Health, Preparations
Ointment from bruises and bruises under the eyes. The list of the most effective
The most common symptom arising after trauma in the eye and eye area is the appearance of a hematoma, or, in the common people, a bruise. There is a hematoma due to damage to small blood vessels and the penetration of blood into the loose subcutaneous fatty tissue. Naturally, the appearance of hemorrhage spoils the appearance, and therefore immediately there is a natural question about how to get rid of bruises. All sorts of ways are great, but the most effective was ointment from bruises and bruises under the eyes. Let's consider what ointment bruises exist, how to apply them in order to get rid of the hematoma under the eye as soon as possible.
First aid
The very first aid to be given to the patient is cold or ice to the site of the bruise, and if possible, a heparin ointment under the eyes is immediately applied. The use of a cooling bandage promotes rapid vasospasm and, as a result, a decrease in the yield of blood and a decrease in the volume of the hematoma.
Heparin ointment
After getting a bruise, it becomes necessary to apply an ointment to the injury site? Bruise? Feedback on the use of heparin ointment is the most positive, because the rapid application after getting a bruise helps reduce the inflammatory process and the expressed antithrombotic effect. In addition, anesthesin, which is part of the heparin ointment, has a local anesthetic effect. The ointment is applied a thin layer on the surface of the skin, after which it is rubbed gently in a circular motion. Repeat the procedure should be 2-3 times a day.
If you compare the cost and effectiveness of drugs, the relatively inexpensive heparin ointment, whose price is lower than analogues and is about 60 rubles., Has almost the same efficiency as expensive brand analogues. This is primarily due to the lack of overpayment for the pharmaceutical brand. Due to the low cost, such a thing should be in every medicine cabinet, because when a heparin ointment is applied, the bruise under the eye regresses much faster.
"Lyoton-gel" is an analogue of the above-mentioned ointment, only in a gel-like form. Like sodium heparin, it has a pronounced antithrombotic and anti-exsudative effect, and to a lesser extent - anti-inflammatory.
In the place of a bruise it is necessary to apply a small strip of gel and rub in a circular motion from one to three times a day. From contraindications to the use of "Lyoton-gel" should be noted open wound surfaces, especially with bleeding, a violation of the blood coagulation system. Also, do not apply the gel with hypersensitivity to the drug and purulent skin lesions.
"Troxevasin" is an effective ointment from bruises and swelling, which produces an angioprotective effect on the capillaries of the microcirculatory bed and the veins. The mechanism of functioning of the ointment is based on the reduction of pores between the endothelial cells, which contributes to a decrease in the permeability of the vessel wall and the aggregation of red blood cells. In addition, the ointment has a small anti-inflammatory effect.
From contra-indications it is necessary to note the raised or increased sensitivity to a preparation, pregnancy, a stomach ulcer of a gastrointestinal tract, a chronic gastritis, diseases of kidneys.
"Badyaga-Forte" as a remedy for bruising under the eyes
"Badyaga" - no less well-known ointment from bruises and bruises under the eyes. It contains natural natural components in the form of microorganisms, which have unique cosmetological properties. This ointment produces an anti-inflammatory and absorbable effect, dulling pain. The therapeutic effect is based on mechanical stimulation by the crushed silicon needles of the epithelial cells of the skin, as a result of which there is vasodilation and, consequently, increased blood supply. Active blood circulation at the site of application and provides a good absorbency. These properties make "Badyagu" so popular in cosmetology and medical practice.
Apply it to the face for 10-20 minutes, lightly massaging the area of the injury. After this, the preparation is washed off with warm water. Among the features of the application it is necessary to note the increased sensitivity to the components of the preparation, and also to prevent the drug from entering the eyes.
"Hamamelis" as a homeopathic remedy against bruises
Even among homeopathic preparations there are ointment forms that contribute to the early disappearance of the bruise. With a venotonic effect, this drug helps to strengthen the vascular wall, improve microcirculation, eliminate venous stasis.
The ointment is applied to the site of the bruise twice a day, and the course of treatment is two weeks. After a month, the course of application of the ointment must be repeated. The main contraindications to the drug are hypersensitivity and violations from the coagulation system of the blood.
Activities to accelerate the recovery process
There are several simple ways that activate the recovery process after getting a bruise. So, the priority is the use of cold or ice. However, the application of cold is justified only during the first few minutes after receiving the injury and in the future is ineffective. This is due to the stopping of bleeding and the formation of blood clots in the vessels. Therefore, to accelerate the resolution of the hematoma in a later period, it is recommended to use heat in the form of a heating pad or bath. In the evening it is also recommended to apply ointment from bruises and bruises under the eyes after taking a bath, when the skin is steamed and its pores are open. As a source of heat, an ordinary hot water bottle, filled with not too hot water, also perfectly suits.
Makeup as an emergency remedy for bruising under the eye
It can happen that the appearance of a bruise under the eye is so unexpected that it is necessary to get rid of it in the shortest possible time, that is, within a few hours. Then makeup comes to the rescue.
Healthy and strong vascular wall
In order to increase the resistance of the vascular wall to the traumatic factor and to reduce hemorrhage, it is necessary to increase the number of foods containing vitamins C, K, PP in the diet that are essential for maturation and formation of collagen that forms part of the vessel wall.
And the most important thing! A good ointment from bruises is the absence of bruises. It is much easier to prevent trauma or illness than to treat it later. However, if you still can not get a bruise failed, following the above recommendations, recovery will be much faster.
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