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Pain in the temple left or right: what can it mean? Pulsating pain in the temples: the causes and ways to eliminate pain

Almost every person on earth has ever had a headache. And the pain in the temple on the left 70% of people who have treated such symptoms with specialists complain. But it can be said with certainty that this statistic does not reflect the full picture, nor does it reveal the seriousness of the problem, since not everyone turns to the hospital with severe pain in the temporal lobe. So what are these symptoms dangerous for, what is the reason for their appearance, what are the consequences? What needs to be done to get rid of this disease?

Types of pain in the temples

Pain in the temple on the left is divided into two types. The first is when its symptoms completely reflect the clinical picture of the disease. This type is called primary, it is not associated with structural changes in the brain, but signals the presence of the disease. Usually these are manifestations of migraine, bunion pain and tension pain.

Secondary type refers to the signs of another disease.

During the examination of the patient, carefully collected information on the degree of intensity, periodicity of the onset, dynamics of development, types of temporal cephalgia is of particular importance. Based on these data, you can almost immediately determine the degree of danger. For example, her sudden appearance is a signal that the patient's health and life are in danger. If the pain appears periodically, then it usually has a chronic character.

Diseases of pain in the temple

Why does the left temple hurt, what is the reason? Experts call more than 40 diseases, in which painful sensations are localized in the temporal region. Here are just some of them:

1. Migraine is an independent disease characterized by a very palpable pain of one part of the head, concentrated in the temporal region. The duration of such seizures - from half an hour to several days, and if migraine is not treated, then everything can end with migraine stroke. In some women, it passes after the birth of a child, while others suffer it up to the menopause.

2. Pain pain is a widespread disease. Heavy working day, physical activity, uncomfortable static posture, stress, depression, scoliosis of the spine are the causes of HDN. The tonus of the musculature of the shoulders, neck, face increases and worsens the blood supply of muscles, there is accumulation of histamines, which accompany inflammation. Muscles whine, and pain is projected onto the head in the temporal part, presses in the temples, the head seems to be compressed by a hoop.

3. Beam pains are characterized by intolerable painful attacks, concentrating in the area of the temples. They can start suddenly and last from 15 minutes to several hours, calming down and coming back again. Attack attacks attack a person up to 8 times a day. A series of pains sometimes do not remind of themselves for a long time, but it happens that every month the patient suffers from attacks. At such a moment the person becomes covered with sweat, his nose is pinched, his face swells, the eyelid is lowered.

4. Severe pain in the temples can be a symptom of a rare artery disease. When the walls of the vessels of the temporal arteries are inflamed, a strong pain is felt, which gives into the eye, and even a slight touch delivers the suffering to the patient. Older people often get ill after 50 years.

5. With intracranial lesions, which are infectious in nature (meningitis, encephalitis), there is a sharp pain, giving to the temple.

6. With inflammation of the trigeminal nerve and its squeezing, there is a strong pain in the temples and occiput when chewing, swallowing, talking, laughing.

Causes of pain

The reasons when the left temple hurts, set, and to get rid of a painful feeling, it is necessary to define and eliminate its source:

  1. In young people, such pain can be an indicator of vegetative dystonia.
  2. Some infectious diseases are accompanied by fairly severe headaches in the temples (SARS and influenza).
  3. Upper and lower pressure Manifests itself by an active pulsation in the temples.
  4. During the period of hormonal outbursts young girls can show severe pain.
  5. Also, with changes in the hormonal background with the onset of menopause, women sometimes complain of regular head temporal pain.
  6. There are also nervous headaches, which are psychogenic. They are accompanied by irritability, fast fatigue.
  7. Violation of the nerves of the brain and spinal cord.
  8. With the pathology of the temporomandibular joint, the pain gives not only to the temple, but also to the nape and shoulders. From the convulsive clenching of the teeth, the muscles of the face strongly strain, they also provoke a headache.
  9. In meteozavisimyh people from the change of weather, too, hurts the left temple.
  10. Some foods containing glutamate sodium can cause headaches. This canned food, dry soups, sausages, smoked products, ready-made salads, chips, sauces, hot dogs. Chocolate is sometimes a provocateur of a headache, because it causes a sharp increase in blood sugar.
  11. Intoxications associated with food poisoning, drugs, alcohol, diseases of organs responsible for the removal of poisonous substances from the body (kidneys, liver).
  12. Sometimes pain gives in the temple in perfectly healthy people and does not depend on the state of the vessels. Lumbago in the temples appear from carbon monoxide poisoning. Its high concentration in the air is dangerous for human life, so the removal of its toxins from the body must be carried out in a medical facility. Sometimes if a person does not have breakfast, and at lunch did not have time to eat, he may have pain in the temporal lobe. It also happens when some people overdo with diets, not taking into account their balance, or during a hard fast. The brain does not have enough nutrients, and it lets you know about this spasm of blood vessels.
  13. The same symptoms can occur with developing anemia.
  14. About the pain in the temples can tell and climbers, because high in the mountains the air is rarefied, and oxygen in it is not enough. The same feelings people experience with regular flights and scuba divers, this is the reaction of the vessels to the pressure drop.
  15. Too active sex life can also cause pain in the temples.
  16. It happens that the origin of the pains can not be established, and this is not surprising, because even the presence of worms and a sharp cessation of coffee can cause their appearance.

Types of temporal pain

When the head is unbearably painful, it seems that the pain goes out through the temple from the brain, but in fact it is not. There are no pain receptors in it, but they are in some parts of the brain envelope, the tissues covering the skull, in the arteries of the skull base and located outside it. This complex is responsible for various types of temporal pain, depending on where the damaging effect is located. Therefore, pain is also pulsating, lightning fast or constant, sharp, dull, pressing, tingling, burning, of different depth and localization.

The pain pulsates in the temples, as if little hammers are knocking on them, not letting them be distracted. Most likely, these are consequences of the transferred stress. However, this may also indicate that the upper and lower arterial blood pressure increased, about the onset of migraine, cerebral vasospasm. At times, when pulpitis (inflammation of the gum tissue), pain is reflected in the temporal region.

Sharp pain in the temples, shooting, can speak of inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, less often about changes in the walls of the temporal arteries (temporal arteritis). In this case, a person feels broken in the whole body, impotence, he does not sleep well. Sometimes the pain passes to the back of the head, eyes, jaw and whole face. Painful manifestations are bright, and even a slight touch causes strong unpleasant sensations.

With increased irritability, a sense of anxiety, rapid fatigue, there is pain of a psychogenic nature. It is not pronounced, as if it is poured over the temple, it constantly aches in this place, and it irritates even more. But sometimes this pain is typical for problems with intracranial pressure, so with such types of pain, it can not be allowed to go by itself.

The consequences of a traumatic brain injury, previously suffered, or stress cause suffering from dull pain in the temples. If she persecutes a person for several days, and almost every morning he wakes up with her, then she is referred to as psychogenic or nonspecific.

Davit in temples often enough in the presence of cervical osteochondrosis of the spine. There is a disruption of the normal blood supply to the brain vessels due to compression of one or both vertebral arteries. As a result, there are changes in the vessels, disorders in the nerve plexuses and, as a consequence, localized pain.

Throbbing pain in the temples Can testify to the fact of atherosclerotic changes and the threat of stroke.

Medicinal treatment of pain

To eliminate headaches in the temples, treatment is usually done with analgesics and non-steroidal painkillers. After their adoption, the pain impulse is blocked, and the production of hormone-like biological regulators stimulating the synthesis of prostaglandins decreases in the body. Known and affordable medicines that are available in any medicine cabinet are Aspirin, Pentalgin, Codeine, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol.

What helps the last drug? It affects the brain and thermoregulatory centers. This medicine has the properties of analgesics and a slight anti-inflammatory effect. It can not cope with severe pain, but its moderate and weak manifestations are quite within its power. The result from the use of the drug in the form of tablets comes in 30 minutes after the intake, and if you drink its syrup or suspension, its effect will be noticeable after 15 minutes. But do not forget that even though this medicine is considered the least toxic, its uncontrolled reception is unacceptable. It has the property of accumulating in the body, and in this case its effect increases at times. This is very dangerous for the body. People with diseased kidneys, liver, with blood diseases and alcohol dependence are contraindicated in Paracetamol.

What helps "Acetylsalicylic acid" ("Aspirin")? As an anesthetic, it is used by people all over the world. The tablet is taken directly after a meal in 3 divided doses per day. At day, a reasonable dose of 1 g, maximum 3 g. Contraindicated to use "Aspirin" people suffering from bronchial asthma, pregnant women, with a stomach ulcer, with a lack of vitamin K, children under 3 years.

When migraines are often used "Citramon." This affordable medicine helps after 20 minutes after swallowing the pill. The effect is achieved by the presence in its composition of caffeine, acetylsalicylic acid and paracetamol. The medicine leads to a tonus of cerebral vessels. In a day, you can take no more than 6 tablets, dividing them into 3 doses, but this is only in extreme cases. To take a great interest in this medicine does not follow: it is capable to do much harm to a stomach, a liver, to cause an allergy.

With unbearable pain, it is better to use more serious medications. The most powerful painkillers are Tempalgin, Solpadein, Nurofen.

"Tempalgin" is a combined preparation. In its composition there is analgin and tempidone. Also added antispasmodic properties. A day can take no more than 3 tablets.

"Solpalenin" is based on paracetamol, caffeine and codeine. Apply it can be up to 4 times a day for 1 capsule.

"Pentalgin" in its composition contains 5 components: analgin, codeine, amidopyrine, caffeine, phenobarbital. In the people it is called - "pyaterochka."

In moments of unbearable pain, when it strikes violently in the temples, it is recommended to drink drugs based on ibuprofen. They well manage strong pains, relieve nausea, vomiting, anxiety, photophobia. They have less pronounced side effects than "Analgin", and one-time use does not cause harm. But if there are diseases of the liver, stomach, duodenum, then this medicine should be used with caution.

Analgesics per month are allowed to drink no more than 15 days, and if the drugs include a combination of several components, then 10 days for such drugs - the limit. They can be addictive, and some of them are addictive. Accumulating in the body, they negatively affect the internal organs, the system of hematopoiesis.


With the manifestation of cephalalgia in the temporal region, physiotherapy has positively proved itself. With pain caused by overwork, stress, psycho-emotional stress, fatigue, mud packs, water procedures and massage are good. For problem vessels, ozone and magnetotherapy, ultrasound and impulse currents are prescribed. When osteochondrosis of the neck medications are prescribed, penetrating through the skin with the help of electrophoresis.

When to call a doctor immediately

If the head hurts with constant regularity, then the first thing to do is go to the doctor, and do not make a diagnosis on your own and do not take medications that friends have recommended. But there are special cases when delaying treatment to a specialist can significantly worsen the condition, and sometimes cost the patient's life:

  • Unusual, uncharacteristic pains appear in the temple;
  • If the pain continuously lasts more than 3 days, and the most powerful painkillers do not help;
  • An impression is created that a small grenade exploded in the temple and sudden pain is accompanied by a disturbance of sight, speech, coordination of movements, general weakness;
  • From an attack to an attack the throbbing pain in the temples manifests itself more and more, gradually increasing;
  • Pain accompanied by vomiting;
  • Pain is aggravated during physical work or playing sports;
  • With fever and neck ache, inability to turn or tilt the head;
  • Excessive upper and lower pressure.

Having asked the patient about the types and periodicity of the pain, the doctor can prescribe an additional examination:

  • A general and detailed blood test will be required;
  • MRI of the brain;
  • Electroencephalography of vessels of the neck and head;
  • Lipidogram;
  • Consultation of an ophthalmologist, therapist, psychiatrist, neurosurgeon, angio-surgeon.

Of course, such surveys are not cheap, but our health is priceless, so the economy is inappropriate in this case.

Consequences of pain in the temples

Very often a person does not pay attention to periodically arising pain in the field of a temple and tries to get rid of it independently. Setting the dosage without taking into account side effects and contraindications, it uncontrolled drowns out its analgesics. Of course, these drugs temporarily eliminate symptoms, but do not eliminate the cause of their appearance. Gradually the disease progresses, and the result of such inattention to oneself can be deplorable.

Nerve endings of the temporal lobes are directly connected with the organs of hearing and vision, and if the cause of pains in them, then, as a consequence, constant ringing in the ears, deafness or blindness is possible.

And even if the origin of pain is not hidden in dangerous diseases, then frequent pains negatively affect the quality of life. From their manifestations, mood deteriorates, irritability arises, and work capacity decreases. There can be outbreaks of aggression, a person striving to seclude himself, closes in himself. Therefore, going to the polyclinic and advice of a professional will help cure the disease and relieve the patient of a debilitating illness.

Folk remedies

If the pain in the temple on the left is easy, caused by stress or nervous excitement, then simple folk methods aimed at relaxing and achieving tranquility help to eliminate painful sensations.

You can relax in a warm bath, prepared with essential oils of lemon, grapefruit, chamomile, juniper, lavender. A few drops of St. John's wort and rosemary oil can dilute the massage cream and massage in the area of the seventh vertebra.

Massaging the entire head is considered an effective means. Circular movements, starting from the neck, you should massage your head, gradually reaching the temples. The duration of this procedure is about 15 minutes, this is enough to improve blood circulation and relieve tension. The same effect can be achieved by slowly combing your hair. You need to spend at least 100 times with a comb of natural material.

Another type of massage also helps to reduce pain, but the points located in the basins of the temporal region are massed. The procedure is carried out by the pads of the index fingers, while a slight pressure is made in a circular motion. Manipulation is best done in a quiet, semi-dark room. After they are held, you should lie for at least half an hour and try to fall asleep. The rest well cures the attack, and, waking up, a person forgets about it.

Among the herbs are popular infusions of melissa, oregano, peppermint. The recipe for their preparation is the same and simple enough. You need to take a tablespoon of any of the named herbs, put in a glass and pour boiling water. Insist in closed form for 30 minutes and strain. Drink oregano and mint 3 times a day for half a cup, and the melissa is stretched all day, drinking on the throat.

Very well relaxes green tea with a slice of lemon and a spoonful of honey. You can brew it with a pinch of mint or lemon balm.

On the aching temple, you can put a napkin, moistened with a solution of apple cider vinegar. It will be enough to dilute one tablespoon of vinegar in a liter of water. If there is no reaction to smells, then a compress with a towel soaked in cool water with essential oils will bring relief.


That the pain in the temple to the left does not return again, it is necessary to adhere to the regime of the day, sleep at least 8 hours, do not overwork, often be outdoors, actively move, taking into account age and physical condition, to eat rationally.

Breakfast is necessary, the diet should contain useful products: cereal cereals, boiled meat and fish, yogurt, cottage cheese, bread with grain additives, natural fruit juices. In favor of health, you must abandon spices, sharp and overcooked dishes, reduce the intake of salt and sugar.

Smoking and alcohol are provocateurs of various diseases, high blood pressure, spasm of cerebral vessels . They also affect the hormonal background, especially in women, so their presence in a person's life must be eliminated completely.

Morning gymnastics, physical exercise, sports - all this contributes to the strengthening of health, raises to a new level the quality of life, raises the mood. If you adhere to the foundations of a healthy and correct lifestyle, you can minimize the possibility of headaches.

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