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What is culture? Briefly about the main thing.

The word "culture" has Latin roots and means "to cultivate the soil". What is the relationship between agriculture and human behavior, because it refers to the widely used phrases in Russian: culture of behavior, speech culture , cultural person, spiritual culture of the individual , physical culture. Let's try to understand this question.

What is culture as a social phenomenon?

Indeed, the connection "man-nature" lies at the basis of the concept of culture as a complex diverse phenomenon. Man in nature has found an opportunity for the creative realization of his abilities. Human activities in the transformation of the natural world, the reflection of nature in the products of activity, the influence of nature and the environment on the human being is treated as culture.

Culture has some distinctive features - continuity, tradition, innovation.

Each generation bears the experience of cultural mastery of the world of previous generations, builds its transforming activity on established principles, styles, directions, and, as a result of assimilation of previous achievements, tears forward, developing, renewing and improving the world around.

The constituent parts of culture are material and spiritual.

The material culture includes everything that is connected with the objects and phenomena of the material world, their production and development.

Spiritual culture is the totality of spiritual values and human activity in their production, development and application.

In addition, talk about the types of crops. They include:

- Elite culture - created by professionals, the privileged part of society; Not always understood by wide sections of society.

- folk culture - folklore - is created by unknown authors, amateurs; Collective creativity.

- mass culture - mean concert, variety art, which works through the media.

- subculture - a system of values of a certain group, community.

What is the culture of behavior?

This concept defines the totality of the formed qualities of the individual, socially significant, allowing to base daily actions on the norms of morality and morality. Assimilation of human values allows you to regulate your own activities in accordance with the requirements of society.

However, we can state the fact that the concept of "culture of behavior" and its norms vary depending on the state of morality in a specific historical period of the development of society.

For example, just twenty years ago, civil marriage and extramarital sexual relations were severely condemned in Russian society, and today in some circles it is considered to be the norm.

What is the culture of speech?

The culture of speech is the correspondence of speech to the norms of the literary language. How much it is necessary for a modern man, one can judge the increasing popularity of training courses. High professional level implies a high level of command of speech standards.

In addition, the individual level of a person's spiritual culture corresponds to his speech culture. Beautiful, fashionable, stylish girl evokes admiring glances from others. However, it is worth it to open her mouth, as a stream of obscene expressions hits the listeners. Spiritual culture of man is obvious.

What is the culture of communication?

Communication is a phenomenon of social society. There are verbal and non-verbal communication. Ability to communicate effectively, interact through communication with other people, partners, colleagues - socially significant quality of a modern successful person.

The culture of communication implies the connection of the three components.

First, communication is associated with the skills of perception of another person, the perception of verbal and non-verbal information (perception).

Secondly, great importance is the ability to convey information, feelings to the partner in communication (communication).

Thirdly, interaction in the process of communication (interaction) is decisive in assessing the effectiveness of communication.

Culture is a multifaceted, complex concept that characterizes a certain level of development of both society as a whole and of each individual person.

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