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Uzbek male names: the transfer of traditions from generation to generation

Uzbek male names, as, indeed, all the nationalities of Central Asia, are given to the child for a reason. Each of them necessarily means something. Often, names try to hide children from various ailments. Less often they are named after heroes of various legends or bright representatives of their own kind. And also names sometimes correspond to the nature of the baby or display its individual external features. For example, in Uzbek families, a boy with a light shade of hair is rarely born. Then it is called Sarybek or Akbay, which means "yellow" and "white", respectively.

In the past, Uzbek male names bore a slightly different character than in modern times. Then in the families of the baby they could call Bolta or Urak, that is, "ax" or "sickle". The fact is that when there were no maternity hospitals, the umbilical cord was cut off with improvised means. And the child was named in honor of the object, which he was separated from his mother. Also, then, could call the kid in honor of the area. For example, if the family was engaged in growing apple trees, the child was given the name Olma, which means "apple". When the father was a logger, the children were given the names Urman ("forest") or Buri ("wolf"). In addition, Tashkentbay or Kirghizbah and others were popular. That is, those that corresponded to the birthplace of children.

In modern times, many Uzbek male names are no longer used. However, there are traditions that are still unchanged. Parents often endow boys with the courage and strength that they transmit directly through the name. Pulat and Temir mean "steel" and "iron." A child with one of these names will feel the power that is transferred to him along with the metal. Also, the tradition of calling a baby after the heroes of great legends or works was popular. Ulugbek or Farhad are vivid representatives of this custom.

It should be noted that Uzbek male names often do not consist of one, but only a few words. The component "abd" is often used, which means "slave". It may seem that this prefix is negative, but it all depends on how it will be used. In Uzbek, it is combined with words such as "wise", "gracious" or, for example, "merciful". So the name Abdurashid will be translated as "Slave of the Wise." There is another popular component - "din", meaning "faith." Such male names are Muslim. They were given to children from noble families or those who supposedly had to devote themselves to the service of Allah. An example of the use of this component is perfectly discernible in the name Nuruddin, which means "light of faith". It is worth noting that such a religious connotation always influences the destiny of the child very much - he will live according to the laws of the main book of the religion of his people.

Thus, in families of Uzbeks, children are named according to the fact that their parents want to receive them. It should be noted that among the representatives of this people it is impossible to meet one particular popular name. All of them are so diverse, because each of them is created from two or more words. One thing is certain - Uzbek names, male or female, always leave the child with parental care, the faith of ancestors and observance of traditions.

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