BusinessHuman Resource Management

Productivity of labor

In any production of products, one of the main goals pursued by the company's management is to obtain results. The only question is how much strength and resources will be required in the process of work to achieve the main goal. To determine the efficiency of the enterprise, the concept of "labor productivity" was introduced, which is an indicator of the fruitfulness of personnel. The work that one person can do per unit of time is conventionally called "working out".

For each enterprise it is very important to get a high result and at the same time to spend as little as possible resources for production (this includes payments for electricity, rent, etc.). Determine the productivity of labor can be according to the formula: P = O / R, where O - is an indicator of the amount of work per unit time, and H - the number of employees.

The most important task in any enterprise that manufactures goods or provides services is to increase productivity. At the same time, there are a number of measures that are taken to reduce the number of costs required for the work process. Thus, during the period of enterprise development labor productivity can change.

As a rule, several groups of factors that can influence the change, namely the growth of production indicators, are classified. First of all, this is the economic and geographical factor, which includes the availability of free labor, water, electricity, building materials, as well as the distance to communications, terrain, etc. No less important is the importance of accelerating NTP, which facilitates the introduction of new generations of modern technology and the use of advanced technologies and automated systems. It can also be assumed that labor productivity also depends on the factor of structural shifts, which implies a change in the share of components and purchased semi-finished products, as well as the structure of production and the specific weight of certain types of products.

Great value still remains for the social (human) moment, because it is the care for social benefits that underlies the increase in labor productivity. This includes: concern about the physical health of a person, the level of his intellectual development, professionalism, etc.

Factors of growth of labor productivity are the most important component of the entire work process, because they affect the pace of development of any enterprise and, accordingly, contribute to increased profits.

Also worth noting is the organizational moment, which determines the level of production and labor management. It includes improving the organization of enterprise management, improving personnel, material and technical training.

Speaking about productivity, it is impossible to ignore the intensity of work. This concept is a reflection of the indicator of the amount of mental and physical energy expended by an employee for a certain period of working time.

It is very important to determine the optimum intensity for a given work process, because excessive activity can lead to inevitable losses in productivity. As a rule, this happens as a result of human overwork, the occurrence of occupational diseases, injuries, etc.

It should be noted that the main indicators were identified, which determine the intensity of labor. First of all, this is a person's workload. This allows you to determine the intensity of the workflow and, accordingly, the appropriateness of costs. Simultaneously, it is customary to calculate the rate of work, that is, the frequency of actions relative to a unit of time. Taking these factors into account, as a rule, there are certain standards in the enterprise, based on the indicators of which, the production plan of work is established.

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