Food and drinkRecipes

Apple puree for babies from fresh apples: recipe

Many young parents are concerned about everything related to child nutrition and the creation of a balanced menu. They are especially interested in what foods are first introduced into the diet of crumbs. After reading today's article, you will learn how to cook apple puree for babies.

Why this product?

Of all the existing variety of fruit for the first complementary foods, use ripe green apples. The choice is due to the fact that these fragrant fruits extremely rarely cause allergic reactions.

It is also important that they can be purchased for most of the year. And they sell them at very reasonable prices. It should also be noted that apple puree for babies, the recipe of which will be presented in this article, is prepared very quickly and simply. And in most cases, no additional ingredients are used for its preparation.

What fruits are suitable for these purposes?

To prepare a really useful apple puree for babies, you need to carefully choose fruit. It is important that the fruits are not subjected to chemical treatment and long-term storage. In addition, they should not contain an increased concentration of nitrates.

Ideally, for these purposes, it is necessary to select the fruits of green or white varieties grown with their own hands. In the absence of such an opportunity, one should turn to friends who have their own garden. In markets or in supermarkets, there are almost no safe apples. Unfortunately, often even farmers who claim to sell environmentally friendly products are used in the process of growing chemicals.

When buying fruits from which the apple puree for babies will be prepared, the recipe of which you will learn a little later, it is important to pay attention that they do not have brown spots and dots. Do not buy soft fruit, because they can be frozen or rotten. Also, from the fetus chosen by you, a strongly pronounced characteristic aroma should emerge. Any unpleasant odor can indicate that the fetus begins to deteriorate.

Preparation by extinguishing method

To make a really useful treat for a child, you need to choose the fruits of green varieties. It is desirable that they are sweet, so you do not have to add sugar. At the initial stage it is necessary to cut previously washed and peeled fruit into several parts and extract the core from them.

To apple apples for babies bring the maximum benefit, for its preparation should use drinking filtered water. For each fruit, one tablespoon of liquid is needed. All ingredients should be placed in a saucepan and sent to a stove. The contents of the dishes must be stirred constantly so that it does not burn. After ten minutes, pieces of stewed fruit should be wiped through a sieve or whipped with a blender. After the mashed potatoes cool, they can feed the baby.

Steam cooking technology

Pre-washed and peeled fruits must be cut in half. The slices thus obtained should be placed in a prematurely made water bath and left there for ten or twelve minutes. This time should be enough to make them soft.

Fruit readiness is checked with a knife. To get a tasty and homogeneous apple puree for babies, softened a couple of pieces you need to whip with a blender. This recipe is ideal for feeding babies, because it contains nothing but the fruit itself.

Recipe for boiled and baked fruit

It will not take long to prepare such a complementary meal. As a rule, the entire process takes no more than half an hour. Preparation of apple puree for babies from boiled fruits begins with the preparation of raw materials. To do this, previously washed, brushed and cut fruits are placed in a small saucepan filled with filtered water. After the contents of the dishes boil, you need to reduce the heat and wait ten minutes. After this time, the fruit is beaten with a mixer, cooled and given to the baby.

As for mashed potatoes, cooked on the basis of baked fruit, then here too everything is quite simple. Having spent a minimum of time, you will please your child with a tender and rich dish. In addition, such a lure will not provoke the appearance of colic. To cook such apple puree for babies, you need to choose a ripe and sweet fruit. Washed and cut into thin plates, the fruit is placed in a glass heat-resistant container, covered with a lid and sent to the oven. Twenty minutes later, a rather soft mass is obtained from it, which must be lightly beaten with a fork. A cooled dish can be fed to the baby.

Apple mashed potatoes from fresh apples

Preparation of this food does not take much time. And the technology itself is so simple that even an inexperienced young mother can cope with it. Pre-washed and peeled fruit is ground on a plastic grater. In the case of small lumps, the resulting mass can be beaten with a mixer.

In the finished dish, you do not need to add sugar. Apple puree for babies from fresh apples is desirable to give the baby in the daytime, so that until the night it had time to fully digest and did not cause him a colic.

Apple purée for babies for the winter

Thanks to this recipe, your baby will be able to eat a tasty and healthy dish prepared from ecologically clean fruits in the cold season. To make such a lure, you need three kilograms of ripe fruit, one hundred grams of brown sugar and a liter of filtered water.

For these purposes, it is desirable to choose green varieties, because they are considered one of the best sources of iron and many vitamins. To prepare homemade apple puree for babies for the winter, you need to first rid the fruits of the peel, grains and stems. After that, the raw material is ground in a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

The resulting mashed potatoes are transferred to a saucepan, water and sugar are sent to the pan. The contents of the dishes are brought to a boil and cooked over low heat for twenty minutes, not forgetting to stir occasionally. At the end of this time, the prepared dish is transferred to pre-sterilized small jars, closed and sent for storage.

Apple puree with cream

A delicacy prepared according to this recipe, you can treat children older. It is desirable to enter it in the menu after the baby tries porridge, fruit and vegetable mashed potatoes. This dish has a delicate taste and contains all the nutrients the child needs. It perfectly fits all the needs of an eight-month-old baby.

To make this puree you will need two large green apples, a tablespoon of sugar, half a glass of filtered water and two tablespoons of natural cream. In pre-boiled liquid it is necessary to send grated apples and reduce fire. Fifteen minutes later, cream and sugar should be added to the saucepan of boiling fruit. The resulting mass must be well mixed and cooled. After that, apple puree is ready for use.

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