
"Evra" (plaster): reviews. Hormonal contraceptive plaster "Evra"

The contraceptive patch "Evra" is a very smooth and sufficiently thin adhesive plaster, which is used as a protection against unwanted pregnancy. Stick the product only once for seven days. This allows you to get a reliable effect, while at the same time spending a minimum of effort. It should be noted that the plaque "Evra" protects by 99.4%.

How the product works

"Evra" (plaster), reviews of which are mostly positive, allocates 150 micrograms of noreggesromine and 20 micrograms of ethinyl estradiol. These substances penetrate the blood through the skin. After this, ovulation is blocked. In other words, the ovary stops allocating an egg, which can already be fertilized. In addition, the drug causes changes in the mucosa in the uterus. As a result, it makes it difficult for sperm to enter the uterine cavity. It is thanks to this action of the product that protection from pregnancy is achieved.

However, when using this drug, do not forget that the hormonal contraceptive patch "Evra" is not able to protect a woman from certain diseases that are sexually transmitted. It is for this reason that an obligatory condition for its use is the presence of only one permanent partner. In this case, a man and a woman should be absent any infections transmitted during sexual intercourse.

Product Benefits

Recently, this method of protection from pregnancy has become much more popular than other contraceptives. Its main advantage lies in the fact that it eliminates the so-called forgetting effect, which causes a lot of trouble when using oral contraceptive pills. It is worth noting that even with a delay in the replacement of the patch within a few days, no additional contraceptive means is required.

"Evra" (plaster), reviews of which indicate its effectiveness, is quite comfortable and easy to use. The product is perfectly attached to the skin. However, it does not get peeled off even when exposed to the sun and during water procedures. Also, there is no need to change your daily routine and reduce daily activity. The use of such a contraceptive allows you to take sun baths, shower, swim, exercise, attend a sauna or a bath.

In addition, the plaster has a therapeutic effect on the body. Like many hormonal drugs, this product eliminates spotting that occurs between menstruation. When using it, there are rarely pains in the lower abdomen. In addition, the patch prevents the development of premenstrual syndrome.

Contraindications and side effects

"Evra" (plaster), reviews about which will be useful to many, has the same side effects as many hormonal birth control pills. Many of them are expressed, as a rule, in a moderate or mild degree. This, in turn, does not limit the use of this product. It is worth noting that many side effects disappear after a few months after the start of use.

Plaster "Eur" can not be used when:

  1. Lactation.
  2. Pregnancy.
  3. The presence of myocardial infarction or stroke in the past.
  4. An alleged or already established diagnosis of a malignant tumor.
  5. Thrombosis.

Also, plaster should not be used for women over 35 years old and for those who smoke more than 15 cigarettes during the day.

When to start using the product

When can I start using "Evra" (plaster)? The reviews show that this product can be used on the first day of menstruation. Use of additional contraceptives in this case is not necessary.

You can also start using the patch on any day of the week. For example, on Monday. The first patch should be glued on this day after the onset of menstruation. In this case, during the first week, additional contraceptive means will be needed. They must be nonhormonal, for example diaphragm, chemical or condoms.

How to glue the drug

The patch "Evra", whose price is relatively low, can be carried unnoticed by other people on four parts of the test:

  • Below the stomach.
  • On the buttock.
  • On the shoulder blade.
  • On the outer part of the shoulder.

As the reviews show, before you attach the patch, you should carefully study the instructions. The product must be fixed on dry and clean skin. Also, do not use powder, oils, lotions, cream and other grooming cosmetics exactly where the adhesive is stuck. This will prevent the product from peeling off.

In addition, the reviews indicated that it is not necessary to strengthen the patch on damaged, irritated and reddened areas of the skin. You can not glue several pieces of glue. You can fasten the patch in the same area several times. Of course, there are several rules. Experts recommend not to glue it constantly to the same place.

When to change the plaster

The hormone patch "Evra" needs to be glued once a week. Many women advise not to get confused, observe the following scheme:

  1. On the first day, you need to attach a remedy.
  2. On the eighth day, you should replace the patch.
  3. On day 15, you need to change the remedy again.
  4. On the 22nd day, remove the patch.
  5. The next seven days require a break.

It is worth noting that all these days will coincide with a certain day of the week. Therefore, using a patch according to this scheme is very simple. You can change the funds at any time of the day. The patch should not be used from 22 days during the week. It is during this period that menstruation begins. Experts do not recommend taking a break more than seven days.

What should I do if the day of the shift is missed?

Plaster Evra is better to change on time. If the replacement of the funds occurred later at the beginning of the cycle, then:

  1. Attach the patch immediately, as soon as you remember. From this day, a new cycle will begin.
  2. To avoid pregnancy, in the first week of a new cycle, nonhormonal contraceptives should be used.

If the patch was not replaced on days 8 or 15, then:

  • If you missed more than 48 hours, you can simply attach a new patch. The next one must be glued in accordance with the diagram. In this case, the use of additional protection is not required.
  • If missed more than two days, then you need to remove the old patch and fix the new one. This day will be considered the first day of the cycle. In this case, you need to use additional protective equipment for a week. Drugs should be non-hormonal.

If the patch was not removed at the end of the cycle, then:

  • First of all, the plaster needs to be removed, if it was not done before. After this, a new cycle must be started on the day that will correspond to the scheme.
  • Use in this case additional nonhormonal means of protection is not necessary.

If the product is unstuck

If the patch "Evra", the price of which is from 690 to 850 rubles per package, was partially detached, then it is necessary to press it strongly with the palm and hold it for 10 seconds. It must again firmly attach itself. After that, it is worth to hold the fingers on the edges of the plaster. If it does not stick, then it should be replaced.

If the patch has completely peeled off and has passed less than 24 hours, then it is worth trying to paste it back to the same place. If this is not possible, then you need to replace it. Take additional protective equipment is not necessary.

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