Health, Medicine
Vaccination against tetanus: it hurts the site of the injection and other reactions
Tetanus is a special infectious disease that occurs through the ingress of clostridia into a human body - harmful organisms, bacteria. They "live" in the soil, saliva and feces of the animal, and can penetrate into the human body through cuts and open wounds. Throughout life, both children and adults receive many different injuries that lead to ruptured skin or mucous membranes. It is such unpleasant moments when particles of contaminated soil get into the wound and can lead to the development of the disease.
In order to develop protection against tetanus, a person should be vaccinated regularly with a vaccine that contains an anatoxin and a neurotoxin that activate the immune system to the disease.
Vaccination against tetanus
A special vaccine is effectively used to immunize people of all age categories: from babies to old people. Especially important is the vaccination of pregnant women, this provides a guarantee that the baby will not get infected in the womb. After all, the expectant mother during pregnancy is particularly at risk of infection with various infections and is most vulnerable. So do not be surprised if, after a tetanus vaccination, the injection site is sore - this is quite a natural reaction.
Maternal Protection
Due to the fact that children have a maternal protection against the disease, it is recommended that they be vaccinated not earlier than three months after birth. In order for the infection to completely recede, you must enter at least 5 doses of the vaccine: three of which are up to 1 year of life of the crumbs, then at 1.5 years and another one at 7 years. This can not be stopped - vaccination occurs every 10 years until the end of a person's life. If the child can not be vaccinated for some reason, then it is put immediately after the solution of the problems that have arisen.
Proper vaccination
When it comes to an adult who has never been vaccinated before, the vaccine can be administered at any age, if there are no contraindications. The scheme is as follows: a month after the first injection it is necessary to put the second, and in 6 months - the third. Then the vaccine is given once every 10 years.
How the body can react to the inoculation
Once a person has been vaccinated, various reactions or side effects may occur. This is not considered unusual and wrong, because such symptoms only indicate that the body responds to antibodies and "fights".
Often vaccinations are transferred without any complications. But do not exclude the possibility of redness at the point of insertion of the needle, edema and cones. It happens that after the vaccination against tetanus is done, the place of the injection hurts. Such a reaction is quite natural and disappears in a few days. In addition, there may be lethargy, fatigue, fever, mood swings and a constant desire to sleep. Do not panic, it will also pass.
Vaccination against tetanus: it hurts the place of injection. What to do?
Let's consider the main unpleasant moments arising after introduction of a vaccine:
- Where the tetanus vaccination was made, the site of the injection hurts. This phenomenon is quite real. But if the expert did everything right, the pain will cease already on the third day. There are painful sensations more often when a part of the medicine has got under the skin, and not in the right place. This is due to the fact that it is more difficult for a vaccine to penetrate the human blood from under the skin, which can lead to a slight inflammation.
- If an inoculation against tetanus is done, it hurts the injection site, how to treat the problem, the doctor will tell. The standard advice is to take anti-inflammatory medications like "Ibuprofen" or "Nimesil".
- When the whole hand hurts, this also indicates that the vaccine has gone under the skin. Here the pain passes when the drug is absorbed into the blood. Use the following ointments: "Troxevasin", "Ecuzan", "Diclofenac" or "Nimesulide."
- In the arm, the vaccine is usually administered to children. Adults also get a tetanus vaccine under the shoulder blade. By itself, such a prick is painful, so it happens that after a vaccination against tetanus is done, the site of the injection hurts. Under the shoulder blade in this case, you can attach a damp cloth or a heating pad. This should ease the unpleasant sensations.
There may also appear a small lump or swelling, which should go away in 3-4 days. As a preventive measure, doctors recommend attaching a sterile bandage to the cone (you can use a bactericidal plaster), lubricated with a special ointment, or to drink the "Suprastin" course.
Complications after vaccination
When a person is vaccinated against tetanus, the reaction of the body to the injection may be different, but serious complications are almost impossible. But still there can be such exceptions: allergy, swelling or anaphylactic shock. In addition, diarrhea, intestinal problems, pruritus at the injection site and increased sweating are possible. More often such problems concern the weakened organism, therefore strengthen immunity and conduct a healthy way of life.
If we talk about neglected side effects, we should clarify the possible appearance of seizures, dermatitis, rhinitis, otitis and pharyngitis. Therefore, if any discomfort occurs after you have been vaccinated against tetanus (it hurts the injection site, the temperature rises, there is a lump or swelling), it is better to see a doctor and not take self-medication.
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