Food and drinkRecipes

Ossetian cuisine: pies recipes

Today in many cities it is possible to order an Ossetian pie on the house. It is transported as a pizza. However, those who tried it, argue that the creation of one of the culinary trends of Russia is much more delicious than Italian dishes. The fact is that in classic Ossetian pies there should be an equal amount of dough and stuffing, and also important is that the dishes are prepared from environmentally friendly products.

Ossetian cuisine, recipes of which were once born in the ancestors of Ossetians - Alans who practiced nomadic way of life, involves the use of meat products, cheeses, a large number of various herbs. Therefore, we will consider the recipe for a pie with cheese. To prepare it you need to take: a pound of flour, 0.25 liters of kefir, 100 ml of water, one egg, 7 grams of yeast, a teaspoon of sugar and one and a half tablespoons of vegetable oil. From these components we knead the dough in the following order:

- Sift flour;

- 1/2 of the total amount of flour mixed with yogurt, yeast and sugar, leave for one hour;

- after that add the remaining flour, egg, water and vegetable oil, mix and divide into 3 parts. We leave for a proof for half an hour.

While the dough rises within an hour, we prepare the filling from 5 boiled potatoes and 0.6 kg of brynza. We rub the potato, grind the cheese in a blender and mix it. Ossetian cuisine does not involve the introduction of additional salt or pepper into this recipe, Cheese is salty enough and sharp.

From the dough small circles are rolled out, the center of which is filled (1/3 of the total mass for each). Then the dough bends to the center, forming something like a "bag", which you need to gently fold into a flat cake, punch it in the center and place it in the oven. Baking time - 20 minutes. To prevent burning, the pies are covered with parchment. According to tradition, the number of baked pies should be odd, because 2.4, etc. Pies are served in connection with the sad events.

Ossetian cuisine is interesting because with cheese in the pie can be combined quite interesting components, among which stand out pumpkin and cabbage. There are often pies with beans. But the most interesting is the filling, which includes the crushed tops of young beets.

A distinctive feature of the Ossetian cuisine is the use of fresh yeast. In urban conditions, they can be replaced by "Saf-moment". To bake a pie with tops, you need to take one and a half teaspoons of yeast and sugar, mix with warm water, add salt, sugar, 15 grams of vegetable oil and flour, so that the dough is not liquid. The dough should be left in order for it to rise, increasing twofold.

For the filling, we chop the beet tops in such quantity that it would be slightly less than the dough. The last is divided into three parts and we spread the filling as indicated in the above recipe with cheese (the tops must be poured). Those for whom the Ossetian cuisine has already revealed their secrets, know that the pie can first be put on the lower grate of the oven, heated to 180 degrees, for 5 minutes, and then rearranged to the top and brought to browning. Ready-made pies are abundantly oiled, so that the filling becomes even more delicious. In Ossetia, this dish is eaten with natural milk, beer or the purest spring water.

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