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Personality structure according to Freud. Basic Provisions

Freudianism, as a psychological direction, was formed at the beginning of the 20th century, although psychoanalysis existed before. Everyone who is interested in this current needs to know that there is a personality structure according to Freud. Actually, this will be discussed in this article.

The book of Sigmund Freud "I and It" gives a detailed analysis of each element of the structure described. There are only three:

  • Id (or "It") - the initial component of our psyche. "It" comes at the wake of "our very lowest aspirations, and also of our primary needs," explains Sigmund Freud. The psychology of the newborn child is just the beginning of Id. That is, while he does not know that there are moral foundations, morality, norms of behavior, he is guided only by purely animal instincts. The personality structure according to Freud assumes the focus of sexual energy in the element of Ono. And the children who have just appeared in the world have it too. While it is manifested, when the child sucks mother's milk, as well as in other minor aspects of life. It should be noted at the same time that at an early stage of life, the attraction is asexual (that is, the person did not realize either his sexual identity or the sexual belonging of others).
  • Ego (or "I"). It is an intermediate state of Id and Super-Ego. Personality structure according to Freud does not give the exact meaning of age, when this element should begin to form. As, for example, children begin to speak and walk in different ways, so the Ego manifests itself individually. Roughly speaking, this process can be observed when the child enters a conscious age. Parents tell him that in order to go to the toilet, you need to sit down on the potty. Or that people can not be shown with a finger. Often the child does not understand why some rules are required of him - during this period there is a strong fight between Id and Ego.
  • Super-Ego ("Super-I"). Simultaneously with all of the above, the child begins to realize his / her sexual identity. On the one hand, he is embarrassed by this, and on the other hand he sees an occasion for pride. His sexuality begins to be formed, but almost always its manifestation (in the form of masturbation) finds a sharp suppression and disapproval from the parents. In addition to this, the child begins to identify with one of the parents. Unconscious desire for incest, as well as its inability to compel the child to adopt all the qualities of parents, their behavior patterns. Boys at the same time tend to become like their father, and girls - as a mother. Thus, the super-ego is formed.

It is at an early age that parents' behavior patterns, their habits and the manner of communicating with the child play a huge role. In addition, the importance, moreover, very important, has the influence of society. Those moral qualities that were formed in the child during this period, will form the basis of his personality throughout his life. Very rarely, they may undergo a change, even a conscious one. The super-ego is also a conscience. Therefore, correct methods of upbringing in early childhood are very important.

All these elements exist in close relationship with each other. This is the structure of the personality according to Freud.

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