Food and drinkSalads

Original salad with pear, cheese and shrimp

Pear is one of those fruits that are present on the man's table for more than one thousand years. Its useful properties have been studied, and the fetus is dearly loved by both Europeans and Asians. In our country recipes with pears presuppose the preparation of desserts, but this fruit can be successfully combined with seafood and even fry. Inclusion in the diet of a man of several juicy fruits a day protects him from the development of such a dangerous disease as prostatitis.

Choose a pear for a salad. For this original snack, only such a variety as "Williams" is suitable, and the fruits should not be ripe and too soft, however, and immature specimens should not be chosen. Salad with pear and cheese is a common dish in Europe, but on tables in domestic families it is considered exotic.


Pears Williams - 4 large fetuses ;

· Shrimps peeled - 250 g;

· Cheese with mold - 80 g;

· Hard cheese - 100 g;

· Rukkola - 100 g.

Salad with pears must be filled with sauce, which will consist of the following ingredients:

· Sweet pepper ground;

· olive oil;

· Yolk of chicken fresh eggs;

· 50 g of flower honey liquid;

· White grape wine - 50 g;

· sea salt.

Salad with pear and cheese will require patience and accuracy from the hostess, however, even the most demanding guest will satisfy his taste.


1. Pears are peeled off with an acute long knife and cut into quarters, removing the seeds.

2. A glass of olive oil is poured into glassware and put it to languish in a water bath. When the temperature reaches eighty degrees, a pinch of black pepper and salt is added to the oil, then, after mixing with a wooden spatula, floral honey is introduced. To languish in a water bath, the contents of the glass cup should be no less than ten minutes, after which white wine is introduced into it with a thin intermittent stream, and finally, with intensive stirring, the yolk. When the sauce thickens, pears of pears are spread on it and cooked for about five minutes.

3. Finished pieces of fruit spread on a sieve and give a little drain, and then put in a salad bowl. Salad with pear is prepared by mixing all the ingredients.

4. Rukkola washed in slightly salted cold water, and then finely tear it into a salad bowl.

5. Prawns are boiled and added to the contents of the bowl, then crushed hard cheese. Salad with pears mixed and add a little salt.

6. On a flat dish, a slide is put on a ready-made snack, around which pieces of cheese with mold are placed . On top, the mixture is poured with a sauce in which the peeled pears were cooked.

Salad with pear, shrimp and cheese is very original to taste, so serve it on the table should be combined with other more traditional dishes. It will be appreciated only by real gourmets who are not afraid of new taste combinations and delights. Juicy and fragrant pear perfectly echoes both with seafood, and with white meat, fish, almost all types of cheese and, of course, with sweets.

Recipes with pears of the Williams variety often include such components as honey, wine and even soy sauce. In Asia, you can often find a fried salted pear with various additions, but for the compatriots such a dish is not always appropriate.

Combination with alcohol

Pear perfectly combines with almost any type of alcohol. Desserts, for example, are best prepared with light sweet wines, but in a hot dish you can add more strong drinks with a tart aroma and taste. For children, the pear is often served with cream and sugar, as well as berry topping and pancakes. Compotes from this fruit are no less interesting and can become an appropriate addition to the pear salad. This fruit has a very tender and changeable taste, so it is so successfully combined with meat and sweets. Best of all, its aroma is smoothed with cinnamon and sweet pepper, but there are recipes with the inclusion of bay leaf, cloves and even French mustard.

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