Food and drinkRecipes

Flambe - what is it? How to prepare Flambé: recipes

Of course, French cuisine is very popular. However, it is not necessary to be a professional culinary specialist to prepare delicious French food. And today many are interested in the question of how to prepare a flambe. What is this dish? What foods will be needed to cook it and what are the rules to follow?

Flambe: what is it?

In fact, the process of flaming is one of the most refined and spectacular techniques used by modern professional chefs. So how are they preparing the flambe? What it is?

The word itself is translated as "burning". The essence of the reception is a short-term firing on the fire of the ready-made dish. Moreover, the catalyst for the combustion process is, as a rule, alcoholic beverages that quickly break out, brightly burn, but quickly decay. Depending on the main components of the dish, most often brandy, cognac and rum are used as fuel.

Naturally, the presentation of this dish looks impressive, because firing is carried out in front of the visitors. In addition, the cooked food retains the mild flavor of the used alcoholic beverage. And a bright, but quickly burning flame provides the dish with a soft and crispy crust.

By the way, there is also a dish called "tart flambe". What it is? It is a flat pie with a filling that is cooked on an open fire. This is a dish of southern German cuisine, so do not confuse these two concepts.

What foods can be cooked in this way?

In fact, according to this technique, you can cook almost any dish. For example, in expensive restaurants customers are offered fruit-flambe. It can be bananas, apples, peaches, strawberries, etc.

In addition, flambe well and vegetables. Frying meat is also possible, but requires some professionalism and experience, as this process is longer. Some establishments serve chicken, veal, and even seafood, cooked using the Flambe method.

Dish at home: some technical points

Naturally, such delicacies can be prepared at home, but it's worth starting with more simple dishes. In addition, you need to observe some safety rules.

To begin with, it should be noted that the temperature during the burning of alcoholic beverages can reach 800-900 degrees. Therefore, it is not recommended to use dishes with non-stick (Teflon) or enameled coating. Even a short-term exposure to such high temperatures can damage the surface. It is best to choose stainless steel tanks or uncoated cast iron.

If you are a beginner, then it is better to use dishes with a long handle covered with heat-resistant material (for example, a frying pan or a stewpan) - this will protect the skin of the hands from damage. For ignition should not use a lighter - more suitable long mantel matches. These simple rules will make cooking safer.

As the fire goes out quickly, it's not worth worrying about the products burning out. If you are preparing a particularly delicate dish, you can pour alcohol on the products themselves, and the edges of the pan - the effect will be almost the same.

There is another cooking technique that looks much more effective, but requires some skills. Professional cooks sometimes pour alcohol into a separate container (for example, a coffee turkey) and set the drink on fire. Burning liquid water the dish and wait until the flame goes out. Again, in this case it is worth using a container with a long handle.

Banana Flambe: simple and tasty

Cooking Flambe (photo is here) of bananas is quite simple. For four servings you will need the following products:

  • 4 ripe banana;
  • Two spoons of orange peel;
  • 70 g of butter;
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice;
  • Half a glass of orange juice;
  • 50 ml of cognac (preferably of high quality);
  • 80 g of sugar;
  • Vanilla ice cream to taste.

First, peel the bananas and cut them into halves. In one frying pan, melt 40 g of butter and fry the bananas in it. On the other pan, put the remaining oil, add orange juice, lemon juice, and sugar. Keep the syrup on low heat for three minutes, stirring constantly. Now put the fried bananas there and heat the dish for a few more minutes.

Before serving guests delicacy along with zedra pour cognac and set fire to. As soon as the fire is extinguished, you can put slices of bananas on plates with ice cream.

Cream Flambe: Cooking Recipe

Put the pancake in a frying pan. As a filling can act any berries and fruits - pieces of apples and bananas, strawberries, peeled orange slices. Sprinkle sugar on top of fruit and put a piece of butter.

Now pour the filling of the pancake with a small amount of alcohol (usually use cognac or rum), then set it on fire. As soon as the flame goes out, the dessert is ready for use. By the way, butter and melted sugar will provide fruit with a tasty, crispy, fragrant crust.

Recipe for delicate delicacy

Dessert "Flambe sunset" is considered the best option for an unforgettable romantic breakfast, because its delicate and sweet taste gives a pleasant relaxation. So how to cook it?

  1. To begin with, melt 20 g of butter and add the same amount of sugar. Keep mixture on fire, stirring constantly, until caramel mass is formed.
  2. On the edge of the plate, pour the caramel, put in it 70 g of any berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries), pour cognac (20 ml) on top and set it on fire.
  3. Now put the ice cream ball in the center of the finished pancake (you can cook it yourself, or you can buy it in the store). Fold the pancake so that a pouch is formed and secure the edges with a toothpick. Put it on the other end of the wide dining room cymbal.
  4. You can decorate the dish with mint leaves and fresh berries.

This is how the flambe is prepared. This dessert is really distinguished by its exquisite taste. However, do not forget that the main characteristics of food will affect the quality of cognac, so better choose expensive varieties.

Flambé oranges: tasty and effective dessert

For another recipe, you will need oranges, granulated sugar, butter and whiskey. Preparing this dessert is very simple.

  1. First, clean 6 oranges. Four of them you will cook, and from two squeeze out the juice.
  2. Cut the orange peel into small pieces.
  3. Put four oranges in a frying pan (saucepan). On top of each of them, pour a teaspoon of melted butter and sprinkle with sugar. Now put the fruit in the oven and cook for twenty minutes at a temperature of 120 degrees.
  4. While the oranges are being prepared, you can make the sauce. Mix the orange juice and zest, add two tablespoons of sugar and one spoonful of whiskey. Cook the syrup over low heat until it becomes thick.
  5. Now you can take the fruit out of the oven. Each orange pour a tablespoon of whiskey and set it on fire. As soon as the fire is extinguished, pour fruit sauce, decorate the dish with mint leaves and ice cream balls.

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