Food and drink, Salads
How to cook a delicious salad of marinated mushrooms?
Not a single festive table can do without a salad. And this dish should always please the eyes and stomachs of your guests and family. How many delicious salads, and not only them, can be made from marinated mushrooms. I would like to present several recipes and please you with a delicious cold dish on a lunch or a festive table.
Salad of marinated mushrooms and radishes
Ingredients that are necessary for its preparation:
200 g champignons marinated
200 grams of radish
30 g of vegetable oil
bulb onions
100 g of greenery
To prepare this dish, you must first clean the radish, then cut into small strips of straw.
Then pour this straw into cold water and insist for 15 minutes.
After that, we wash the pickled mushrooms and cut into straws just like that.
We throw the radish in a colander, which is already soaked, and fry in vegetable oil for 10 minutes.
Radish should be cooled and mixed with sliced mushrooms.
Then chop the parsley, dill and onion and add them to the radish with mushrooms.
Thoroughly mix and salivate the salad to taste.
Salad of marinated mushrooms and ham
What do we need for this? Ingredients:
350 g of pickled mushrooms
150 g of pickled cucumbers (preferably large)
200 g of green peas
200 g fresh ham
Greens (pepper, dill), mayonnaise
It is necessary to cut a ham thin straws, it is possible cubes.
Then cut the salted cucumbers in semicircles, if they are large. And if small - can be whole circles.
Pour peas green into the bowl and add to it cucumbers with ham.
After that, season with mayonnaise.
Add chopped greens, salt to taste and mix.
Salad from marinated champignons "Sunflower"
Ingredients that we need for cooking:
300 g chicken fillet
400 g of canned corn
250 g champignons marinated
3 eggs
150 g carrots
1 can of olives (optional)
vegetable oil
Leek or onion
Chips, it is desirable that they are oval shaped
Mayonnaise, salt
Salad with marinated mushrooms called "Sunflower" is prepared as follows.
Boil the carrots, cool, clean and rub on a fine grater.
Chop the chicken fillets in small pieces.
After that, fry the chicken fillet until it is ready and salt.
Boil the eggs, cool and grate them on a fine grater.
Marinated mushrooms cut finely, and onions - half rings.
Then take a plate (you can use a soup, about 23 cm in diameter) and lay the fillets on the bottom, then lubricate it with mayonnaise.
Top spread carrots, mushrooms, each layer is also lubricated with mayonnaise.
After that, the onions lay on the mushrooms, on which the eggs are laid, on top mayonnaise.
Then he spreads corn, and on a circle there are chips.
As an ornament, you can use halves of olives, which need to cover the surface of the salad. In this form, the salad will look more like a real sunflower.
Recipe for salad from champignons marinated with chicken
This salad is simple enough and is prepared very quickly. So, for its preparation, you need the following ingredients:
1 breast chicken
350 g champignon marinated
250 g of cheese
250 g of green peas
250 g of canned corn
1 fresh cucumber (preferably large)
Mayonnaise, salt
Boil the chicken breast, then cool it. Separate the meat from the stone and cut into strips.
Cut the cucumber along into four pieces. Three of which cut into pieces, and one to leave for decoration.
Marinated champignons cut and add to cucumbers and meat.
We add green peas and corn, then we fill with mayonnaise.
We put everything in a salad bowl, we need to rub cheese on top. You can decorate with corn, cucumbers and peas.
As you can see, each salad of marinated mushrooms is good in its own way. Which one to cook, it depends on your individual preferences.
Bon Appetit!
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