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Root of parsnip: useful properties and recipes

White carrots (or parsnips) can easily be purchased in any vegetable market or in vegetable departments of supermarkets. The taste of this vegetable is very spicy, so it is used in the preparation of many dishes, especially marinades. In addition, it is very useful for health.

The root of parsnip, the useful properties of which are known to many, is very rich in biologically active and useful substances that help in curing many ailments. Although it is better to apply it with extreme caution. Consider what is vegetable parsnip - calorie, useful properties. Benefits ( it is quite obvious for those who are fond of folk medicine.


Pasternak is a vegetable of a white shade, similar in appearance to carrots. As soon as the people do not call parsnips, for example, a field borsch, a wild rose, goats, and oath. Although the most common nickname is still white carrots or white root. The root of parsnip (as, indeed, the tops) is actively used in the preparation of dishes, as well as the roots of other plants: parsley or celery.

In Russia he gained wide popularity around the beginning of the twentieth century. Now it is not so popular with cooks. But many of its useful properties have found wide application in folk medicine.

In medieval Europe, this vegetable was as popular and preferred for food as potato. When he got to Russia, a lot of gourmets appreciated his taste and favor. But now in the gardens, it is less and less possible to see beds planted with parsnip seeds, and it's a pity, because the taste of this plant is really very refined, but there's nothing to say about the benefit.

Root of parsnip: useful properties

Everyone knows that this vegetable is very useful. Pasternak is a root whose useful properties are related to the content of fats, starch, dietary fiber, acids. In many respects, in terms of the level of useful properties and nutritional value, this vegetable is similar to spinach, the beneficial effect of which has long been known throughout the world. Only there is a slight difference in the fact that the concentration of vitamins in parsnip is slightly less, but the nutritional value is many times greater.

The white root has a slightly spicy and very unusual taste combined with a very pleasant smell. This is achieved due to the fact that in its tops and in the root itself is a large content of aromatic essential oils.

A real panacea

Pasternak is the root, useful properties of which are used in the preparation of a healthy and balanced menu. White carrots stimulate appetite, and it also helps the digestive processes. Vegetable also has a diuretic effect, so it is very appropriate to use it in the treatment of diseases associated with fluid retention in the body. By the way, essential oils of parsnip are a very good aphrodisiac. In addition, the vegetable serves to strengthen the cardiovascular system. And it's a good painkiller for urolithiasis. Also, the root of parsnips very well tones, it is recommended to eat with beriberi, nedosypa, after a serious illness at the recovery stage. Only it should be noted that there is a negative side of the vegetable parsnip. Useful and dangerous properties of parsnip are listed in detail in the relevant literature.

But in ancient Greece and Rome, parsnip was used to quench headaches and insomnia.


Serious and intractable diseases, such as psoriasis and vitiligo, are treated with ingestion of leaf infusion or a finely ground parsnip root. It helps to heal, since it contains a lot of tyrosine.

With vitiligo, it is appropriate to use tincture from parsnip externally. You should mix the juice of white carrots with vodka in the proportions of one to five, let it brew for at least a couple of hours and rub into light spots, the rest of the skin is better to spread with fat cream to protect against ingestion of this tincture. Keep this way, the lotion needs very little, ten minutes a day will be quite enough. Do this procedure is necessary every day for a month, so that there is a tangible result. With each passing day the lotions can be increased by one minute.

This course can be repeated with a break in a couple of weeks. And best of all it helps during the sunny and hot season, when the skin is very vulnerable.

By the way, women will be pleased to learn what helps parsnip and with the first wrinkles. In this case, its leaves should be added to vegetable salads with the addition of any vegetable oils. The fact is that white carrots help to produce so much needed collagen skin.

Pasternak in cosmetology

By chemical composition, the white root is significantly different from all other root crops. Calcium is present in it, but not so much as in carrots or beets, but sulfur and phosphorus in its composition are present in large quantities. In other vegetables, such a large content of these elements is not observed. Therefore, the root of parsnip is recommended for eating with damage to the bone or cartilaginous tissue.

It also manifests itself well when interacting with the skin. Pasternak can save you in a matter of minutes from bruises under the eyes, tincture based on it is very helpful in treating acne. And white root for hair and nails is very useful, it strengthens them and promotes growth.

A simple tincture, which was written earlier, is able to help and if you have baldness or even a skin lesion with lichen spots. It accelerates the growth of hair, as if awakening the hair follicles, so when appearing bald spots it is worth thinking about the use of this vegetable for cosmetic purposes.

So the root of the parsnip, whose useful properties are so multifaceted, should be in the kitchen of every mistress. By the way, it is not necessary to eat it as often as other root crops (for example, potatoes) to achieve results. A couple of salads a week with a parsnip root in the composition will be quite enough. This diet will help improve your digestion, cardiovascular system, appearance and sleep.

It is difficult to believe, but the white root also helps with graying. Outer in this case, in folk medicine, it is customary to use nettles, but it is recommended to eat leaves or the root of parsnip.

For the respiratory tract

Interesting is the benefit of such a product as the root of parsnip, the useful properties of which are used in various fields of medicine, including for the treatment of respiratory organs.

So, for people with asthma or tuberculosis, this is a real panacea. And then the root must be used for food. Often they compare the root of celery and parsnip, they have very similar properties in this respect.

With a cold, pneumonia, just to strengthen immunity, salads with leaves or the root of this plant are very appropriate. And if you still get sick, then a decoction of parsnip will help you get back on your feet.

Application in Cooking

The root of parsnip has a wonderful fresh, but slightly spicy taste. He's sweet. The smell of this plant is also very pleasant. From the root prepare salads, soups, put it in second courses or in marinades. Often, the dried and ground root of parsnip is a seasoning. It is also widely used when pickling vegetables.

The plant's plant is suitable for making salads, and it is also used as a seasoning or spicy flavor additive to dishes. But foliage of parsnip is applicable in cooking only in a young form, dried it, unfortunately, is useless.

Assess the root of the parsnip, the useful properties and recipes of which are very diverse. Here are a couple of quite worthy examples.

The most delicious and easy to prepare soup, which includes the root of parsnip, is a cream soup with ham. For him, prepare vegetable broth in advance, cut finely onions, one medium sized carrot, one parsnip root and about three hundred grams of ham. Put all this cut into boiling broth, cook for half an hour. Then blender to bring the consistency to a creamy state, add seasonings to taste. The soup is ready!

And still extremely tasty pizza with a white root. Dough can choose to taste, but the best is fine and fresh, which is specially used for pizza. Spread the base of the test with tomato paste, spoons will be quite enough. On the base lay the sliced red onion rings, parsnip root, a couple of celery stalks, a tomato, a few cloves of garlic. Sprinkle with grated cheese of hard varieties and put for ten minutes in a preheated oven.

Storage conditions

Digging parsnips follows in the second decade of September, while the period of frosts has not come yet. At home, if put in a refrigerator, it can be stored for about a month. Then it's better to hurry with the use. In the vegetable storehouse the parsnip is kept for a longer time.

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