
How to rinse nose with saline at home

Rinsing the nose with saline is a well-known and repeatedly tested remedy. The fact is that the nasal mucosa can be exposed to the infection and at the same time do not cope with its protective functions. The same applies to the presence of a person in conditions of severe dust. Foreign substances and microorganisms accumulate in the nasal cavity, coming from the surrounding space.

Accordingly, our nose, as well as other organs, needs periodic cleaning, in this case, washing, for which a salt solution is used. This procedure can be carried out, both in a medical institution and at home. In hospitals and clinics for this purpose there are special adaptations.

Washing the nose with saline at home is carried out with quite a lot of success. Someone even manages to just pour water out of the kettle into one of the nostrils and then pour it out of the mouth. Also at home, other people plug one nostril with one finger, and the other draws the brine from the bowl. Such a solution exerts a tonic effect on the mucous membrane, helping the respiratory functions, clearing the mucus from the paranasal sinuses. The brine itself is sold in pharmacies. This, for example: salin, aquamaris, dolphin, humer. You can make it home and yourself.

Saline solution at home

  • We buy sea salt.
  • We dissolve it from this calculation: a tablespoon per liter of water. Instead of boiled water, saline is suitable, which is also sold at the pharmacy. The solution (water) should be at room temperature.

Here, in principle, and the whole recipe. In this case, if you attach importance to such factors as sterility, then when choosing a solution, it is better to pay attention to the finished ones. They are probably sterile, and also some manufacturers add herbal extracts, essential oils.

In principle, you can use to prepare the solution and the usual table salt, dissolving a teaspoon of the product in a liter of water (boiled) or saline solution. In order to enhance the healing effect of such a solution, you should also dissolve in it a small amount of soda and add two, three drops of iodine.

How to rinse the nose with saline directly at home with a so-called shower for the nose? To carry out the procedure, we need the Esmarch mug, which is sometimes called "enema" in the people, since it is mainly used for enemas.

It looks like a rubber hot water bottle, but has a continuation hose with a tip and a tap. It is recommended to replace the tip, giving it the shape of an olive. In the nostril, it must enter tightly and not deeply, so that the saline solution used does not leak out.

To learn how to rinse the nose with salt solution using Esmarch's mug, read on.

  • The procedure itself is presumably done in the bathroom.
  • Disinfect Esmarch's mug and its tip.
  • Set it above the washbasin at about half a meter.
  • A half liter of the solution, which was prepared in advance, should be poured into a mug. Its temperature should be approximately the same as the normal temperature of the human body.
  • The flow rate of the solution from the hose should not be large, so you should adjust the flow rate by opening the tap. Make it slow.
  • The tip, which you previously gave the shape of the olive, you need to insert into the nostril and, tilting your head sideways, breathe with your mouth. In this case, the solution, entering one nostril, must flow through the other.

And how to rinse the nose with saline solution, if the liquid flows into the mouth?

This should not be, try to adjust the system so that the liquid does not fall into it. You should breathe freely with your mouth.

Well, how to rinse your nose with brine, you now know. After half of the solution is used, change the nostril and repeat the process. At the end of the publication, I will give some recommendations.

  • You can not blow your nose after washing your nose for at least 30 minutes.
  • To carry out such procedure of a lavage of a nose is recommended monthly throughout a week every day.

This procedure is very effective as a preventative as well as a curative. I wish you health!

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