, one of the best, according to many summer residents, is Lubava. Having bought such seed material, it is possible to get very good harvests in the area for several years.

Early-ripening Lubawa potatoes: a description of the variety

It is worth paying attention to Lyubava worthy of the summer residents of both the middle zone of Russia, and the Urals or Siberia. This remarkable grade was deduced by specialists of the All-Russia Research Institute of the Center. A. G. Lorch in cooperation with the breeders of GNU NIISK Kemerovsky.

Its main distinguishing features are:

  • A small open leaf with a slightly wavy edge;
  • Medium-sized corolla purple-red.

Actually the bush of the Lubava variety grows rather compact and not too high.

Biological characteristics

To the characteristics of the Lubava variety, among other things, you can include:

  1. Early ripeness. In the central strip of Russia, the harvest of this potato is usually collected already in the beginning and middle of August. That is, Lubava ripens within approximately 70-75 days from the moment of appearance of the first shoots.
  2. Uncomplicated . Insensitivity to drought and undemanding to the composition of the soil - this is what distinguishes this potato. Variety Lubava (the description of the variety, given by experts, indicates this uniquely) can be safely planted practically on any site.
  3. Friendly formation of tubers . All potatoes in the bush of Lubava are almost the same size.
  4. High yield. In favorable years, judging by the stories of some summer residents, only one bush can dig a whole bucket of tubers.

The red color of the peel is what distinguishes this potato (Lubava variety). The breeder's description of the variety allows, among other things, to judge him as very lezhkom. The rind is rough and slightly rough.

The flesh itself of the tubers is dense, white, it does not boil during heat treatment. You can use this potato if desired, for cooking both the first dishes and the second.

Reviews about the variety

The commercial appearance of neat even tubers, the average weight of which is 109-210 grams - is what, for that, including the good reviews of summer residents, early-ripening potatoes, Lubava variety, deserved. Description of the variety, given to him by housewives, makes it possible to judge, among other things, that he is just perfect for cooking. The tubers of this potato have almost no eyes. And that's why it's very easy to clean them.

High content of starch in tubers, and consequently, their taste qualities are different - and for this many praise the potato of Lubava. The description of the variety (reviews about it are really excellent) with estimates of summer residents are found in many specialized forums. Ogorodniki advise to plant this potato, among other things, and because it is absolutely insensitive to cancer.

Perhaps, the only drawback of this variety, according to summer residents, is some instability to blight and defeat of tubers by the golden nematode. On a too damp site to plant this potato, many gardeners still do not recommend.

Features of care

Today, many suppliers sell Lubawa seed potatoes. The description of the variety given above makes it possible to judge it as very unpretentious. Having bought such planting material, in the south of Russia and in Ukraine, if desired, you can get even two potato crops per season. To do this, you just need to start germinating tubers early. This should be done about a month and a half before the first landing.

Actually, the very care for this variety is carried out using the same technology as any other early ripening:

  1. Place for planting potatoes should be well lit, quickly drying out and protected from the wind.
  2. During planting in the holes must be thrown on a handful of manure or compost. Deepen the tubers of potatoes of the Lubava variety about 10-12 cm.

Periodic moistening of the soil at the plot is what the potato, the Lubava variety, certainly needs. The description of the variety by experienced truck farmers, indisputably, indicates that it should be watered (about once a week), but abundantly. The bushes of this potatoes are hilled immediately after they reach a height of 20-25 cm. If desired, somewhere in the middle of the season, this potato can also be fed. As a fertilizer, it is desirable to use a solution of Mullein (500 grams per 10 liters), which is worth adding a little urea (17 g).


Well, we hope, we have considered in sufficient detail what, in fact, is the potato of Lubava (variety description, photos, reviews). As you can see, the characteristics it has are just wonderful. Having planted this potato on their plot, the summer resident will never remain without harvest. In addition, the forces for growing Lubava usually do not have to spend too much.

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