Food and drink, Recipes
Preserving vegetables for the winter: interesting recipes
Preserving vegetables is one of the ways by which a person gets the opportunity to extend the time when he can enjoy the taste of his favorite foods. Of course, in our days in shops all this is sold all year round. But nothing compares to the pleasure, when in winter or to a festive table it is possible to open a jar of vegetables harvested with own hands.
Home Blanks
People are arranged so that, in addition to their own will, they constantly think about tomorrow. First and foremost, this concerns housewives, for whom the desire to make reserves has become a common thing. Caring about feeding the family, they try to make household preparations whenever possible, so that even in the most difficult time they do not feel the lack of certain products. Mostly it concerns vegetables. The choice of the object and the way of processing depends on national traditions and taste preferences. For example, in Russia, canning of vegetables always began with the simplest version of salting. About him has been known since time immemorial. The most popular canned product, no doubt, can be considered cucumber.
They are salted and marinated in a variety of ways. For one of the most interesting options, you need the following products: fresh cucumbers, spices for pickling and pickling, for 90 grams of salt 40 grams of sugar and the same amount of vinegar, as well as dill umbrellas, horseradish and a few cloves of garlic.
Preservation of vegetables is as follows:
- First, vegetables and greens should be washed, and garlic cleaned of husk.
- Then add the additional ingredients to the bottom of the jar, and then fill it up with cucumber.
- Products in the bank pour boiling water. It will take about one and a half liters.
- After 15 minutes, the water must be drained and brought back to a boil again.
- Directly to the bank add the rest of the ingredients according to the recipe.
- Pour everything again with boiled water and roll.
For cooling, it is better to turn the cans upside down. This will allow the lids to undergo additional sterilization.
Alternative option
Some believe that canning vegetables should certainly be accompanied by rolling cans with metal covers. There is an opinion that so products are less exposed to external influences. However, this is not entirely true. Cucumbers stand long and get no less delicious, even if you use nylon caps for preserving. As an example, you can suggest a recipe for which you will need: cucumbers, garlic, raspberry leaves, currants, horseradish and cherries, cloves, sweet pepper peas and 1 dill umbrella.
On technology, this process is no different from the previous version:
- Banks before work must be sterilized. To do this, they can be held over the steam or put into the oven for a short time.
- After that, put some spices on the bottom.
- Next come the cucumber.
- From above they must be covered with the same leaves and poured out the remaining spices.
- Banks fill with boiling water and wait 10 minutes.
- Water merge and cook marinade from it, adding salt and sugar.
- Fill this solution with cans to the top.
- Cover the caps in boiling water for 15 seconds, and then close them with cans, dripping on each strong vinegar essence.
After cooling, the lids are pressed tightly against the neck, which will exclude any penetration of air from outside.
Stocks for the winter
Most often at home, canned vegetables for the winter. In many houses this has become a good habit. The second most popular piece of stock is tomatoes.
There is a rather interesting option for which certain components are needed: 2 kilograms of tomatoes, a glass of vegetable oil, 2 liters of water, a bay leaf, 2 onions, 100 grams of salt and sugar, herbs, 90 grams of vinegar and spices.
In this case, the canning of vegetables for the winter is done somewhat differently:
- First you need to boil a liter of water.
- After this, it is necessary to dissolve salt, spices, sugar in it, and also add vinegar and herbs.
- The solution should simmer for about 1 minute. Then it can be removed from the fire.
- Peel onion and gently cut it with rings.
- Put the tomatoes in pre-sterilized jars, then cover them with onions and bay leaves. If desired, you can put garlic.
- Free space in the banks filled with a freshly prepared marinade.
- Cover them on top with metal covers and sterilize in a water bath for 10 minutes.
- Then you have to add vegetable oil to each jar and finally roll them up.
On this, canning vegetables for the winter can be considered finished. After that, they can only cool and put in a cool place. And after a couple of months you can enjoy the unique taste of juicy and fragrant tomatoes.
A successful addition
Especially popular are the recipes for canning vegetables, when the products are prepared in a natural filling.
A vivid example of such a successful combination is pepper, made in tomato sauce. The list of ingredients in this case is also small: 2 kilograms of sweet pepper, 3 kilograms of tomatoes, 40 grams of salt, 30 grams of vinegar, 150 grams of sugar and the same vegetable oil, sweet pepper and bay leaf.
The cooking procedure consists of several consecutive steps:
- First, you need to wash the tomatoes, and then, after passing through a meat grinder, put into a pan and cook for 40 minutes, periodically removing the foam.
- Add in the boiling mass of salt, vegetable oil, sugar and wait for 5 minutes until they completely dissolve.
- In peppers, remove the pedicels with the seeds, and then the remaining pulp can be cut randomly with small pieces.
- Shredded vegetables add to the boiling mass and wait 10 minutes.
- Introduce spices, vinegar and allow mixture to simmer for another 5 minutes.
After that, the mass can be laid out on cans, rolled up and sent to storage in a cool place.
Vegetable semi-finished products
There are different reasons for canning vegetables for the winter. Recipes are sometimes designed in such a way that the finished product was not an independent dish, but only a semi-finished product. Take, for example, canned beets.
It, as a rule, is harvested in order to be used as a side dish or one of the components of another, more complex dish at the right time. For this work you will need: 800 grams of fresh beets, pepper peas, and 50 grams of salt per liter of water.
Cooking process:
- Vegetables selected for conservation should be washed, and then put them in a pan and cook in the usual way.
- After cooling, the products must be peeled off.
- Then the fruits must be grinded arbitrarily.
- Boil a metered amount of water and dissolve salt in it.
- Pieces of vegetables in a jar, add pepper, and then pour everything with a prepared brine.
- Sterilize them for 10 minutes under the lid, and then finally cork.
This kind of preservation is very convenient, because at the right time the semi-finished product is completely ready for consumption.
Non-standard solution
As a rule, housewives can conserve vegetables in large quantities. For this, two- or three-liter cans are most often used. But sometimes you want to have different kinds of vegetables for dinner or for a holiday table . We have to open a few cans, which in itself is very irrational, because they can not always eat their contents. The remaining products are spoiled, and they have to be thrown away. To prevent this from happening, it is better to make canned vegetables for winter.
There are many options for such a solution. One of the most popular includes the following components: 1 kilogram of tomatoes, sweet peppers and cucumbers, 2 onions, 6 dill umbrellas, a couple of garlic heads, 8 peas of sweet pepper, 2 carrots, a teaspoon of vinegar essence, and 2 tablespoons of sugar And salt.
To prepare such assortment is simple enough:
- First, you need to sterilize the dishes.
- Then you need to prepare the vegetables. After repeated treatment with water, they need to be processed: pick up cucumbers in cold water for a couple of hours, peel the garlic and remove the seeds from the peppers.
- After that, the products must be crushed. For this, it is better to cut the carrots with thick rings, pepper - with straw, and cut the onion into 4 parts.
- After that, all the prepared ingredients should be spread over the cans and pour boiling water. This will destroy the putrefactive bacteria and microorganisms that may be in them.
- After 15 minutes, the water should be drained into a saucepan, add sugar and salt and put on fire again.
- After boiling, add the essence to the solution and pour the products again with the prepared marinade.
- Now the banks should only be rolled up and, wrapped in a blanket, put in for cooling.
This option is convenient because it does not require additional sterilization. This allows you to significantly save time, necessary for work.
Convenient option
Some housewives like another interesting way - preserving salads from vegetables.
This is very convenient, because in winter the necessary components can not always be found. And in this case, having opened a jar, you get not just individual products, but a ready-made full-fledged dish. For example, lecho with zucchini and eggplant. For its preparation you need: 1 kg of carrots, eggplant, sweet pepper and zucchini, as well as a bunch of parsley and dill.
For sauce: 2 kilograms of tomatoes, 2 heads of garlic, 0.5 cups of table vinegar, 5 peas of black and 4 fragrant peppers, one and a half cups of sugar and vegetable oil, 2 leaves of laurel and a teaspoon of coriander.
The process consists of several stages:
- First you need to chop the vegetables: pepper cut into rings, eggplants with zucchini - circles, greens - chop, and carrots - grate. Prepared food should be poured into a deep saucepan.
- Then prepare the sauce. To do this, the first thing you need to grind tomatoes in a blender.
- Add sugar, oil, salt and grated garlic to them.
- Sauce add to the pan with staples and put the stew for an hour.
- The ready mass is spread over the banks and rolled up.
Such lecho after cooling can stand for a long time in the basement. In the winter, such a salad will be a real find.
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