Sports and FitnessWeight loss

Pumpkin Diet

Pumpkin is one of those few vegetables that can easily be called an ideal dietary product. Having come to us from North America, where she was grown five thousand years ago, she firmly won one of the leading places in folk medicine, cosmetology and dietology.

It has a lot of vitamins, which is especially important on the verge of winter, when there is not enough of them in the body. Pumpkin includes vitamins A, B, C, E, potassium, calcium, copper, fluorine, phosphorus, zinc, sulfur, iron. That is why it is one of the very products that are attributed to natural sources of most vitamins and minerals necessary for man. A high content of a fairly rare vitamin T allows you to call a pumpkin almost the best side dish for pork, beef and other very fatty foods, because it is vitamin T that allows hard food to be absorbed better and prevents obesity.

Most likely, that is why pumpkin and pumpkin diet are so loved by nutritionists around the world, because they advise to use this healthy vegetable for food to all who want to part with more quickly with extra pounds without harm to health.

Caloric content of pumpkin (as well as most vegetables) is extremely small - twenty-five kilocalories per hundred grams. Pumpkin seeds due to the content of oils are more caloric. There is a pumpkin for losing weight best in the first half of the day.

Those who simply try to maintain a healthy lifestyle and eat right, as well as those who sit on diets based on calorie counting, do not worry about monotony. With this vegetable it is possible to make pies, it can be baked, marinated and stewed, eaten as porridge and mashed potatoes, made from it pancakes and low-calorie jams, and also is in raw form.

Adherents of the same mono-feed are perfectly suited to pumpkin diet for weight loss.

Such a diet lasts four days, for which an average of two or three kilos is lost. It refers to the lungs, but to survive it is still quite difficult. Nutritionists advise during it not to abuse salt and sugar, and also drink plenty of fluids. Like any other, pumpkin diet gives the best results if you combine it with physical exercises.

On the first day of the diet for breakfast you should eat a cup of pumpkin porridge with millet, while millet and pumpkin are taken in the same proportions. For lunch, you need to eat pumpkin soup, which you can eat with one slice of black bread. For dinner, you are waiting for three hundred grams of pumpkin-carrot pancakes.

On the second day, the pumpkin diet includes the following dishes. Breakfast - a portion of a salad of carrots and pumpkins, with lemon juice, as a dressing, you can take any vegetable oil, best of all - olive; A portion of cereal from millet and pumpkin. Lunch - vegetable borsch and two small pumpkin cutlets. Dinner - a portion of salad vinaigrette.

On the third day for breakfast, you expect a portion of porridge from rice and pumpkin, taken evenly, and a serving of carrot and pumpkin salad. For lunch - a serving of vegetable borsch and two crackers, preferably from black or otrubnogo bread. For dinner, a large portion of a pumpkin stew, zucchini, carrots and sweet pepper.

The last, the fourth day. For breakfast, eat a serving of carrot and pumpkin salad, a bowl of rice porridge and pumpkin. For lunch - a large portion of vegetable borsch and two hundred grams of pumpkin-carrot pancake. For dinner - a large portion of stew.

It is this diet that will allow you to lose about two to three kilograms. Do not forget during the diet to take a multivitamin, which can fill the missing minerals and trace elements, because any mono-diet leads to their lack.

For those who want to lose weight quickly and with health benefits, a pumpkin diet is ideal. The reviews of people who have tried it are only positive, but everyone recognizes that it is sometimes difficult to sustain such a diet. Maybe that's why it's so short - just four days. However, what can stop a person who decided to lose weight? Certainly not for four days of a diet.

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