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Is a silicon life form possible on Earth?

). The famous geochemist Academician Fersman hypothesized that a silicon life form (non-carbon ) is possible on our planet. Similar assumptions were made by different scientists at different times. In November this year, a message was circulated that the biotechnologists of the California Institute had withdrawn a bacterium that is capable of synthesizing compounds with SiO 2 . Thus, they have made significant progress in studies related to the creation of creatures whose metabolism is based on inorganic molecules.

Silicon Life Form: Vitolitic Theory

In the process of research, scientists searched for enzymes in the information base of protein sequences that have the ability to bind C and SiO 2 . For this reaction, hemoproteins were chosen. They are proteins in which iron and porphyrins are present. Researchers have chosen cytochrome. This protein synthesizes the bacteria present in the hot underwater springs of Iceland. Scientists have isolated and multiplied the gene that encodes the enzyme. After that he was subjected to random mutations. Created DNA sequences, researchers introduced into the E. coli. In the course of observations it was found that some mutations in the active site led to the fact that the bacteria were taken to produce a protein capable of synthesizing organosilicon compounds. Its effectiveness, determined by the reaction rate and the amount of product, exceeds the effectiveness of artificial catalysts. Scientists intend to continue research. Their goal is to understand why, despite the widespread distribution of silicon compounds on Earth, the carbon form was created and developed during evolution. In nature there are no organisms that could use SiO 2 in metabolism. . It is possible that in the future researchers will be able to create an organism from which the silicon form of life on Earth will begin.

Literary ideas

незаметна человеческому глазу. The silicon form of life on Earth is invisible to the human eye. Metabolism in it is so stretched in time that people do not take into account the very possibility of its existence. In the books of Pratchett (English writer) on the Flat World, an original race of silicon-organic beings - trolls - is described. Their thinking depends on the temperature of the environment. The stupidity that is characteristic of trolls is explained by the poor functioning of the organosilicon in the heat. With significant cooling, these creatures exhibit superhigh intellectual abilities. Representatives of the silicon-calcium world can be transformed into a skeleton of animals and plants, and also into corals.

Natural phenomena

The French geologists of Resar and Escoliere have for a very long time thoroughly studied rock samples from different parts of the world. They found out that the stones are inherent in certain signs of life processes. Only they proceed extremely slowly. Scientists have found out that the structure of stones can vary. They can be old or young. In addition, the researchers established their ability to "breathe". But one "breath" stretches for 1-14 days, and "heart beat" - almost a day. Scientists photographed stones at different time periods and established their ability to move. Meanwhile, there are "moving blocks" in many parts of the world.

Silicon life form: agate, living stones

There is a hypothesis that a crystalline mineral lattice can accumulate information and operate with them. That is, the theory of "thinking stones" is being put forward. According to a number of researchers, all biological organisms, including humans, are only "incubators". Their meaning lies in the birth of "stones." It is established that a diamond can be made from ash after human cremation . This service is quite popular in some countries. For example, from 500 g of ashes under pressure and high temperature for 2 months you can grow a blue diamond, whose diameter is 5 mm. The average person for his life synthesizes about 100 kg of quartz and silicon. It is believed that they get into the body, start to grow, often causing discomfort. After death, these stones probably pass another cycle of development already in natural (natural) conditions. They turn into isolated nuggets that resemble agates. The accumulation and development of grains of sand in the body has been known for a long time. This process is called pseudomorphosis. Thus, the bones of dinosaurs have survived to this day precisely because of this phenomenon. At the same time, the chemical composition of residues has nothing in common with bone tissue. In fact, their existence is conditioned by the silicon form of life. доказано рядом исследований. This is proved by a number of studies. In one case, the bone remains are chalcedony, in another - apatite. In Australia, unusual belemnites were discovered - cephalopods, widely inhabiting the planet in the Mesozoic era. Their bony remains are replaced by opal.

Research A. Bokovikov

". Quite an original explanation of the silicon form of life on the example of the mineral "agate ". Domestic researcher Bokovikov found several signs that allow to formulate a hypothesis. Agate is a cryptocrystalline variety of quartz. It is presented in the form of a fine-grained aggregate of chalcedony, differs by banded distribution of coloring and layered structure. During the long-term observations, the silicon form of life was described . , как растительный организм, не бессмертен, несмотря на то, что существует миллионы лет. Agate , as a plant organism, is not immortal, despite the fact that there are millions of years.


In samples of different ages, anatomical features are clearly revealed. In particular, in the course of research, the scientist and his team discovered a striped and crystalline body, the bottom mirror (the value of this element was not established exactly, it is assumed that this is in some way a semblance of a visual analyzer). Agates have a skin that can shed and regenerate. Like many other organisms, they get sick and heal their wounds (cracks and chips). предполагает питание, захват определенных пространств, сохранение сложных форм в динамике. The silicon form of life presupposes nutrition, the capture of certain spaces, the preservation of complex forms in dynamics.


During the research, scientists have revealed an interesting fact. It was found that the agates are bisexual. The crystalline body is female, and the striped body is male. Present in them and genes. They are represented by crystals of the female body. Reproduction can be carried out in several ways. развивается из "семян". For example, the life form of life develops from "seeds". In addition, on specific examples, Bokovikov showed that it is possible to spin out, clone, divide with the formation of separation centers. The researcher observed the reproduction of cryotites in the basalt. The scientist singled out a number of processes. For example, the birth of cryotics, development, the appearance of an infant, the transformation into an organism, the emergence around spherical structures of embryos, death.

Masonic views

In the course of numerous studies, a new doctrine emerged-anthroposophy. Its founder was R. Steiner. является главенствующей на планете. He claimed that the silicon form of life is the dominant one on the planet. The birth, development and death of a person is necessary only for one purpose. It consists in serving the mineral world. Man and other organisms ensure the existence of compounds with atomic crystal lattices. The task of people Steiner saw in the transformation of the mineral world into a work of art. He said that electricity indicates the occult depths of matter. When people rebuild the mineral world, in accordance with their inner perception, the planet will cease to develop in the physical sense. It will pass to another state, in which, in condensed form, there will be a reflection of everything that was once the mineral Earth. Steiner cites Goethe's words when he spoke of the Spirit of the planet. . Together with this, the scientist points out that there is also a silicon form of life on the Moon . He says that there was a development plan on this heavenly body. In each case, relative to each planet, there is a scheme. Atoms that have remained after the cessation of physical development, have become the basis for the creation of the Earth. The planet is developing its own plan. Reaching the end of development, its atoms pass to another celestial body. , Марсе, Юпитере. As a result, a silicon form of life can arise on Venus , Mars, and Jupiter.

Circulation in nature

выступает как начальная и конечная цель существования организмов на планете. The silicon form of life acts as the initial and ultimate goal of the existence of organisms on the planet. A number of large scientists propose to see the meaning of the emergence of human civilization exclusively in the participation of the cycle in the natural environment. While people were gatherers and hunters, they acted as members of natural biocenoses. However, civilization has a number of specific features. In V.V. Malakhov's opinion, a person extracts from the bowels what has left the cycle. For example, it's oil, coal, gas. At the same time, the person returns carbon to the earth in the form most accessible to organisms. Extracting from the depths of metals, people saturate them with industrial effluent, returning spent compounds to the World Ocean in a way acceptable to its inhabitants. This, in fact, is the biosphere task of mankind.

The death of mankind

In Malakhov's opinion, when this function is fully realized, civilizations will have a quiet and natural end, caused by depletion of reserves. It will not be an atomic war, but a slow fading of humanity. At the same time, the biosphere will reach a qualitatively new level of development. It is expected to flourish. Undoubtedly, Malakhov believes, the saturation of atmospheric air with carbon dioxide, the likely greenhouse effect, enrichment with heavy metals of the ocean will lead to the death of a huge number of organisms. This will be one of the biosphere crises. However, along with this, life will blossom at a new stage. There will be new systems with unusual substances and metals. However, all this will exist without a person.


Proceeding from the hypothesis of Malakhov, the death of civilization will not mean the death of a person. For a certain period people will still live on the Earth. They will unite in primitive communities of cattlemen, hunters, collectors. However, this will already be the existence of a biological species as an element of a natural biocenosis. In other words, the essence of being is not anthropocentrism. It consists in serving the "Other", which, according to I. Yefremov, can also be determined by studying the stone as one of its manifestations.

"Dark matter"

According to some scholars, it can also act as a form of life. The term "dark matter" researchers designate a hypothetical substance that fills about 27% of the universe. Physicists, this concept was invented to explain some of the contradictions. According to experts, this matter can be reasonable and interact with a person. However, this tissue is located at the quantum level. This explains the fact that many years of space exploration did not show scientists any satisfactory proof of the existence of another life on the planets.


In popular medical publications, one can find research results indicating that the body needs about 40-50 mg of silicon every day. As its key function is the maintenance of normal metabolism. It is established that many diseases of the body could not have been, if there were enough silicon in it. In this regard, it is believed that the health of human ancestors was undermined by products that prevent its assimilation. Many of them are in the diet today. This, in particular, meat, white flour, sugar, canned food. Mixed food is delayed in the digestive system up to 8 hours. This means that during this time the body digests products, using most of the enzymes. In such a situation, as Pavlov believed, the body can not provide sufficient supply of energy to other organs - the heart, kidneys, muscles, brain. From this, researchers make one important conclusion. They say that, probably, Steiner, who says that the meaning of human existence is in the service of minerals, is right.

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