Food and drinkRecipes

On how to make a julien with mushrooms and chicken, and also with squid

According to the legend, the julien appeared in the 17th century in France, thanks to the monks, who, after returning from the forest with mushrooms, decided to cook dinner out of them in a common pot. No, they did not know how to make julienne with mushrooms, they just wanted to make soup. Everything was almost ready: finely chopped mushrooms, vegetables and root vegetables were already brewed in a bowler hat, but the time of evening prayer interrupted the cooking process, so the fire under the boiler was extinguished, and the monks themselves retired to their cells to pray. But then they decided to return to the meal. However, coming to the cauldron, the monks found that all the water from it evaporated, leaving only a thick mushroom flavorful mass. In order not to waste good, they decided to be content with what was left, but surprisingly, this mass was very tasty. That's how Zhulen appeared.

Today, a julien is, you might say, an individual dish, since it is prepared portion by piece, in special dishes called coconut bottles. These small heat-resistant bowls with long handles can be purchased in any supermarket, in the crockery department, and how to prepare a julien with mushrooms and other products in these coconut bottles, you will now find out.

So, for the preparation of the classic julien you will need:

- champignons or other fresh mushrooms - 300 g;

- chicken legs (large) - 2 pieces;

- bulb large - 1 piece, or two medium;

- Hard cheese - 200 g.

Also, this julien needs a sauce, and to make it, you will need:

- Wheat flour - 2 table. Spoons;

- Butter - 2 table. Spoons;

- sour cream or fat cream - 150 g;

- broth or boiled water - 100 g;

- salt and pepper - to your taste.

And now more details on how to prepare a julien with mushrooms and sour cream, cheese and chicken. We cook the chicken leg until cooked, with the addition of salt and bay leaf. While the chicken is brewed, we prepare the rest of the ingredients: we clean and cut the onion small, fry lightly in a frying pan with vegetable oil. We also send mushrooms cut into thin slices. It is best to take mushrooms, since they do not emit a substance that changes the color of the dish. Fry mushrooms with onions until ready, podsalivaem and a little pepper. When the chicken legs are cooked, they need to be removed, cooled, finely chopped and combined with fried champignons and onions.

Now let's make sauce: in a frying pan, fry a little flour, then add butter to it. Solim and pepper, and then, constantly stirring, we pour in the same sour cream or cream, as well as broth or water. Cook, until it thickens, then remove from heat and let the white sauce cool slightly.

Now we need coconuts. In them, we lay half the chicken-mushroom mass, which is filled with white sauce. Sprinkle the top with grated cheese and send the muffins into the oven for 15-20 minutes. Julienne with mushrooms and cheese can be considered ready when the cheese is completely melted and covered with a beautiful golden crust.

For those who love seafood, you will like this chelune: 3-4 cleaned squid clean (slightly frozen they are easier to clean), give finally defrosted, and cut into thin strips. Mushrooms (any, can be dried, enough two handfuls) boil. One onion finely chopped and along with squid and boiled mushrooms we dip into a greased skillet, where we fry the mixture for 2-3 minutes. Longer it is impossible, otherwise the squid will become like rubber. After that, we spread the mass along the cocotnits or spread it into a large fire-resistant mold with high edges. Fill all the previously prepared mixture of mayonnaise and sour cream (1: 1 ratio) and sprinkle well with grated cheese. We put the julien in the oven, wait for the boil and hold for 5 more minutes, after which we turn off the oven. The dish is ready.

Knowing how to prepare a julien with mushrooms, as well as other products, you can always diversify your menu, making it more perfect and tasty.

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