News and SocietyCulture

Reptile is ... Meaning of the word

The Russian language is rich and powerful. In it there are a huge number of words that are not understood not only by foreigners, but even by the indigenous inhabitants of our great country. Therefore, often you have to turn to a variety of explanatory dictionaries for help. In this article, we will try to analyze such a word as "cringe". This is a rather ambiguous concept that can be fully investigated.

In the article we will give different interpretations of the word "cringe" and analyze them. Based on the meaning, it will be possible to understand in what context this verb should be used. So, let's start by examining the topic.

The meaning of the word "cringe"

According to the dictionary Ozhegova (at the moment it is considered the largest and complete), the above word has two main meanings:

  • Moving crawling, that is, on the stomach. From this word went the name of this kind of animals, like reptiles, which include crocodiles, turtles, lizards.
  • Obey and bow down. In this sense, the word "cringe" means being servile, being led and obedient.

Word usage examples

In modern Russian speech the word "grovel" is rarely used. The sentence with him may sound like this:

  • "I crawled from cover to cover." It is rare to hear something like that in the ordinary person's spoken language.
  • "To tremble and cringe is alien to the modern Russian man." This statement was often met by those who read a variety of patriotic literature.

Proceeding from the foregoing, it can be concluded that the word "grovel" is a verb that is used mainly for its second meaning - "servile". We hope this analysis was useful to you. To comprehend the language of our country is simply necessary to be an educated and worthy citizen. Now your vocabulary has grown by the whole word.

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